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Monsters[edit | edit source]

Monsters are sorted here by experience points. This order is close to the order they will be encountered in the video game. Only the area of the first encounter is listed, because as your characters proceeds in the game and gain experience levels, the same monsters become easier to beat.

Bosses are listed in a separate table at the bottom of the page.

The abbreviations in the names are not explained. The following are generally assumed, but no confirmation exists:

  • B. = Blue (demon) or Black (knight)
  • D. = Death (knight)
  • F. = Flame (knight) or Flint (witch)
  • K. = Killer (knight, trick and moon)
  • N. = Neo (brain)
  • P. = Poison (moon)
  • R. = Red (demon and trick)
  • S. = Stone (witch), Silver (demon and brain)
  • V. = Violet (knight)

Monster Image HP Exp GP Spells First encountered
Hermit 18 26 12 - Ch.1-1: Lemele area
Statue 50 30 14 - Ch.1-3: Aran Castle
Demon 25 33 15 Defense2, Heal1 Ch.1-2: Rablesk area
Wyvern 22 33 15 - Ch.1-1: Lemele area
Chimera 35 35 16 MPCatcher Ch.1-3: Aran castle
Android 60 88 40 HPCatcher, Heal1 Ch.1-5: after the cave
Undead 70 88 40 Revive1, Heal1 Ch.1-4: Cave of Earth
Manrot 75 132 60 Ice1, Petrify, Heal1 Ch.2-1: Bonro area
Orc 70 136 62 - Ch.2-2: cave to Melenam
B. Demon 80 165 75 Fire1, Heal1, Defense1, Poison Attack Ch.2-2: cave to Melenam
Cocoon 80 176 80 HPCatcher, Defense1, Defense2, Laser2,
MPCatcher, Poison Attack, Heal2
Ch.4-1: Patrof area
Despair 200 220 100 Petrify, Fire Bird, Heal1 Ch.2-1: Bonro area
Trick 80 220 100 Poison Attack, Petrify, Heal1, Agility, HPCatcher Ch.1-4: Cave of Earth
Manta 80 242 100 Agility Ch.3-2: Pell area
Titan 210 264 120 - Ch.4-1: Patrof area
Sage 150 330 150 Revive2, MPCatcher, Defense2, Fire Bird, Heal2 Ch.5-1: cave of Milto
Spidek 115 330 110 Defense2, Poison Attack
(a centipede, not a spider)
Ch.4-2: Patrof dungeon
S. Witch 160 330 150 MPCatcher, Petrify, Defense1, Defense2 Ch.4-1: Patrof area
Defeat 175 440 220 Fire1, Poison Attack, Petrify, Defense2 Ch.5-2: Dowaine area
Plater 200 440 200 - Ch.6-2: cave to Beore
R. Trick 175 440 200 Fire Bird, Poison Attack, Vacuum1, HPCatcher Ch.4-2: Patrof dungeon
P. Moon 400 462 210 Petrify, MPCatcher Ch.9-2: cave of Kapel
R. Demon 120 462 210 Defense1, Fire2, Fire Bird, Blizzard2 Ch.5-2: Dowaine area
Brain 120 484 220 Laser2, Poison Attack
DROPS Life Recoveries
Ch.3-1: Eygus area
Griffin 200 484 220 Petrify, Poison Attack, Heal2, Vacuum1
(an echidna, not a griffin)
Ch.8: Bilthem castle
Mutant 250 506 230 Heal2, Petrify, Revive1, Ice1, Blizzard1 Ch.6-1: Belaine area
Soidiek 250 550 250 - Ch.7-1: Padal area
Wyrock 200 550 250 Blizzard1, Ice2, Revive1, Heal2, Petrify Ch.7-3: Baran castle
Chimere 200 660 330 MPCatcher, Defense2, HPCatcher, Heal3 Ch.9-5: Gorfun castle
K. Moon 440 660 300 Fire Ball, Fire2 Ch.9-4: Baron cave
V. Knight 320 705 320 Fire Ball, Fire2, Defense1, Heal3 Ch.9-5: Gorfun castle
B. Knight 175 771 350 Vacuum2, Defense1, Ice2, Heal2 Ch.7-1: Padal area
Doom 325 771 350 Fire Ball, MPCatcher, Fire2 Ch.9-1: Valenca area
Ghoul 200 881 400 Heal2, Revive1 Ch10-1: Pharano area
K. Trick 275 881 400 Blizzard2, Ice2, HPCatcher, Poison Attack, Heal2 Ch.6-2: Belaine castle
Reaper 650 881 400 MPCatcher, Vacuum1, Fire Ball Ch10-4: Melenam area
Flame 400 991 450 Fire Bird, Fire Ball, Fire2 Ch.7-2: Polasu area
N. Brain 400 991 450 Revive1, HPCatcher, Petrify, Heal2 Ch.9-3: Bugask area
Falock 600 1057 480 - Ch10-7: Gorfun castle
Dergun 300 1101 500 - Ch10-1: Pharano area
Dogun 350 1101 500 Heal3 Ch10-4: Melenam area
Sword 9 1101 500 Vacuum1, Defense2, Petrify, MPCatcher
DROPS Wilme's Sword
Ch.9-1: Valenca area
Unded 550 1101 500 Vacuum1, Revive1, HPCatcher, Heal2 Ch.9-4: Baron cave
F. Witch 300 1211 550 Vacuum2. Petrify Ch10-2: Pasanda area
Serpant 225 1211 550 MPCatcher, Blizzard2, Petrify, Heal2 Ch10-2: Pasanda area
Spirit 260 1255 570 Thunder1, Thunder2, Agility, Heal2 Ch10-3: Ligena area
K. Knight 370 1321 600 Defense1, Ice2, Blizzard2, Heal2 Ch10-5: Barluca area
S. Demon 300 1321 600 Defense2, Fire2, Revive1, Heal3 Ch10-6: Western cave
Undeed 350 1321 600 Revive2, MPCatcher
DROPS Life Recoveries
(Undead indeed)
Ch10-6: Western cave
F. Knight 450 1410 640 Fire Ball, Fire2 Ch10-7: Gorfun castle
Serpint 300 1476 670 Petrify, MPCatcher, Revive1 Ch10-5: Barluca area
Crab 425 1524 700 Defense2, Petrify, Ice2 Ch10-5: Barluca area
D. Knight 580 1630 740 MPCatcher, Defense2, HPCatcher, Petrify, Heal3 Ch10-7: Gorfun castle
S. Brain 400 1762 800 HPCatcher, MPCatcher, Vacuum1, Heal2 Ch.7-1: Brush area

Enemy spoils[edit | edit source]

Some enemies occasionally drop an item when defeated.

  • Many enemies in Chapter 1 drop Potions-1;
  • Chimeras in Aran Castle drop M. Herbs-1;
  • Lots of enemies throughout the game drop Opals;
  • Tricks, R. Tricks and K. Tricks always drop one jewel, most often a Topaz, but never a Opal nor a Diamond;
  • Brains in Chapter 3 and Undeeds in Chapter 10 drop Life Recoveries;
  • The Sword monster in Chapter 9 can drop several different swords, including the "sword-sword", that is the only weapon that Wilme can use.

Enemy magic[edit | edit source]

Enemy healing magic
  • Revive: enemies that can revive allies should be defeated first!
  • Heal: enemies that can heal are a nuisance, but when an enemy heals he deals no damage to you, i.e. you gain a bit of time.
  • Support: some enemies can cast a defense-up spell, but you can use a Shield Destroyer (Lejes can also cast Defense-2) or a Power spell (alternatively, use a Bottle of Power); some other enemies can cast an agility spell, and the only counter-attack is to use a Bottle of Agility on your characters to compensate (Valsu can also cast an Agility spell); luckily, no enemy can cast any attack-up spell!
Enemy Debuff spells
  • Poison: not a big deal by itself; the real nuisance is to spend 8 MP to cast a Purify spells or 80 G to buy an Antidote; if you can, ignore the status and cure poison at at a House of Healing: it only costs 1 G per character level (e.g. if your character is Level 20, the cure costs 20 G).
  • Petrify: all you've got to do is buy 8 Mirrors in Zellis (Chapter 2), and replenish your stock whenever you need so.
  • Defense 2: this can be countered with a Bottle of Protection (100 G) or a Defense-1 spell (5 MP), but it's faster to ignore it and keep fighting.
  • HP-Catcher: it is annoying in early chapters, but it can never steal more than 40 HP; a simple Potion or a Heal spell is all you need, but later on you can just ignore it.
  • MP-Catcher: this is annoying, very annoying! It steals up to 40 MP, and a M. Herb can only replenish 20; the only real protection against this spell is the Amulet, found in Chapter 8.
    • The Amulet actually protects from all these four Debuff spells (except from Poison).
Enemy Vacuum spells
  • These can be countered by Harps, that can be purchased in Chapter 7; also, in Chapter 8 you can find a Ring that makes one character (almost) immune to Vacuum; finally, all the spellcasting characters (Esuna, Valsu and Lejes) can learn the Protect spell, that shields one character from one Vacuum spell.
Enemy Elemental spells
  • There are three elements: Fire, Ice and Thunder.
    • A Cloak of Fire (Chapter 5) and a Cloak of Ice (Chapter 7) reduce damage from the same elements.
    • The F. Shield spell (Valsu and Lejes only) fully protects one character from the next damage-dealing spell.

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Sorted in the same order as they are encountered following the main plot in the game.

Image Boss Chapter HP Exp GP Spells
Romus 1.1 300 528 240 ATTACK: HPCatcher
Pison 1.2 250 264 120 -
Red Pison 2 275 2203 1000 SUPPORT: Heal2
one of
Lemele's Warriors
4 ? ? ? Gained Exp. = 63 times your level
Gained Gold = 20 times your level
Dragon 6.1 1050 2203 1000 SUPPORT: Defense1
DEBUFF: Petrify, Defense2
ATTACK: Fire Ball
another one of
Lemele's Warriors
6.2 ? ? ? Gained Exp. = 63 times your level
Gained Gold = 20 times your level
Serpent 7 2000 3084 1400 DEBUFF: Petrify, Defense2, MPCatcher
ATTACK: HPCatcher, Ice1, Blizzard
Doros 8 1700 2423 1100 SUPPORT: Heal2

ATTACK: Fire2, Fire Ball, Vacuum1

Metal Pison 9.1 2400 2203 1000 SUPPORT: Defense1 , Heal3
DEBUFF: Petrify, Defense2, MPCatcher
ATTACK: Vacuum1
Monmo 9.2 7500 4406 2000 SUPPORT: Heal2
DEBUFF: MPCatcher, Petrify
Gariso 9.3 3000 4846 2200 SUPPORT: Heal2

ATTACK: Fire Ball, Ice2, Vacuum2

Foma 10.1 1700 3745 1700 DEBUFF: MPCatcher
ATTACK: Thunder1, Thunder2
Goron 10.2 2500 6609 3000 ATTACK: Blizzard2
Griffan 10.3 3500 8812 4000 DEBUFF: Petrify
ATTACK: Vacuum2, Blizzard2
Gorsia 10.4 4000 0 0 SUPPORT: Heal2

DEBUFF: Petrify ATTACK: Fire2, Ice2, Blizzard2, Fire Ball, Vacuum1, Thunder1

Palette swaps of monsters[edit | edit source]

Monster names Sprites
B. Demon
R. Demon
S. Demon
R. Trick
K. Trick
P. Moon
S. Witch
F. Witch
N. Brain
S. Brain
K. Moon
F. Knight
V. Knight
B. Knight
K. Knight
D. Knight
R. Pison
M. Pison
Monster names Sprites