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Revision as of 14:02, 22 November 2007 by Major Tom (talk | contribs)
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Weapon Description
Baseball Bat Found on gangstas. Quick to swing and hits hard.
Nightstick Found on dead cops. Swings slower than the crowbar.
Crowbar Found especially on Pimps. Swings slower than the crowbar, but more powerful.
Knife Found on gangstas and aggressive residents of Stilwater. Good rate of attack, good damage, but lacks reach.
Weapon Description
Vice 9 Cheapest gun in the game. Fast rate of fire, but very low damage. Appears to be a Beretta model 92. Aim for the head!
NR4 More powerful than the Vice 9. Found on cops and some gangstas. Is styled on a Glock 17.
.44 Shepherd Heavy revolver with loads of stopping power. Kills most enemies with one shot, tougher enemies (gang lieutenants etc) take a couple of rounds. Only drawback is low ammo capacity.
.50 GDHC Pretty big clip, good reload time, but not as powerful as the Shepherd. Is styled on a Desert Eagle.
Gold Plated .50 A gold fifty caliber. Much more powerful and it even looks cooler. If you like your bling. Unlocked on completion of Carnales Hitman.
Weapon Description
Tombstone Standard Police-issue pump-action, eight round magazine. Good at close range.
12 Gauge This is actually a sawn-off double-barreled shotgun model, but it behaves like a more powerful version of the Tombstone. Six round magazine.
AS12 Riot Fast rate of fire, but shortest range. Is styled on a SPAS-12.
Platinum AS12 Riot
Pimp Cane Shotgun Best clip size, reload rate, and power. Best shotgun in the game.
Weapon Description
SKR 7 Spree A good sized clip. Runs out of bullets pretty fast. Is styled on a micro Uzi
T3K Urban Bigger clip than the Spree. Bullets last longer. Better gun than the Spree. Is styled on a Tec-9.
Platinum T3K Platinum T3K
Weapon Description
K6 Krukov Automatic Weapon. Pretty good damage. Is styled on an AK-47
McManus Sniper rifle, use as such. Not good for close combat. Aim for the head.
MAR-40 Xtn MAR is very powerful. Has a large clip, best rifle. Is styled on an M-4 Carbine.
Weapon Description
Pipe Bombs Thrown Explosive. Less powerful than grenades.
Molotov Cocktails Extremely dangerous to your health. Fire spreads rapidly, hurting you too.
Hand Grenades Best thrown explosive. Best damage, and easier to aim with.
RPG Launches explosives amazing distances. Best for taking out groups of people and vehicles. Is styled on an RPG-7.