Legend of Mana/A Siren's Song

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Go to Lumina, and reach the area behind the tavern. There are many soldiers here, looking for the lampshop. They think that Monique was responsible for the Imperial Ship sinking. Then the mission will officially start. Go to the lampshop. A soldier will tell you that Monique isn't there.

Head to Polpota Harbor, and go to the harbor, where Inspector Boyd was before. You’ll meet Monique here. Some soldiers will try to kidnap Monique, but the captain will inform them that a siren was already been found, letting Monique go. Go across the Waterfront Mall and reach the bay. You’ll see some soldiers talking about a Siren being trapped in by a Boink. If you talk to Thoma in the northern part, you'll see him try to set his friends' spirits to rest.

Exit Polpota Harbor and head to Madora Beach. During the mission “Summer Lovin’”, there was in fact a Boink blocking the path to the left. Go there. This time, you'll hear singing, and the Boink will move out of your way. Proceed to the left to reach the Birdcage Lighthouse. Here you’ll see Monique and Elle talking. When you can move, go to the left and get the Angry Eye from the chest. If you try to enter the cage, Flameshe will stop you. You must therefore go around her. Walk to the right, as if you were leaving, and Flameshe will vanish in a bubble. Run back and through the gate before she reappears. Before doing this however, prepare well, because once inside you will immediately face the boss of this mission, Tropicallo.

It is advisable to face this battle only when you have good equipment and a high level of experience or this boss could be excessively difficult to defeat. The boss consists of two vines that hang from the ceiling and which can attack you in various ways. The one on the left will release an enemy with a lot of life energy, which you will have to defeat. However, the most dangerous is by far the one on the right. When you attack it, a pod will fall to the ground. When this happens, move away immediately, because a few seconds later it will explode, causing devastating damage, which can even kill you in one hit if your level is not very high. Luckily, this will also damage the boss itself. A good strategy to win relatively easily is to stay in the bottom left corner, attacking the boss (and the creatures it releases) from a distance with a bow and your spells. Here you will in fact be safe from its most powerful attacks. Another very useful thing is to bring an NPC and one of your pets with you, who can do some of the work. If you follow this strategy the battle won't be very difficult, but it will still be quite long. Carefully avoid the boss's attacks until you defeat it.

After the battle, Elle will finally be free to come and go as she wants and the mission will end. There is no real reward for this mission, but on the left there is a chest with a Mirror Piece that you can collect by returning here later. Furthermore, from this moment you can have Elle available as an NPC, by returning to this place and asking her to come with you.