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  • Stage: Golden Passage
  • Location: Golden Pyramid
  • Time: (Normal/Hard/Super Hard) 9:30/6:00/3:30

You have made all the way so far and gained access to the Golden Pyramid in the center. What is waiting for you inside?

Normal Version[edit]

Because it is the last stage.
  • Intro: The good news: you start this stage with full life. The bad news: the first thing of entering this stage is to step on the Frog Switch right below the warphole. Hurry up!
  • Room 1: Now you must explore the long corridor in a hurry. Beware of the shaking chandeliers, they will fall off and inflict Fire Wario and you have no choice but to fall off the corridor, drop into the sewer and be washed to the left end. Move carefully, especially on small platforms which will collapse. You can find two Big Diamonds before reaching the other end of corridor.
  • Room 2: There is an Ice Yeti. You can take him out for coins, or, if you feel low on time, break the blocks on the right and let him blow you through the spikes and take a shortcut. You can also break another line of blocks above the spikes to proceed. Then you will come to a large pool. Dive to bottom and dodge the first bubble you meet, then use the second bubble to become Bubble Wario and move up, getting a Big Diamond and reach the upper right exit. Before leaving, move to the left from exit and find the first Stone Chest in a small room above the water flows.
  • Room 3: You will encounter three Malletapes. Dodge them first and run to the right, then let them smash you into Spring Wario. Now move right and drop off the ledge, and you will land on a platform in the sewer, with second Stone Chest and a pipe to return above. Simply launch yourself on the platform and you will return to Room 3, hit the ceiling for a Big Diamond, and be able to proceed. You can ignore the Stone Chest now since you can return later.
  • Room 4: Three sets of Axe Killer and Skeleton Bird on the bridges, with two Big Diamonds above the latter bridges. Below the bridges are Piranhas in the water, in three groups with two each. If you have time, you can fall off the bridge with help of Skeleton Bird, and take out the Piranhas for more points. Otherwise, leave from the right end.
  • Room 5: Run to the right of first Apple Ape, and let him feed you, then stomp through the middle row of second piles of blocks, to get a Big Diamond below. In the next tunnel there will be snow piles. Take any of them and walk to the slope to start rolling, and you will break a block with a Big Diamond behind, fall onto another platform in the sewer, and return to the area below the Apple Apes. Otherwise, dodge the snow piles and run to the right end. You shall now get Bat Wario and move to the ceiling. The third Stone Chest is on the left and the exit is on the right.
  • Room 6: First, go down the ladder, break the blocks on the right and hit the red switch. Second, return upstairs and roll down the newly-made slope, break the block with old man, land on the square block at the end, and return left for the fourth Stone Chest. Third, break a block and fall into the water flow and return to the left, return to the red switch, pick up the old man, bring to the right and throw him to lower the square block. Finally, roll down the red slope, go over the square block, and jump ofer two large gaps to grab a Big Diamond and reach the Key Ghost. Now jump in the water flow, return to the ladder, break the wall on the left, grab the very last Big Diamond and be washed away.
  • Sewer: All you need to do is to return to far left end, return above with the pipe and escape. Do not forget the second Stone Chest if you skipped it before.

High Score: 12860

Hard and Super Hard Versions[edit]

The only difference other than timer being lessened is that you start this stage with only 4 HP. Otherwise, the layout is exactly the same as it is on Normal.

High Score: 12510