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Note: This mission set is takes place after the American "D-Day" mission set chronologically, and therefore if you play the game linearly (not starting any mission from the Mission Select menu), you will be presented with "D-Day" right after finishing "Rommel's Last Stand", then go back to this set after that one is complete. However, since this is a British mission, it was listed directly under "Rommel's Last Stand".

Prisoners Of War

  • Caumont
  • 11 June 1944
  • Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Same ol' squad, but different landscapes.

As this mission starts, MacGregor will lead a squad of troops down another path. Follow the others until you can see some German sentries walking around in the distance. You can get their attention one of two ways: you may fire at one of them or get near them. Either way, you'll start a battle; use the low walls as cover as you mow down the incoming Germans. You'll do this with a new weapon, the Sten submachine gun, which is weaker than the Thompson but is more accurate and holds more rounds per clip.

Get to the second floor of this house.

After the battle, go through the hedges and shoot the Germans in the house. An artillery barrage will start any time now, and you should get into the center house once it does. You'll next be treated to an unrelenting MG-42, but MacGregor's squad will come to save the day and take it out. Once the smoke clears get out into the open and get to the second floor of the partly demolished building.

File:COD2 Prisoners of War Mortar Crew
This duty will take awhile to complete.

Kill the few Jerries up here, then use your rifle to kill the mortar crew down there and the large wave of enemies that come to the spot. This isn't easy, due to the fact that you'll get shot every time you try to aim on someone, but if you take cover often you won't die. When you're done, get back down and go through this house. Turn right and then left at the end of the alley, and the second mortar crew's hideout will be visible. Grenade the entrance and mow down anyone that comes out; then fight your way into the backyard of this house, where the mortar is. Pick up the two smoke grenades here if you've used some.

Hitler trains'em tough--enemies will crawl and shoot you with pistols once they're mortally wounded.

Don't follow the others out of the house just yet; instead, go upstairs and perch in the window facing west. There's quite an army of enemies in the area, and you can easily spend five minutes here picking them off. Also, be sure to take out the MG-42. When you think you're ready, go down and jump over all the low walls, taking out any Germans you missed; then continue out onto the street at the end of the map. Your destination here is the house on the southern end of this street, but first go into the second house from the end (use smoke if you can't bypass the MG-42 or can't shoot the gunner) and clear that one out. Then, go through this house's side entrance and enter the last house by the garage. Now, wait until Captain Price gets here and kicks the door open; you'll be faced with two surrendering Germans and some wounded Americans. Don't shoot/bunt/throw grenade at any of these men, as they'll result in instant mission failure.

How fortunate--a lorry ripe for the jacking.

Thought you were done, didn't you? Well, the Yanks need to be transported out, so you'll need a truck. Follow MacGregor out, and just keep on his tail until you see some soldiers coming out of the hedges next to the house with the mortars in the backyard. Take care of them, and you'll also notice some Germans springing up here and there; do the same to them. If you lose MacGregor at any time, simply backtrack to the VERY beginning of this mission and go a bit further (a section of the map opens up at this time). Although he knows a shortcut, you won't lose much time. When you get to the truck, hop onto the back and ignore the Panzerschreck for now; shortly after the private starts driving, a small counterattack will begin, and you should be able to dispatch these guys pretty quick with a spray of a submachine gun. Try to kill as many of these guys as possible, because they'll shoot at you later when you're busy if you don't.

Give him a taste of this baby.

A short while later, an enemy tank emerges out of those hedges you passed earlier. You might be spelling "doom" in your mind, but don't give up just yet--you have a way to take it out. Remember that Panzerschreck you didn't pick up? Now pick it up, and shoot the tank three times with it to destroy it. Ammo isn't a problem here, as you'll automatically be given more if you run out, but time is. If you don't kill this guy quickly enough, you'll be blown to bits. Once the tank's history, just ride a bit more until you get to the prisoners and the mission ends.

The Crossroads

  • Anctoville
  • 12 June 1944
  • Difficulty: 7 out of 10

The Tiger

  • St. Louet
  • 12 June 1944
  • Difficulty: 8 out of 10

The Brigade Box

  • Amaye Sur Seulles
  • 14 June 1944
  • Difficulty: 9 out of 10