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Crescent Moon Village is set in a haunted town-type of terrain. Some people consider this level to be easier than Arabian Night, the following level in the Sapphire Passage.

Level Walkthrough

Normal and Hard Version

When you start the level, you will see two flying creatures that shoot green orbs at you. Get hit by one (Don't worry, they won't hurt you). You will be transformed into a zombie. Jump on the ground platform and you will fall through. Once you fall and collect all the gems, you will be in the water. Swim down while dodging the fish and the bubbles, then head back up to the pipe. Now dodge the flying creatures while climbing up the platforms. If you get hit by the green orbs again, just touch a lamp and you will turn back to normal. Once inside the top area, dodge the guy with the butcher's knife and break any blocks in your path. Head up the ladder, collect the gems, and dodge the two other enemies while trying to reach the door. Once outside, you will see a giant phantom thing floating around. It won't hurt you, but it will steal any gems that you get from destroying enemies. Just a bit further, you will see a black spiny thing. You can't flip this one over like the red ones from just slamming. You have to do a super slam from a higher place to dislodge them. Head on and ignore the big gem floating above you. Once near the door on the right, you will see a green switch. Once hitting it, head back and get the big gem, then go in the right door. Inside, you will see a bat flying around. Dodge it for now, then break the small blocks above you with your head. In the upper area, go left and roll down the small hill, then jump over the gap to roll into the little brown blocks. Climb up the ladder, then get hit by the bat. You will turn into a bat and will be able to fly. Dodge the lights and go past the door into the smaller area all the way to the left. If you do get hit by a lamp, just go back to the bat and get hit again. In the small upper area, get hit by the lamp above the ledge. Slam the ground beneath you to break it. Keep slamming until you reach a door. Go inside and break the two blocks to your left. Then, jump and slam the upper wall. It will break leading to a room with a rock. Throw it up at the brown block above you. Then, go up the ladder and crawl through the gap into the other gap. Inside is the First Treasure Chest. Once you get it, leave the room and ground slam to you left. It will break, leading you to the little hill. Head through that area again until you reach the top floor. Go in and turn into a bat again. Fly to the door. Once outside, you will see the phantom thief again. Keep going right until you see the big gem. Jump and get it and head down to the next area. Break the brown blocks to give yourself enough running room to break the blue block. Once past, break all the other brown blocks and grab the CD from the CD Treasure Chest. Then, head left until you reach a small slope. Go down it and keep rolling. Eventually, you will reach the Second Treasure Chest. Roll all the way back and you will reach a bonus pipe. Inside, you will see a green bird thing that spits out orbs and two flying creatures. Get hit by one and jump on the platform above the green bird thing. Grab one of it's spit orbs and head back to the Flying Creature Side. Dodge their green orbs and chuck the piece of spit at the small brown blocks to reach the big gem. Once you get it, head up the pipe and crawl your way back to the right door. Go inside and dodge the Butcher's Knife guy. Go up the stairs and head left. Jump and hit the block and the pink blocks on the slope will become a slope . Slide down and dodge the ledges so that you run into the brown blocks while rolling. In there will be the Third Treasure Chest. Head down to where the other pink blocks were and slide down that. In there you will reach the door. Go back outside and you will see the phantom again. Keep heading right until you reach a bunch of boxes. Break through them and head towards the bonus pipe. Inside will be the old man, a brown block, and a bunch of spiny guys. Throw the old man up so that he hits the brown block, causing it to break. Then, crawl into the small area and all the spiny guys will try to charge at you, but fall into the water and die. Grab all the stuff they leave behind and leave. Once outside, head right until you reach a pit with a bunch of gems going in. Head down and you will land in the water. Once in the water, head left, dodging the things that jump up at you and the currents. Onces at the end, head down into the current instead of up. You will be carried into a back room with the Final Treasure Chest. Go up the pipe and head right until you reach the door. Inside, turn into a bat and ignore the Frog-Switch. You will have 4 minutes to get back to the warp. Grab the big gem, hit the switch, then grab the key at the top by turning back into a bat. Once outside, you will find out that the phantom will try to steal your key. If he does, just steal it back. Head back into the far left door, through the room, and out the other door. Once outside, roll back but stop before you reach the treasure room. Head up the platforms, and go to the door. All you need to do now is head back as fast as you can, but while collecting things you missed and making sure you don't lose your key to the phantom.

Very Hard Version

At the stairs at the beginning, there will be a ton of Butcher's Knife enemies on every platform, which can be very difficult because you only have one heart. But if you go down through the first platform, you can get a total of 4 hearts. In every room, there will be twice as many enemies. Outside, all of the red spiny things will be black except for one or two of them. You will only have 2 Minutes to return to the warp.