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Planet Earth in 2112 A.D.
Mainland locations
(North America)
Remote locations
Main time gates (two-ways) Village of Pirate's Harbour
Time landmark
Dungeon in Greenland
Two time gates (one-way)
Planet X (towne Basko, castle Barataria)
Mercury (dungeon)
Mars (towne Mary)
Jupiter (village, tower, dungeon)
Uranus (New Jester village)
Neptune (Computer Camp village)
Pluto (towne Makler, Tommersville village, dungeon)

All the clues so far

The following table summarizes all the clues collected so far.

Character Location Clue
Bishop Bob 1423 B.C., Lord British's castle Confess to Brother Antos!
Brother Antos 1423 B.C., Lord British's castle Search the stars for my kin!
Brother Antos 1990 A.D., Lord British's castle Have you found my father?
The sightless sage 1990 A.D., Port Bonifice Find the father, earn the ring!
An astronaut Pangea age, Baradin's Town Father Antos lives on 'X'.
An astronaut Pangea age, Baradin's Town There is a planet 'X'.
A philosopher Pangea age, Baradin's Town She's got to be at 9-9-9!

Pirates Harbor

Pirates harbor is the only settlement on Earth in 2112 A.D. In order to get to the space rockets you can use some strategy. If you slain the village idiot and then run for a rocket, a dozen guards will get on you before you can flee.

Instead, [U]nlock the harbor door, slain Red the pirate, then get onboard a ship. The cannons are stronger than any other weapon, and they can defeat the guards easily. Furthermore, using the ship you can get to the islet for some (rather useless) equipment, then you can do two things: (1) exit the harbor by ship and explore the Earth; (2) get onboard a rocket and explore the solar system. You can actually do both, in this order.

The "amusing" guard is in the south-west corner of the Red Square.

  • NOTE: Despite what the manual says, a galaxy is very different from a solar system. A galaxy is made of millions of stars, possibly millions of planetary sytems, and hundreds of nebulae.
Character Location Line
Waren Beatty Center, near Red Square Flavor text: "Have you seen Diane Keaton?"
(Reference to the movie "Reds", set in Russia)
Chuckles the Bumble North-west, in front of airport door Flavor text: "Can I look yet, is it over?"
The village idiot North-west, in front of spaceport door Hint: "Offer the hotel clerk gold!"
Red the pirate North-west, behind locked harbor door Flavor text: "I've a broken Ultima III, want one?"

Planet X

Planet X.

Try and land between the castle and the town.

The map is centered on the ocean, because the best way to explore the planet is by sea. In fact, if you travel by ship you consume no food.

Towne Basko

In Towne Basko you can get confirmation that Father Antos is near. Furthermore, you can use two keys, get a frigate, and explore all of the planet.

There are several "amusing" guards in town: two at the south gate and one at the west gate. Furthermore, there is a hostile thief that will attack you coming from the north-west corner.

Character Location Line
A wimpy warrior North-west, weapons shop Hint: "Antos is on 'X'!"
An experienced warrior North-west, weapons shop Hint: "Find Antos, earn the ring!"
Kieth Zabalaoui South-west, pub entrance Flavor text: "I've never done this before!"
Ugly Irving South-west, pub entrance Flavor text: "No mages allowed!"

Castle Barataria

Enter the castle and go straight north to the throne room. Talk to King Ozymandias to improve your health points, then talk to Queen Susan. Use a key to open any one door behind the throne. Go west/left to Queen Susan's room, use a second key and cross the jail; cross a swampy room, then continue south to the chapel. In the chapel you can finally meet Father Antos.

The "amusing" guard is straight west from the throne, near the jail.

Character Location Line
Queen Susan North, throne room Hint: "Father Antos awaits you!"
Justin the jailer West, south of the prison Flavor text: "I wouldn't go in there!"
Father Antos South-west, chapel Event unlock: "You have earned my blessing. Return and claim the ring!"
Sing Lee the cook South-west, kitchen Flavor text: "Kitchen closed, come back later!"


The Xeno-Yako-Zabo (xn,yk,zb) coordinates are an alien reference system centered outside the solar system with the three axis that cross it diagonally. The following table shows "real" coordinates, obtained with geometric calculations.

Planet xn yk zb X Y Z Orbit radius
Sun 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
Earth 6 6 6 2 0 0 2
Planet X 9 9 9 5 0 0 5
Optional planets
Mercury 5 4 5 0.67 0.71 -0.41 1.1
Venus 3 3 4 -0.67 0 -0.81 1.1
Mars 6 2 3 -0.33 2.83 0.82 2.9
Jupiter 1 3 4 -1.33 -1.41 -1.63 2.5
Saturn 2 8 5 1 -4.24 0 4.4
Uranus 9 4 6 2.33 3.54 0.41 4.3
Neptune 4 0 5 -1 2.83 -2.45 3.9
Pluto 0 1 4 -2.33 -0.71 -2.86 3.8

Sun, Venus, Saturn

In-game map of Venus
In-game map of Saturn

The manual already states that there is no life on these three planets. Furthermore, if you fly into the sun, you will die instantly.

Venus is mostly covered in swamps, and it features two separate seas. Saturn consists of a large, grassy continent.


In-game map of Mercury

This planet is covered by a large ocean. There are just two grassy areas where the space rocket can land. There is a dungeon on this planet.

Mars, Uranus, Neptune

Each of these three planets features just one town or village, but all the characters only give flavor text.

  • Mars: Towne Mary
  • Uranus: village of New Jester
  • Neptune: village of Computer Camp
In-game map of Mars

Mars is a rocky planet, made of mountains and narrow channels. Try and land near the only noteworthy feature: Towne Mary.

In-game map of Uranus

Uranus is a green planet, full of forests and swamps. There is a time signpost and a village, called New Jester. The jesters in town will swarm you, therefore make sure you have some strange coins in order to block them and get away. There are no guards in town, only jesters. If you attack one jester, all of them will attack back.

In-game map of Neptune

Neptune is a huge grassland. Try and land near the only noteworthy feature: the village called Computer Camp. Guards are replaced by fighters here.


In-game map of Jupiter

Jupiter is the richest planet in the solar system. It features all types of terrain, but this actually creates some difficulty when landing. The planet is divided in two continents: the largest one hosts a village and a dungeon, the smaller one hosts the last of Minax's towers.

In Jupiter the Stranger can meet Dupre for the first time in the Ultima series.


C64 map of Pluto
  • Towne Makler
  • Village of Tommersville
  • Dungeon

Some information can be obtained in Towne Makler, but it is anyway already learned from other sources.

In the C64 port of the game, the village of Tommersville is not featured. The reason is that the village references heavily the magazine Softalk, that is about the Apple II.

Time travel

Back in 1990 A.D.

At least two characters said that after finding Father Antos, you can get a ring. The Oracle gave you further information about such ring.

After obtaining the blessing of Father Antos, it's time to claim the ring. Get back on the airplane and drive into the Time Gate in North-West America. You will emerge in 1990 A.D., in South America. Fly to New San Antonio. The "old man under a tree" is in the north portion of town. Offer him 500 Gold coins and he will give you the Magic Ring.

To the Time of Legends

You now have the final item, and you can challenge Minax. The Time Gate in 1990 A.D. in Australia leads straight to the Time of Legends.