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Apple II
The logo for Apple II.
The console image for Apple II.
Total Games349 (157 present)
← (none) Apple IIGS →
For the GS model, see Category:Apple IIGS.

The Apple II (often rendered or written as Apple ][ or Apple //) was the first highly successful mass produced microcomputer product manufactured by Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) and introduced in 1977. It was among the first home computers on the market, and became one of the most recognizable and successful.

In terms of ease of use, features and expandability the Apple II was a major technological advancement over its predecessor, the Apple I, a limited production bare circuit board computer for electronics hobbyists which pioneered many features that made the Apple II a commercial success. Introduced at the West Coast Computer Faire in 1977, the Apple II was among the first successful personal computers and responsible for launching the Apple company into a successful business.

Throughout the years a number of different models were introduced and sold, with the most popular model manufactured having relatively minor changes even into the 1990s. By the end of its production in 1993, somewhere between five and six million Apple II series computers (including approximately 1.25 million Apple IIGS models) had been produced.

Pages in category "Apple II"

The following 157 pages are in this category, out of 157 total.