The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass/Getting the Sun Key

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The Northwestern Sea[edit]

Head to Bannan Island.

Bannan Island[edit]

Head up and right. Enter the cave near the bridge. Head north and break the cracked wall with a bomb. Run through the rest of the cave, killing two Keese along the way. The cheery man at the desk is Salvatore, who runs the Cannon Game. See the sidequests section for how to play. Once you're done here, leave Bannan Island.

The Northwestern Sea[edit]

Now's as good a time as any to try out that Cyclone Slate. Pull it out and draw the shape corresponding to the frog between Mercay and Ember islands. Remember, all shapes have to be drawn in one stroke. Go to the Isle of Ember.

The Isle of Ember[edit]

Go to Astrid's house and have her tell your fortune. She'll give you a Wisdom Gem.

The Southwestern Sea[edit]

Head to Mercay Island.

Mercay Island[edit]

The shipyard's open. If you've found some ship parts, you can swap them out here. Also, open the chest for a random ship part. For more on your ship, see the ship section of this guide. Go to Oshus' house and talk to him for a Power Gem. Follow the path to the Temple of the Ocean King. Remember the cracked wall we passed by earlier? Bomb it open and enter the cave. Kill the rats inside and jump across the ledges to get to a chest with a Power Gem. Exit the cave and enter the Temple of the Ocean King. Run up to the door and go in again.

Temple of the Ocean King[edit]

Floor 1[edit]

Run straight up into the stairs.

Floor B1[edit]

When the coast is clear, run right and up to the locked door. To the left of the door are three bombable blocks. Destroy them and hit the switch. If a Phantom is too close to make a run for the key, break a red jar and hide. Grab the key and run to the locked door. Go down the stairs.

Floor B2[edit]

Avoiding the Phantom's line of sight, hit the two switches to drop the key. Retreat to the safe zone, dropping a bomb at the cracked wall in the southeast corner while you're at it. The bomb will grab the Phantom's attention, which is why you're retreating to the safe zone. Once the lower Phantom begins to move away from the eastern side of the room, run down through the newly formed hole in the wall. Step on the switch and use the boomerang to grab the key. Move down and left to the blue blocks in the corridor when the lower Phantom has passed by them. Hit the switch in the alcove to lower the red blocks and head to the locked door. Unlock it and head down the stairs.

Floor B3[edit]

As soon as you enter, run right and up at the intersection. Break the yellow pot for an extra 30 seconds on the Phantom Hourglass, then head left to get the first Force Gem. Wait for the Phantoms to turn away from the central intersection, then run for the pedestals. While you're up there, equip your bombs and head right. Destroy the bombable blocks and get the yellow jar for 30 more seconds. Chill in the pedestal safe area until the Phantoms pass the intersection and the key-bearer passes by the entrance to the pedestals. Equip your shovel and run all the way south. In the southeast corner, there's a covered wind vent. Dig it up and quickly ride it up. Break the red jar and wait for the Phantom to pass over one of the trapdoors and drop it through one. Grab the key, unlock the door to the southwest, and get the second Force Gem to the pedestals. Then grab the third gem in the southeast corner of the room and unlock the door. Go through. Head left to get another yellow jar. Go back to the Door of Wisdom and tap the door to continue. Go through the door and down the stairs.

Floor B4[edit]

In this room there is a new foe: the Phantom Eye. They can't do any damage directly, but they can summon more phantoms and also can attach to you, impeding your movement. You must stun then with your boomerang or hit them with a bomb to kill them. First, run right and down to the safe zone. Head south to a wind statue that prevents you from proceeding. Equip the boomerang and hit the switch on the other side of the wind statue. Then hit the Phantom eye with the boomerang and hit it with your sword before it recovers. Then, use your boomerang to break the yellow jar in the corner and nab 30 more seconds. Retreat to the safe zone and wait for the Phantom to reach the northeast corner in its square patrol. Run south, west, north, and west. Wait for the Phantom eye to travel the east-west portion of its patrol, and hit it with a boomerang. Curve its path around the bend to prevent it seeing you. Make sure you don't get spotted by the Phantom in the meantime. Run east and break the red jar. Wait for the Phantom Eye to start going south, then run to the middle safe zone. From this safe zone, hit the Phantom eye with the boomerang once it starts going back north. Kill it and equip the shovel. A treasure chest will have spawned, which we'll get to later. Run south and dig up the vent. Ride it up and hit the switch to disable the wind statues.

Avoiding the phantom, make your way to the eastern safe zone where the chest is. Open it for a Power Gem. Wait for the Phantom to reach the northwest corner, then run straight west. Past one of the wind statues is a cracked wall. Bomb it open and hit the switch inside. Go to the spikes that just retracted and get the key from the safe zone inside. Unlock the southern door and go down the stairs.

Floor B5[edit]

Run left when the spikes retract. Hit the switch to the left with your boomerang when the spikes retract. Run to the right and enter a room with a yellow pot. Break it and go back all the way to the left. Head north and kill all 4 yellow ChuChus that appear. Get the yellow pot from behind the spikes that retract. Head east. Kill the 4 Miniblins and get the yellow pot from behind the spikes. Head north and hit the switch to your right with the boomerang. Open the chest for a red potion, which will restore 6 hearts if you drink it. Access it from the items menu. Run left when the wind stops blowing and head down the stairs.

Floor B6[edit]

This is the last floor for now. Wait for the Phantom eye to your right to move up and run to the safe zone it's circling. Kill it with a boomerang/sword combo. Read the tablet in the safe zone, which mentions being the second tablet governing the crest. Mark this area with a 2 on your map. Run south to the next one to learn that there are four tablets that govern the crest. Run to the southeast corner, where there's a switch. Hit the switch and run to the safe zone that's revealed. Read the tablet, which is number 4. Mark it. Hit the floor switch to your left to close one of the wind vents. When the coast is clear, run back to the safe area of the stairs you used to enter the room. Run all the way to the northwest corner and break the red jar. Equip your shovel and dig up the vent. Then drop a bomb in the vent right when the vent turns off. It will turn on in time to destroy the blocks. Ride up the vent to a switch. Hit this switch and go to the safe area that's revealed. The tablet says the crest begins and ends with it. Mark it as 1.

When it's safe, run to the middle left safe area. Whatever you do, don't read this tablet, or you'll spawn two more Phantom Eyes that you'll have to kill. When the coast is clear, run counterclockwise around this safe area to a switch that disables the wind statue. Drop a bomb in front of the lower safe area to destroy the blocks. This safe area holds the third governing tablet. Mark it. Hit the switch to your right to disable the wind statue to your right. Killing all of the Phantom eyes will retract spikes in the west, letting you get a yellow jar. Run to the door in the middle of the room. Tap the door to be prompted to draw the crest. Look at your map and see that if you draw a line from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and back to 1, you get a basic hourglass shape. Draw this in one stroke to open the door. Go through the door and approach the door at the top. The game instructs you to place the sea chart against the crest and shows you a mirror image of the Southwestern Sea chart. So pull up the Southwestern Sea chart and close your DS. Open it again, and the crest will have been transferred. Ciela will recommend talking to Linebeck about this, as the next crest appears to be in the middle of the ocean. Go outside with the blue portal.

Mercay Island[edit]

Run back to the village. The treasure teller's shop, the one to your right as you enter, is now open. The treasure teller will give you varying amounts of rupees for the treasures you've been collecting. Which treasure fetches which price will vary from game to game, but the prices will vary from 50 to 1500 rupees. Sell off everything you've got. You can sell spare ship parts, too. Once you're done, head over to Linebeck's ship. The mailbox nearby will be bouncing, as Eddo is announcing the creation of the Salvage Arm. The guy in a green shirt will ask you if you have a Salvage Arm yet. Even though you don't, say yes and he'll sell you a treasure map for 50 rupees. Sail away after talking to Linebeck.

The Southwestern Sea[edit]

Sail to Cannon Island.

Cannon Island[edit]

Go into the workshop and speak with Eddo. After he prompts you to "SHOUT WITH SOME GUSTO!", you have to either actually yell into the microphone or simply blow into it. Either way, you should get Eddo's minimum price of 200 rupees. Buy the arm and leave the island.

The Southwestern Sea[edit]

The Salvage arm lets you retrieve things from the bottom of the ocean in the form of a minigame. Salvage spots are marked by the Xs on the sea chart. As you collect more treasure maps, more Xs appear. Once you've sailed onto an X, select salvage from the menu and begin the minigame. The minigame is controlled by a slider on the bottom. Sliding the slider left and right moves the arm left and right. Sliding the slider up and down changes the speed at which the crane descends. Be careful, as mines litter the sea. If you hit a mine or a rock, the arm takes one point of damage. If five points of damage are taken, the arm becomes unusable and you have to head back to the shipyard on Mercay to fix it. The point is to get the arm down to the floor and latch onto the chest. Then, you have to bring the arm back up, avoiding hazards. Watch out for underwater current that will force the arm one way or the other. You can pull up all sorts of things - ship parts, treasure, or even some Sand of Hours.

Head to the crest on the map. So what's so interesting about this place? Nothing on the surface - you're going to have to salvage something here. So salvage! You'll get the Sun Key, which is the same shape as that odd crest on the door in the cave on Molida Island. So go to Molida Island!