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Box artwork for Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Box artwork for Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Developer(s)Westwood Studios
Publisher(s)Virgin Interactive
Year released1996
System(s)DOS, Windows, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable
Expansion pack(s)Counterstrike
The Aftermath
Preceded byCommand & Conquer
Followed byCommand & Conquer: Red Alert 2
SeriesCommand & Conquer
Rating(s)ESRB Teen
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Originally designed as an expansion pack for Command & Conquer, Command & Conquer: Red Alert became a full game in its own right when the developers realised that they had created something quite different. The game took the story away from the battle between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod, instead using a time travel narrative to create a new conflict between the Allies and Soviets.

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