Halflings are small creatures, not really suited for warfare. They can, however, marshal considerable resources when needs demand and they often turn out to be more hardy than their appearance would suggest.
Tactical Overview[edit | edit source]
Halflings are deceptively strong. Their high defense and lucky bonus makes them much harder to kill than you'd expect and their farmers allow them to maintain larger armies without compromising production. Once you get elite slingers, you can whittle down even very strong opponents before they ever get to you.
A worthwhile strategy is also to use your halfling cities as food production centers and use conquered cities of other races to produce masses of top-tier units.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
All units have -1 melee strength (to a minimum of 1), +1 defense, +2 resistance. They also have the lucky ability. Swordsmen units have 8 figures, rather than 6.
Halfling farmers produces one extra food, for a total of 3 per farmer.
Normal Units[edit | edit source]
Halfling cities can build Spearmen, Swordsmen, Bowmen and Shamans.
They cannot build Halberdiers, Cavalry, Priests, Magicians, Engineers, Catapults and Galleys.
Special Units[edit | edit source]
Halfling Cities can build Slingers, a strong ranged unit.
Name | Cost | No. of figures | Upkeep | Melee Attack | Ranged Attack | Defense | Resistance | Movement | Hit Points | Specials |
Slingers | 100 | 8 | ? | 1 | Missile 2 (6 ammo) | 2 | 8 | 1 | 1 | Lucky |
Buildings[edit | edit source]
Halfling cities cannot build Armorer's Guild, Stables and University.