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Click here for more information about Akuma's other fighting game appearances.

Akuma (Gouki (豪鬼?) in Japan) originally appeared in Super Street Fighter II Turbo as a secret character and hidden boss. He has red hair, wears prayer beads around his neck, and wears a black gi (occasionally displayed as blue in artwork). The kanji 'ten' (天) - meaning "sky", "heaven", or "providence" - can be seen on his back when it appears during certain win animations. Capcom had stated that the symbol on his back meant "immortal" for Akuma even though there are many different translations.

Akuma has the same moves as Ryu and Ken, only much faster and more damaging. To compensate for these advantages, Akuma is usually saddled with extremely low stamina. Unlike every other world warrior, Akuma has no Super Meter in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, and therefore, no access to super moves.

Capcom USA initially claimed Akuma was possessed by a demon, but this was a fabrication of the American branch, and is not series canon. The character's name change from Gouki to Akuma (the Japanese and American names, respectively) reflects Capcom USA's attempt to accentuate the demonic nature (the word Akuma (悪魔?) means demon in Japanese).

Background[edit | edit source]

Akuma and his brother Gouken were students of Goutetsu. Goutetsu taught a life-threatening killing art, which incorporates elements of karate, judo, and kempo. He also taught Shun Goku Satsu (literally Instant Hell Murder or The Raging Demon), a death technique which, although incredibly powerful, puts the user in considerable danger.

As the brothers progressed under Goutetsu's tutelage, a dispute arose on the true nature of their style and the path to master it. Gouken, unable to accept the violent nature of the style, left Goutetsu to begin his own dojo. Akuma continued Goutetsu's teachings and vowed to use the style as it was intended.

In order to learn Shun Goku Satsu, Akuma embraced the principle of Satsui no Hadou or (The Surge of the Intent to Murder/Murderous Intent). Through Satsui no Hadou, Akuma was forced to give up any compassion he held towards other human beings. In addition, Akuma realized his limits as a martial artist could be expanded, and left Goutetsu's guidance to train alone on the isles of Samoa.

His return marked the end for Goutetsu - Akuma demonstrated his strength by killing his former master with Shun Goku Satsu. Goutetsu fell with an inner joy, realizing his pupil was attempting to master their style. Akuma removed the beaded necklace from Goutetsu's neck and placed it around his own. The following day Akuma challenged and fought his brother. With Gouken gaining the upper hand, Akuma was eventually struck down. Akuma requested death in defeat, however his brother had no intention to. Akuma, sensing weakness, mocked Gouken and struck with Shun Goku Satsu. The dojo was filled with a burst of white light and Gouken was killed. Ken saw the flash as he was returning from the U.S. Martial Arts tournament. Rushing to the dojo to find it in shambles and his master dead, an enraged Ken ran into the surrounding woods searching for the killer. Akuma easily defeated Ken and disappeared. Gouken's other student Ryu soon learned of his master's death and began to search for Akuma…

Akuma fights only to test his strength and his opponent's. This means that he will only fight opponents that will provide a challenge, hence his refusal to fight unworthy challengers under any circumstances. Akuma will only kill opponents who are as strong as he, which is why he stopped his fight with Gen after realizing that he was ill. While Akuma killed his brother and his teacher, he did so in the confines of the code of the warrior, where the field of battle does not distinguish between friend and foe. Akuma believes he committed no transgression whatsoever. Also, with the exception of Gouken and Goutetsu, Akuma usually only fights those who challenge him instead of picking fights.

HD Remix alterations[edit | edit source]

Control Motion Changes

  • Super meter added and new super move: Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon). Command is , , , , .
  • Shakunetsu Hadouken command is now + rather than +
  • Teleport command requires only or rather than 3.


  • Zankuu Hadouken can now be done lower to the ground, allowing instant air fireball using motion.


  • Akuma takes slightly more damage than other characters.
  • Akuma can now be dizzied.
  • Akuma's leg is no longer invulnerable during his crouching kicks.
  • Shakunetsu Hadoukens have more startup.
  • Gou Hadoukens have more startup and recovery. Now same startup as Ryu's fireball and slightly better recovery than Ryu's. Akuma's jab/strong/fierce Gou Hadouken recovery times are 40,40,40 compared to Ryu's 41,42,43, frames.
  • Fierce Gou Hadouken only has the huge knockback effect from very close range.
  • Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku has much less invulnerability.
  • Zankuu Hadouken has new downward angle and causes Akuma to hang in the air slightly when thrown.
  • Shun Goku Satsu Super Move travels slower and farther than the secret version of Akuma in Dreamcast. Also, it has additional startup frames and cannot grab opponents during their "pre-jump" frames.

Techniques[edit | edit source]

Name Description Image
Gou Hadouken Akuma gathers all of his ki into his fists, and releases it by pushing it forward through the air. He can release it at three different speeds. Opponents who do not block or dodge the resulting energy experience the same force as if Akuma had punched them himself.
Zankuu Hadouken To the less experienced, performing the Hadouken takes so much concentration, that the fighter can do nothing else while summoning his ki. However, Akuma is so practiced at the technique, and so quick with its release, that he is indeed capable of launching the Hadouken down at an opponent from mid-air (Note: The computer controlled version of Akuma can launch two distinct fireballs with this move, however the player version can only throw one at a time.).
Shakunetsu Hadouken While forming the Hadouken, Akuma can add thermal energy to his ki. The resulting burst will light an opponent on fire if they are struck by it. The opponent will be knocked down if hit from up close, and stunned if hit from far away. It has the ability to do more damage than a normal Hadouken, but it takes Akuma more time to recover from this technique, making him more vulnerable to counter-attack.
Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku Akuma leaps off the ground, twisting his feet as he does. Then, extending one leg out, he approaches the opponent spinning around as if in a whirlwind. Since Akuma has a lot of power, as well as greater control over its expenditure, Akuma can juggle opponents with his kicks. Akuma can also initiate this move while in mid-air.
Gou Shouryuken Akuma crouches down low to the ground, before springing off the ground, leading with his fist. The force of the jump causes Akuma to rise off the ground, performing a ground-to-air uppercut. As with the Tornado Kick, Akuma is capable of knocking an opponent out with the first hit, while continuing to juggle them with subsequent hits.
Ashura Senkuu Akuma has small mastery over the ability to employ his ki to move his body through space. While doing so, Akuma is invulnerable to attack. Akuma can move forward or backward, by a short distance or a long one. However, he becomes completely vulnerable immediately after leaving this state.
Shun Goku Satsu On the console versions of the game, Akuma can execute the super called Raging Demon (Shun Goku Satsu), in this state, Akuma will make a non-blockable super that travels in the opponent's direction, if get the opponent, he will deal 15 hits on the opponent and do big damage, if he defeats the opponent with it, an 天 will appear on the background with a ping sound.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Super Street Fighter II Turbo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Seoi Nage close, or + or
Tomoe Nage close, or + or
Gou Hadouken +
Zankuu Hadouken +
Shakunetsu Hadouken +
Gou Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku +
Kuuchuu Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku +
Ashura Senkuu Forward + or
Ashura Senkuu Backward + or
Ashura Senkuu Forward (GBA) + + or + or +
Ashura Senkuu Backward (GBA) + + or + or +
Shun Goku Satsu (GBA and Dreamcast)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Seoi Nage close, or + or
Tomoe Nage close, or + or
Gou Hadouken +
Zankuu Hadouken +
Shakunetsu Hadouken +
Gou Shoryuken +
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku +
Kuuchuu Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku +
Ashura Senkuu Forward + or
Ashura Senkuu Backward + or
Shun Goku Satsu

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[edit | edit source]

Akuma[edit | edit source]

Normal Throws
Seoi Nage or + or
Tomoe Nage or + or
Special Moves
Gohadoken +
Shakunetsu Hadoken +
Zanku Hadoken +
Goshoryuken +
Tatsumaki Zankukyaku +
Airborne Tatsumaki
Ashura Senku
+ or
Ashura Senku
+ or
Super Combo
Raging Demon

Shin Akuma[edit | edit source]

His commands are the same as Akuma.