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Click here for more information about M. Bison's other fighting game appearances.

M. Bison, known as Vega in Japan, is the primary boss of Street Fighter II. M. Bison is a "charge character" in that, his special moves require that you hold in directions for a few seconds before pulling a move off. Although never explicitly defined, it has been speculated that the M stands for "Master". It originally stood for Mike when the name was applied to Balrog in the Japanese version, as a play on the name "Mike Tyson".

His general attire consists of a red military uniform with large silver shoulder plates, wrist bands, and shin guards; on his cap is the skull insignia of his crime syndicate known as Shadoloo (sometimes referred to as Shadaloo, Shadowlaw or Shadowloo). Bison's eyes lack both pupils and irises (exception in "Street Fighter II"), leaving them a ghastly white color. He sports a dark colored cape in the Alpha series, in which he appears with his original body. In Street Fighter II and the Capcom vs SNK series, he appears with a much slimmer body, and removes his cape before battle.

Background[edit | edit source]

Next to nothing is known about Bison's youth and his early years, even as to when he was born (most game manuals list his birth year as unknown), but he appears to be in his late 40's to mid 50's although he could be much older - some speculate he is above the 100's despite his not-so-old appearance. His first appearance, chronologically speaking, was in Street Fighter Alpha, as the head of an elusive criminal and military organization known as Shadoloo. Along with his aspirations for world conquest, M. Bison had been working on perfecting a lethal and deadly energy that would exponentially increase his fighting ability, an inherently evil energy he refers to as "Psycho Power".

M. Bison held the second Street Fighter tournament to get revenge against the people who had destroyed the Psycho Drive. His new body was much weaker than the previous, but he was still very powerful. In the end, he was destroyed by Akuma, who killed him with the Shun Goku Satsu and sent his soul to hell to be destroyed. Bison was not heard of in Street Fighter III, and Chun-Li's mid-boss dialogue with Urien in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike suggests that Shadoloo was destroyed.

HD Remix Alterations[edit | edit source]

  • Devil's reverse has 2 frames of invulnerability at startup, and several more frames where feet and midsection are invulnerable, allowing it to pass through fireballs.
  • Stand has better priority, can stop Honda's Short Super Zutsuki and Blanka's Rolling Attack but is not any better as an anti-air attack.
  • New command attack move: + is a fake slide that travels short distance and recovers faster than the real slide.
  • Jump + now juggles the same as jump or +.
  • Knee Press Nightmare Super input window is larger and is a fixed size, rather than random size.

Techniques[edit | edit source]

Name Description
Psycho Crusher M. Bison's signature move, he summon a surge of energy which engulfs his entire body in blue flame, and he literally flies forward over the ground and at his opponent. Not nearly as powerful as it was in the Street Fighter Alpha series (where it was considered a Super Move), but still deadly and effective.
Double Knee Press M. Bison jumps forward at his opponent, feet first. The initial strike hits high, and the following strike hits low. If blocked, it opens Bison up for a counter-attack.
Head Press M. Bison leaps very high off of the ground, in an effort to literally land on the opponent's head, stomping them before leaping back in to the air. This move can be followed up by the Somersault Skull Diver.
Somersault Skull Diver After successfully hitting the opponent with the Head Press, whether blocked or not, M. Bison can flip back over in mid-air and drops back down to the ground head first with an arm extended. Bison will try to strike the opponent with his extended fist on the way down.
Devil Reverse This new move which Bison gains access to in Super Street Fighter II is actually more of an alteration to the Somersault Skull Diver. Rather than needing to land on the opponents head first, Bison simply leaps into the air. If the player does not press punch, he will leap over the opponent's head and land back down on the ground, but if punch is pressed, Bison will immediately go into the Skull diver attack.
Knee Press Nightmare M. Bison's super move is simply two consecutive Double Knee Press attacks executed back to back. It can hit for a total of four times and has a fairly long range.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Street Fighter II': Champion Edition[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Deadly Throw close, or + or
Psycho Crusher +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
└►Somersault Skull Diver Press after Head Press

Street Fighter II Turbo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Deadly Throw close, or + or
Psycho Crusher +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
└►Somersault Skull Diver Press after Head Press

Super Street Fighter II[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Deadly Throw close, or + or
Psycho Crusher +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
└►Somersault Skull Diver Press after Head Press
Devil Reverse +

Super Street Fighter II Turbo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Deadly Throw close, or + or
Psycho Crusher +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
└►Somersault Skull Diver Press after Head Press
Devil Reverse + ,
Knee Press Nightmare +

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Fake Slide +
Psycho Crusher +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
└►Somersault Skull Diver Press after Head Press
Devil Reverse + ,
Knee Press Nightmare +

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[edit | edit source]

Normal Throws
Deadly Throw or + or
Special Moves
Psycho Crusher +
Double Knee Press +
Head Press +
└►Somersault Skull Diver
Devil Reverse +
Super Combo
Knee Press Nightmare +