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Box artwork for Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting.
Box artwork for Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting.
Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting
Year released1992
System(s)Arcade, SNES, Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, New Nintendo 3DS
SeriesStreet Fighter
Japanese titleストリートファイターII' TURBO
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and upESRB TeenPEGI Ages 12+OFLC Parental Guidance
LinksStreet Fighter II Turbo ChannelSearch

Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (henceforth known as Hyper Fighting or Turbo), known in Japan as Street Fighter II Dash Turbo and officially rendered Street Fighter II′ Turbo (the word "Dash" is represented by a prime symbol), was released a few months after Street Fighter II': Champion Edition in response to the proliferation of unauthorized grey-market hacks of Champion Edition that began to appear in the wake of the game's popularity such as "Koryu", "Rainbow" and etc. The bootlegs allowed weird behavior such as mid-air special moves and even changing a player's character in the middle of a match. While they were interesting to try, they generally broke the balance of the characters.

Capcom decided to release Hyper Fighting as an official upgrade that could not be matched by bootleggers while maintaining the character balance. It incorporated a number of enhancements, the biggest being a significant increase in the speed of the game compared to previous versions, hence the "Hyper Fighting" subtitle.

A SNES version was produced simply titled Street Fighter II Turbo, which features a "Turbo" mode based on Hyper Fighting and a "Normal" mode based on Champion Edition. The Sega Genesis version of Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition also features a game mode based on Hyper Fighting dubbed "Hyper" mode, in addition to its standard "Champ" mode. In 1998, it was released to the PlayStation and Sega Saturn as a part of Street Fighter Collection 2, alongside "The World Warrior" and "Champion Edition".

The cast, story, controls, and rules for Hyper Fighting are identical to the original, so please see the SF2 guide for any questions regarding how to play. A list of the updates can be found below. The enhancements of Hyper Fighting build on those established in Champion Edition, so see the Champion Edition guide for the list of changes that were carried over to Hyper Fighting.

An emulated version was released on the Wii Virtual Console in 2007, Windows via GameTap at an unknown time, and the Wii U Virtual Console via the Nintendo eShop in 2013.

Updates and changes[edit | edit source]

  • The game is significantly sped up compared to Champion Edition.
  • New costume palettes have been applied to all default versions of the characters, with the exception of M. Bison, who still uses his original color scheme by default.
  • Player two's color schemes are identical to the original color schemes. Bison uses a new color scheme.
  • The speed, damage, and priority of certain moves have been tweaked.
  • The differences between Ken and Ryu in Champion Edition have been exaggerated, differentiating them further.
  • All of the original eight characters with the exception of Guile has been given at least one new Special Move.
    • Blanka: The Vertical Rolling Attack
    • Chun Li: Kikoken (a projectile attack similar to Dhalsim's Yoga Fire)
    • Dhalsim: The Yoga Teleport
    • E. Honda: The Sumo Smash (a butt-slam move)
    • Ken & Ryu: Kuchuu Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku (Air Hurricane Kick)
    • Zangief: The Hyper Double Lariat, a quick spinning version of the Double Lariat that offers low invulnerability. (Many players learned to counter the regular lariat by sweeping Zangief's feet.)
  • The Street Fighter II' HF Xbox Live Arcade port got 12 Achievements.

Table of Contents


Character Select[edit | edit source]

Ryu E. Honda Blanka Guile Balrog Vega
Ken Chun Li Zangief Dhalsim Sagat M. Bison