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Click here for more information about Sagat's other fighting game appearances.

Sagat is the final boss from Street Fighter I. He was later turned into a regular, playable character. According to Street Fighter co-creator Finish Hiroshi, Sagat's style was modeled after dramatic television kickboxing personalities. Sagat is menacingly tall, a trait he uses to his advantage in his long-reaching attacks. His natural size drove him to become a powerful fighter. His hand is big, massive enough to close around the entire head of many of his opponents. He is depicted as being totally bald. In the Street Fighter II series, Sagat's in-game sprite does not display the highly muscular build of the Street Fighter Alpha series, although even at that time he had been consistently portrayed so.

Sagat wears a black eyepatch over his severely damaged right eye, though the lack of depth perception and loss of peripheral vision do not seriously hamper his ability as a powerful fighter. Due to a technical limitation in the Street Fighter series, Sagat's eyepatch will appear to switch from eye to eye when Sagat faces another direction, since the left-facing sprite is a mirror-image of the right. The 3D Street Fighter EX games do not feature this limitation. Sagat wears traditional short Muay Thai kickboxing shorts and classic wraps. The trunks have colors varying from purple with yellow trim, to blue with red trim, to blue with yellow trim. He wears thick tape around his fists and ankles to protect his hands and feet.

Background[edit | edit source]

Sagat won the title of Emperor/God of Muay Thai from Nuah Kahn as a teenager, and became a national hero in Thailand. He defended his title from a fighter named Go Hibiki, in a match that cost Sagat the use of his right eye, and cost Go his life. Go's son, Dan, swore revenge on Sagat.

Sagat trained Adon, and held the first World Warrior tournament to prove that he was not only the strongest Muay Thai kickboxer, but the strongest fighter in the world. Only one fighter managed to reach Sagat: a young martial artist named Ryu. Initially, Sagat was able to pin Ryu, and was sure that he was the winner of the match. However, Ryu became desperate to win the fight and was consumed by the Satsui No Hadou and executed the Metsu Shoryuken, grievously wounding Sagat and leaving a massive scar across his chest. Because of this event, Sagat has sworn revenge on Ryu. The massive scar on his chest is a constant reminder of Ryu's victory. Sagat makes no attempt to conceal the disfigurement, and in fact draws power from the hateful memory it invokes.

While Sagat's goal in the second World Warrior tournament was a clean rematch with Ryu, his hopes were eclipsed when Ryu had been knocked out of the competition, therefore he dropped before his next match. Sagat is still a member of Shadaloo, as he is fought second to M. Bison, and continues to train his body and mind in Thailand, hoping to become the world's strongest fighter before he becomes too old to do so.

HD Remix Alterations[edit | edit source]

Control Motion Changes

  • Tiger Knee is now +

Balance Changes

  • Tiger Shot recovery is better than Super Turbo Sagat but worse than Super Sagat.
  • Tiger Knee always knocks down and it juggles (but NOT into a super, except in combo
  • Tiger Knee damage and dizzy reduced because of new juggle property
  • Super has more range and always knocks down if it hits.
  • Super can be done as a reversal.
  • Stand can still be cancelled into special moves, but second hit of stand and second hit of stand cannot be cancelled into special moves.

Techniques[edit | edit source]

Name Description
Tiger Shot Sagat is capable of gathering his ki into his fists, and releasing it by pushing it out into the air. The result is a surge of energy that can travel towards his opponent at three different speeds. Due to Sagat's height, most opponents can duck this projectile.
Ground Tiger Shot Sagat knows that many shorter opponents can simply duck under his normal Tiger Shot, so he trained himself to be able to create a similar projectile closer to the ground. While this projectile can be easily jumped, Sagat can throw a series of Tiger Shots at various heights and speeds to keep the opponent guessing.
Tiger Uppercut After being defeated by Ryu's devastating uppercut, Sagat withdrew and began a very intense training period. So astounded that he was defeated by such a move, he was determined to perfect a similar uppercut. The result is the Tiger Uppercut. Prior to Super Street Fighter II Turbo, it typically knocked an opponent down in one hit. However, in that final version, Sagat turned the Tiger Uppercut into a multi-hit move.
Tiger Knee Crush Another versatile move in Sagat's limited arsenal, the Tiger Knee Crush allows Sagat to leap forward into the air with his knee extended at a lightning quick speed. He can often take opponents off guard. Although the move begins on the ground, the attack takes place high off the ground.
Tiger Genocide For his Super Move, Sagat has chained two attacks together. He first performs a low Tiger Knee Crush, and immediately follows that up with a high Tiger Uppercut. He has limited invulnerability at the start of the move, which gives him a very good chance at passing through projectiles. However, the move leaves Sagat rather vulnerable to counter attack if blocked.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Street Fighter II': Champion Edition[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tiger Carry close, or + or
Tiger Shot +
Ground Tiger Shot +
Tiger Uppercut +
Tiger Knee Crush +

Street Fighter II Turbo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tiger Carry close, or + or
Tiger Shot +
Ground Tiger Shot +
Tiger Uppercut +
Tiger Knee Crush +

Super Street Fighter II[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tiger Carry close, or + or
Tiger Shot +
Ground Tiger Shot +
Tiger Uppercut +
Tiger Knee Crush +

Super Street Fighter II Turbo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tiger Carry close, or + or
Tiger Shot +
Ground Tiger Shot +
Tiger Uppercut +
Tiger Knee Crush +
Tiger Genocide +

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tiger Carry close, or + or
Tiger Shot +
Ground Tiger Shot +
Tiger Uppercut +
Tiger Knee Crush +
Tiger Genocide +

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[edit | edit source]

Normal Throws
Tiger Carry or + or
Special Moves
High Tiger Shot +
Low Tiger Shot +
Tiger Uppercut +
Tiger Knee Crush +
Super Combo
Tiger Genocide +