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Box artwork for Hyper Street Fighter II.
Box artwork for Hyper Street Fighter II.
Hyper Street Fighter II
Year released2003
System(s)Arcade, PlayStation 2
SeriesStreet Fighter
Japanese titleハイパーストリートファイターII
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)CERO Ages 15 and upPEGI Ages 16+BBFC 15USK Ages 16+OFLC Mature
LinksHyper Street Fighter II ChannelSearch

Hyper Street Fighter II is a fighting game in which any character from all five arcade installments in the Street Fighter II series can compete against any other version of any character. In other words, Hyper Fighting Guile can face Super Chun Li. In the United States, Hyper Street Fighter II was released for the PlayStation 2 along with Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike in the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. In Japan and Europe, the PlayStation 2 version of Hyper Street Fighter II was released by itself. The Xbox version of the Anniversary Collection bundle was released in all three regions.

The versions of SF2 that a player can choose from are:

A character can only be chosen in a version that he or she was actually present in. e.g. Cammy is not selectable in Turbo, Sagat is not selectable in the original Street Fighter II. Akuma is not selectable in any mode other than Super Turbo, and must be unlocked in the same fashion as in the original Super Street Fighter II Turbo arcade game. Akuma also received a new portrait.

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