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Revision as of 16:17, 23 September 2009 by Arrow (talk | contribs) (Escort written up)
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A lightly defended US convoy is escaping to the north from the battle zone. The US must escort at least one transport ship to safety. The Japanese have to sink all hostile transport ships before they get away.

Map description

This escort mission revolves around an American convoy seeking refuge in the north. Unlike Dreadnought, players now have three spawn points to choose from - an airfield, a PT boat base, and destroyers for the Americans or Type B subs for the Japanese. These spawn points are located far apart - choosing the wrong spawn point can cost your team the game.

The Allies must protect the convoy, which starts close to the southeast corner. It is escorted by six Fletchers, and is composed of five transports. The American PT boat base is located closest to the convoy, but provides the least amount of firepower - the PTs are mostly effective against Type B submarines.

The Allied center base is an airbase providing access to Corsairs and Helldivers. Corsairs will be the players' biggest asset against torpedo bombers from the west, as well as Gyoraiteis from the other center base. You may need some Elcos for defence against any Type Bs.

The farthest Allied base - the one closest to the exit - spawns Clemson-class destroyers. These are generally not needed, as the convoy is already escorted by six Fletchers - which put up more flak than Clemsons. Additionally, they are extremely slow compared to planes, and are generally not any more effective against submarines than Elcos.

The Japanese have four bases to spawn from - two spawn Gyoraiteis. These are located close to the middle, and the second extremely close to the map's exit. This is the Japanese's final stand. The Allies will need a lot of Corsairs to intercept as many as possible before they unleash their torpedoes. This final spawn is the final decisive showdown on the map, between PT boats and aircraft. Players can try to use Clemson-class destroyers as a shield against torpedoes, but they aren't manoeuvrable enough. Gyoraiteis are perhaps the biggest weapon against the convoy - they're small, carry lots of torpedoes, and are hard for the Fletchers to hit.

Early on, the submarines are the biggest advantage the Japanese have. Their ability to submerge allows them to get close to the transport ships. However, if the convoy makes it close to the north, Japanese players will want to switch to Gyoraiteis in order to deliver more torpedoes quicker.

The biggest threat to the Type Bs, however, are Elco PTs and depth charge Helldivers. Defence against these will come from the airfield on the far west side of the map. It can spawn Kates for torpedo bombing the convoy, or Zeroes for air defence. Type B players will want to rely on Zeroes to get Elcos off their tail while Type Bs actually go for the convoy.


The US has launched a bombing run on a Japanese base and on some Japanese cruisers anchored nearby. The US must sink the enemy ships and neutralize the Japanese base. The Japanese have to protect the anchored ships and the headquarters by destroying all the enemy bombers and their fighter escort.

Map description


You are the captain of a destroyer caught in the thick of battle. Can you stop the unrelenting onslaught against your base? As a US force you have to destroy attacking enemy ships and planes.

Map description


Island Capture - Small

Island Capture - Medium

Island Capture - Large