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Episode One

The Xbox 360 version of Episode One has 12 achievements which contain a total of 200 Gamerscore points. The PlayStation 3 version has Trophies instead.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Stray Cat Have T. Kemper join as a support character during the Tutorial. Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
All Together Now Do a 3-member Team-Up Attack. Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A Winner Is You Successfully complete the first episode 10 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Nine Lives Kill an enemy using T. Kemper's basic attack. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Pack Rat Find and collect all of the hidden collectibles scattered around the game. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Steel Devils Explore the world to find all the robots, and defeat them all in combat. 15 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Pacifist Only use counterattacks, health items, or distraction items to win one battle. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Silent, But Deadly Fight, and destroy the final Boss without using any healing items. 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Immortal Play and win the game without allowing a character to die during combat. 20 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Fight 'Em With Items Find and use every item in the game at least once. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Level Awesome Kill enough enemies in the game to get the XP necessary to get all party members to Level 15. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Clean Sweep Find and kill every possible enemy in the game. 30 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver

Episode Two

The Xbox 360 version of the Episode Two has 12 achievements totalling 200 Gamerscore points. The PlayStation 3 version has matching trophies.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Millionaire Collect one million dollars in cash. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Moving On Up Collect the Wealthy key. 15 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Arsonist Burn down the Riverbrook Apartments. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Endgame Collect a ticket for the World's Fair. 15 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Can't Nobody Hold You Down Defeat the final boss of the game. 15 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Steel Cannibal Spend robot parts to upgrade all weapons. 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Lab Assistant Complete Dr. Stripe's and Dr. Whimple's missions. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Reluctant Hero At the beginning of the episode, refuse to join Gabe and Tycho 5 times. Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Strength To Rule Kill enough enemies to earn the XP needed for all party members to reach Level 30. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
POWER SURRRGE! Block enemy attacks and get one party member's hit counter up to 40. 25 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Pack Rat Strikes Back Only use items to win a fight. No attacks or counter attacks allowed. 25 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Pervert Inspect a pair of withered binoceros testicles with genuine enthusiasm. 15 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze