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The Marsh is north of Battleon, Travel by accessing the map, and travelling to "Marsh". Level Recommendation - Lvl Uber

Monsters Found

  • Marsh Tree lvl 1
  • Spider lvl 4
  • Marsh Lurker lvl 10
  • Dark Witch lvl 10
  • Dreadspider (Boss) lvl 10
  • Undead Berzerker lvl 10 (Marsh2)
  • Ghoul lvl 12 (Marsh2)
  • Lich lvl 12 (Marsh2)
  • Thrax Ironhide (Boss) lvl 12 (Marsh2)
  • Soulseeker (Boss) lvl 10 (Marsh2)

Bal Gravestorm

A necromancer, who tells of how the Marsh has been invaded by unwanted intruders who disturb the 'aura'. Bal needs your help to drive them out and reclaim the marsh so he can explore the mysteries of death away from prying eyes. There a 5 quests available, however the last 1 requires upgrade.

Quest 1: Camping Out


If we are to spend the night in the marsh, the first thing we will need is a fire. A fire will provide light and warmth, both of which will assist in keeping the foul marsh creatures at bay while I work.

Items Required:

  • Lumber x 8


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 xp

Quest 2: Restocking


Any good fisherman knows not to overfish one spot but I guess no one ever taught the Zardmen and Fishmen that. They have just about fished this part of the river to death! If you can bring me some of the live fish that they have caught then I can release them upstream and start restocking the supply before they set off the whole balance of the river!

Items Required:

  • Live Fish x 10


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 xp

Quest 3: Spear Sabotage


Those Zardmen may fish mainly with nets, but they still do love their spears. While they've been busy haulin' in their nets, I've been sneakin' in and breakin' their spears to try and drive them away. I reckon that if you're willing to give me a hand, we can break enough spears between us to make 'em go back where they came from and think twice about comin' back where they aren't wanted.

Items Required:

  • Broken Spears x 5


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 xp

Quest 4: Retaliation


This river used to be a nice, peaceful place to spend a day fishin'... until the Fishmen and their leader Kuro showed up! Now those blasted fishfolk have taken over the River, and they don't seem to like us Fisherman. Still, I'm bettin' that if we can scare of their leader, the rest of 'em will scramble home right quick.

Items Required:

  • Kuro's Tentacle x 1


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 xp

Quest 5: Fishing Bait

{Upgrade Required}


Hmmmm... I notice that whenever Kuro is around, the fish seem to go crazy. I bet that a piece of him would make for a mighty fine bait!

Items Required:

  • Kuro's Tail x 3


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 xp

Quest 6: Flood Of Power

{Upgrade Required}


Boy, I thought we had it bad... but i just heard that several of the surrounding fishing villages have been flooded! survivors reported seeing a huge Water Elemental appear just before the flooding started. Those poor villagers don't stand a chance against an elemental... but I bet a Hero like you could make short work of him!

Items Required:

  • Water Elemental Essence x 1


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 xp