Final Doom/MAP03: Power Control

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Map of the power plant

In the first room, is a preparation area. There is a chaingun in the northern alcove. Additional ammo can be picked up in the side alcoves, but this opens a monster door from the central column. To proceed to the main area, flip the switch on the central column and enter the teleporter.

Western section[edit]

The western section consists of two small rooms of monsters; there is no need to visit the second side room unless you want the berserk pack. To continue, proceed east to the central area.

You will need to collect the red key. It is located within the central area, accessible by teleporters. From the central area, there are eight teleporters: four lead outside, and four others lead to the outer towers. When facing a set of two teleporters, the left leads to the tower, and the right one leads outside.

Head north to the red key door.

Northern section[edit]

The northern section looks initially similar to the west. When you pass through the left door, you'll notice the same layout and would expect the secret rocket launcher.

The yellow key is behind the right door, and is within a larger room with a nukage pit. To cross the pit, you first need to raise the platform by flipping a switch on the left. Crossing the pit will also open a monster closet on the south of the room.

You will need the yellow key before you can leave the area.

Eastern section[edit]

The eastern section is filled with monsters, and is a simple ring. When you collect the blue keycard, an archvile will be released in the middle area.

You can only continue once you collect the blue key. The arch-vile is optional (and isn't in position to resurrect too many hostiles.)

Southern section[edit]

The southern section leads to the exit, and is guarded by two revenant and a mancubus.

The exit switch is located at the southern end of the area.


  1. In the set of rooms after the first teleporter, go to the northern room. Open a door covering a secret teleporter (which mirrors the first room.) Step on the teleporter, and teleport back out (the room is currently dangerous unless you collected the yellow key.
  2. In the central area, there is a secret door on the south-west teleporter. You can only reach it from the central set of teleporters. The secret area hides a megasphere on easy difficulty, but only a few medikits on harder difficulty levels. An energy cell pack is also there, but it isn't useful in singleplayer.
  3. Behind the red door, go through the room on the left; this room looks similar to the western room set, and hides a rocket launcher.


  • The teleporter secret has a BFG.
  • A plasma gun is in the central area, in the south-west tower.

The map works differently in co-op play. At the starting location, the same teleporter will bring the player to four different locations in the map:

  1. The first player entering the teleporter will appear in the west section, as expected in the above walkthrough.
  2. The second player will appear near the yellow key to the north. However, there's a Baron of Hell waiting in ambush.
  3. The third player will receive a plasma gun, and will need to collect the blue key.
  4. The final player will appear near the exit, but can't use it until the blue key is available to unlock the door. He receives a rocket launcher, but will deal with a few extra revenants. This player can leave the area by collecting the red key.