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Donovan is the mysterious Dhampir, half-man half-vampire, that was introduced to the Darkstalkers series in Night Warriors, as a Darkstalker hunter. A practitioner of a very mystical form of Buddhism, Donovan wields an enchanted sword named Dhylec. Donovan is accompanied, as always, by the equally mysterious orphan Anita, a girl who shows no emotion, and clutches her prized possession, a headless doll. Players of the home console versions can enter a special code that places Anita on the screen without her ward. Anita even has her own special finish attack which was taken from her obscure appearance in Marvel Super Heroes, called "Love For You". Click here to read more about Donovan and Anita's appearances in Darkstalkers.

Portrait Win Icon Stage Tile

Attack Pattern

Donovan's attack pattern is considered one of the stronger, if not the strongest, attack patterns in the game. Expert match-ups are dominated by Ken and Donovan players. While Ken is only deadly in expert hands, even weaker players can do relatively well against opponents as Donovan. This happens for a number of reasons. In small doses, Donovan's pattern appears as weak as Ryu's. However, with only two colors dropping, players may find it hard to take advantage of the solely red and yellow bands that build up if they receive a lot of blue and green Gems. On the other hand, when Donovan does a lot of damage, the bands are interrupted by green and blue Counter Blocks which, if they land fairly close to one another, can form chains, if not Power Gems, but not very big ones. Building towers of red in the even columns, or towers of yellow in the odd columns is a good strategy to counter Donovan's attack pattern.

Stage Description

Donovan's stage

Donovan's Puzzle Fighter stage contains a number of Darkstalkers references. The horns of the skull that adorns the stone arch are reminiscent of Pyron's. The silhouette against the red moon is of the werewolf Jon Talbain. On the far right side of the stage, a small statue of Huitzil can be seen above a green frog which typically represents Rikuo. To the right of them is a statue of Lord Raptor holding a guitar.


1 - 11 Taunt
12 - 17 Sword Grapple (2 hit)
24+ Press of Death (10 hit)

Win Quotes

  • I am the one who lives in darkness and shatters it!
  • I won't rest until this girl is finally happy!
  • I'll put an end to the evil curse in my blood at any cost!
  • No one can interfere with my plans!
