Age of Mythology/Norse Tech Tree

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This page shows how the Norse technology advances through the ages. The columns show the technology improvements and units each building is responsible for. Therefore, you can look for a unit, improvement, or building to see what it will enable you to build later in the game, to make decisions on whether or not those items are worth building at a particular point in the game.

-------------- Buildings
-------------- Units
-------------- Improvements
Item to the right requires item to the left
Item below requires item above

Archaic Age Town Center → Ox Cart House Dock Wooden Wall Temple
Gatherer Husbandry Fishing Ship
Ulfsark Hunting Dogs
Dwarf Hand Axe
Classical Age Masons Plow Farm Longhouse Longboat Stone Wall Sentry Tower Armory
Bow Saw Ultsark Transport Ship Signal Fires Copper Weapons
Shaft Mine Throwing Axeman Purse Seine Watch Tower Copper Mail
Raiding Cavalry Enclosed Deck Crenelations Copper Shields
Hersir (Hero)
Medium Infantry
Medium Cavalry
Heroic Age Architects Irrigation Heavy Infantry Drakkar Carrier Pigeons Bronze Weapons Market Hill Fort
Fortified Town Center Carpenters Heavy Cavalry Dragon Ship Boiling Oil Bronze Mail Ox Caravan Huskarl
Quarry Levy Longhouse Salt Amphora Bronze Shields Ambassadors Jarl
Archer Ship Cladding Tax Collectors Portable Ram
Draft Horses
Heavy Infantry
Levy Hill Fort
Heavy Cavalry
Mythic Age Flood Control Champion Infantry Reinforced Ram Iron Weapons Coinage Ballista Wonder
Champion Cavalry Naval Oxybeles Iron Mail Champion Infantry
Conscript Longhouse Conscript Sailors Iron Shields Champion Cavalry
Burning Pitch Engineers
Conscript Hill Fort