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Samus Aran[edit | edit source]

Samus Aran is the heroine of the Metroid video game series. She is a bounty hunter armed with a cybernetic power suit with a number of advanced technologies built into it. She hunts aliens called the "Space Pirates" and energy-draining alien parasites called "Metroids", while attempting to complete missions given by the Galactic Federation. Samus is considered one of the earliest and most significant female protagonists in the history of video games.

Samus' main distinguishing feature is her Power Suit, a modular suit of armor created for her by an alien race called the Chozo. The Power Suit's main purpose is to protect her from adverse environments and enemy fire. The suit can be upgraded to various other forms for added protection, and receive various power-ups which augment her abilities, including Space Jump boots, energy tanks, the Screw Attack, and numerous modifications to her weapons.

Little is known of Samus' past, yet details of her beginnings can be gathered from various sources, including the instruction manual of Metroid Prime, and the Metroid e-manga. Her biography in Super Smash Bros. Melee states that she was orphaned during a Space Pirate raid on her homeworld of K-2L. It also states that she was subsequently rescued by the bird-like Chozo race and infused with "Chozo blood". Information in Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Prime strongly suggests that she was raised on the planet Zebes by the Chozo, who referred to her as "the Hatchling", and that she became their most prized warrior.

In the original Metroid, Samus Aran ruined the Space Pirates' plans to use the newly discovered lifeform known as Metroid. In Metroid II, the game upon which AM2R is based, the Galactic Federation sends several teams to the Metroid's home planet, SR388, to destroy them once and for all and ensure that the Space Pirates can never obtain any more Metroids. However, when each of the teams disappear, the Galactic Federation contracts Samus to finish the mission.

The main menu[edit | edit source]

The main menu

When starting a new game, you are given three save slots to choose from. If you choose an empty slot, you will be given the option to begin a new game with one of three difficulties; Easy, Normal, or Hard. The difference between Easy and Normal is minimal, with enemies being easier to defeat and doing less damage in Easy than in Normal. However, in Hard mode, ammunition expansions such as the Missile Tanks provide smaller increases in capacity. Enemies are a bit more difficult to defeat, as they do more damage, take less damage, and in some cases are generally a bit smarter.

Once a game is saved into a slot, you can continue that game, copy it to another slot, or delete the save. When you continue a game, you resume from the last save station you visited. Any subsequent visits to save stations will save the game to that same slot. When you copy a save to another slot, the original slot will remain. If you attempt to copy a save to an already filled slot, the game will ask if you are sure before proceeding. Likewise, if you choose to delete the save in a slot, you will be asked if you are sure first. Once a save slot is deleted, it cannot be restored.

In addition to the three save slots, there are some items to choose from below, including Options, Gallery, Credits, and Exit Game. Gallery shows you all of the ending artwork you have unlocked (out of a total of three images.) Credits displays the names of all the people who contributed to the game's development (you can interrupt the credits and return to the main menu at any time.) And Exit Game naturally exits the application. The Options available are described below.

Options[edit | edit source]

Display options
Option Settings Description
Fullscreen Enabled
Toggle between displaying the game in full screen mode, or in a windowed mode.
Window Size / Display Scale 1X - 4X
This setting determines how large the rendered image of the game should be. At 1X, the game is rendered in 320 by 240 pixels. @X scales that up to 640 by 480 and so on up to a maximum scale of 4X. When in Full Screen mode, an additional option Stretched becomes available, which takes advantage of the maximum screen resolution, while preserving the aspect ratio of the game.
Vsync Enabled
Vsync stands for Vertical Sync, and it helps keep the refresh rate of the game synced with your display. This should reduce the effect of screen tearing when a lot of animation is taking place, although it can slow down the performance of the game on older systems.
HUD Display Enabled
This setting toggles whether the heads-up display is shown at the top of the screen, which includes how much energy and ammunition you have, as well as whether any secondary weapons are currently activated. It also displays the map (which canbe independently disabled) and the remaining number of Metroids. While not critical to game play, it provides a lot of valuable information and is recommended to remain enabled.
HUD Map Enabled
If the HUD Display is enabled, you have the ability to independently toggle the display of the map in the upper right corner of the screen. When enabled, it shows you the regions of the game which you have previously visited in the near vicinity.
Metroid Counter Local
When set to Local, the Metroid counter to the right of the map indicates how many Metroid remain in the local area of the game that you currently occupy. When set to Global, this number instead indicates the total number of Metroid that need to be eradicated in the entire game. Alternatively, the display of this number can be disabled entirely.
In-Game Hints Enabled
When enabled, the game will display beginner hints to the player in the lower left corner at particular moments to introduce new game mechanics to the player. Disable this setting to hide the hints.
Scan Notifications Enabled
When enabled, the game displays notifications concerning how many Metroid occupy a given area, or other information that the player discovers in the course of playing the game. Disable this setting to turn off the notifications.
Language English
By default, language in the game is displayed in English. It is possible to set the game to another language, provided a language localization file is downloaded and installed on the player's machine. If done, the installed languages will beavailable for use in this menu.
Sound options
In this menu, you can independently set the volume of the in-game sound effects, and the background music. You can make one louder than the other, or mute one or both entirely.
Control options
See the Settings section of the Controls page.