Just as in the first game, once all of the Robot Masters are defeated, it's time to take the fight to Dr. Wily himself. The number of stages it takes to reach Dr. Wily has been increased to six. Before each stage begins, the game displays an image of the fortress with a map over-layed in front, meant to indicate your progress through the fortress. In the first stage, you'll have to run a good distance to the entrance and scale a tall tower before reaching the first guardian of the fortress: a giant Mecha Dragon.
Stage[edit | edit source]

- A: Your first challenge on the way to the fortress entrance is a stream of egg dropping Pipis. But what is meant to be a nuisance can actually be turned into an incredible opportunity. If you hold still and activate the Leaf Shield, you will be completely defended from the hatchlings, and you can stick around until you see extra lives appear. Collect as many as you like, along with any energy you may need, and then advance. If you don't want to stick around (this is the beginning of the Wily stages, after all) you can use Metal Blade to get rid of any eggs that drop.

- B: Transport Item 3 really shines here. Launch one at the wall and then ride on top to access the other side. Save Item 1 for later, as you'll need it before the stage is over. You'll face a few Scworms on the way to the next wall. You can do the same trick with the Leaf Shield as you did earlier, but you have to stand a bit away from the Scworm launcher, and it's less effective. You can, again, use the Metal Blade, which will destroy them in one hit.
- F: Once you leap from this point, there's no turning back. You'll have to hop along a series of single-block platforms until eventually the platforms begin scrolling by themselves, and you simply have to keep up. After enough platforms have scrolled by, the boss of the stage will crash up through the floor and attack.
Mecha Dragon[edit | edit source]

The first guardian of Dr. Wily's fortress is the giant Mecha Dragon. He will emerge from the death pit below and follow Mega Man. Once he chases you over to the three single block platforms, he stops pursuing you and starts attacking you. He will hover back and forth, but he primarily tries to rise or sink to Mega Man's current height. Whenever he lines up with you, he shoots a blast of fire from his mouth. In addition, colliding with him will instantly kill you. The Mecha-Dragon is only vulnerable to attacks on his head. Shooting anywhere else won't damage him. For this reason, it's safest to stand on the top block. Even if Mega Man gets hit there, he will likely fall down onto the middle block. From there, you can wait for the dragon to sink a bit, before jumping back up to the top block to resume your attack. The dragon is impervious to all weapons except the Crash Bomber, Mega Buster, Atomic Fire, and Quick Boomerang. All others just bounce right off of him. While the Crash Bomber and Atomic Fire do great damage to him, the Atomic Fire cannot finish him off completely, and the Crash Bomber will be needed in other stages. You'll do as much damage with the Mega Buster as you will with the Quick Boomerang. However, the Quick Boomerang gives you a slight edge, not just because of its speed, but because of the sweeping arc that the boomerangs take which increases the likelihood of you striking the dragon in the head, even when he's not perfectly lined up with you. Stand on the top block and launch boomerangs at the head as quickly as possible to defeat the boss and advance to the next stage.