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PlayStation 2 Windows Xbox Action
Neutral lstick  W   A   S   D  Neutral lstick Movement
Cross button  Space  A button Jump/Select
Square button Mouse left click X button Attack
Circle button  F  Y button Use
Triangle button  X  B button Cancel
L1 button  Shift  LT button Focus
R1 button Mouse right click RT button One of three PSI power slots.
R2 button  Q  RB button or Black button
L2 button  E  LB button or White button
Left dpad  [  Left dpad Inventory Menu
Right dpad  ]  Right dpad PSI Powers Menu
R3 button Mouse middle click R button First Person view
Start button  ESC  Start button Journal
L3 button  Tab  L button Stats
Up rstick  Keypad 8  Up rstick Look Up
Down rstick  Keypad 2  Down rstick Look Down
Left rstick  Keypad 4  Left rstick Look Left
Right rstick  Keypad 6  Right rstick Look Right

In Windows, the mouse can move the camera, but not when the PS2 Controller and Xbox controller is in use.