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Box artwork for Rugrats: All Growed Up.
Box artwork for Rugrats: All Growed Up.
Rugrats: All Growed Up
Year released2001
Preceded byRugrats: Castle Capers
Followed byRugrats: I Gotta Go Party
ModesSingle player
LinksRugrats: All Growed Up ChannelSearch
This guide is for the 2001 Microsoft Windows game. For the 2004 Game Boy Advance game, see All Grown Up: Express Yourself.

Rugrats: All Growed Up is an adventure game, that was released by THQ for Microsoft Windows on October 21, 2001; as the name suggests, it is the thirteenth title for the Rugrats series, but it is based on the two-part episode of the show where the babies build a time machine and travel to 2011 (which was the future at the time) becoming teenagers in the process (their parents, and Spike the dog, also become geriatrics as a result). When the show begat a spin-off based on that episode, All Grown Up!, it also begat a spin-off game upon the Game Boy Advance, All Grown Up: Express Yourself, in 2004.

Story[edit | edit source]

This is taken from the back of the game's box, the front of which is displayed in the image to the right:

Tots to preteens...
and back again!
Inspired by the Rugrats 10th
Anniversary Special, the babies have
been catapulted ten years into the
future! Help them find the pieces of
a time machine scattered around
Dr. Spooky's castle. It's the only
way they can return to their lives as
the babies we all know and love!
© Viacom International Inc. 2001

Table of Contents


Rugrats: All Growed Up/Table of Contents