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The player can find this level's Kettle on a platform behind Cuttlefish's hut in Area 1.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Beginning[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Beginning.jpg

You will spawn on a grassy platform with flowers and a tree. Shoot ink on the tree with ZR Button to collect three Power Eggs, then continue forward. Swim with ZL Button through the yellow ink path down each of four slopes, collecting all of the Power Eggs along the way. Jump off the last platform to reach the first checkpoint.

Checkpoint 1[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 1.jpg

Just ahead is a large area littered with crates. Destroy these crates to receive a few Power Eggs, and then continue forward. You will encounter two Octocopters, Octarian enemies that are able to fly and shoot purple ink. Because their ink travels in slow bursts, taking them out will be relatively easy. Shoot the first Octocopter you come across, and then swim up the inked ramp, collecting the Power Eggs in your path. Turn and destroy the second Octocopter, and then continue forward by breaking the three crates in your way. Dash jump by turning into a squid in your own ink with ZL Button, swimming forward with Up Lstick, and jumping with X Button across the gap to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 2[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 2.jpg

Turn right and ink the tree to collect its hidden Power Eggs. With a swimming start, dash jump onto the second platform and collect its Power Egg. Dash jump onto the next platform and do the same to reach the final platform. If you fall off one of these pillars, spread ink up one of its sides and swim up it to continue. You cannot, however, swim up to the final platform; you must dash jump there instead.

Upon reaching the final platform, collect the Power Egg immediately in front of you. Take out the Octocopter and destroy the two crates to the left of the steep ramp ahead of you. The smaller, decorated crate contains armor, so collect it and return to ink the ramp, collecting its three Power Eggs. Swim up the ramp, shoot ink onto the Inkrail pod, and travel through it by holding ZL Button and moving along its path. Be careful not to let go of ZL Button because you will fall off the Inkrail.

Checkpoint 3[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 3.jpg

Ink the next Inkrail pod and enter it. This time, there will be no floor underneath the Inkrail's path, so do not let go of ZL Button or you will be forced to respawn from Checkpoint 3. Continue along the path and disembark at its end to reach the fourth checkpoint.

Checkpoint 4[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 4.jpg

Destroy the four crates and collect the Power Egg that appears out of the smallest one. Continue forward and kill the two Octocopters hovering above a pit. Hide behind one of the three barriers if necessary. After taking out the Octocopters, dash jump onto the moving platform above the pit. If you fall off the platform or land in the pit, simply ink a path up the moving platform or stationary platform ahead. Swim up either of these walls to continue. Once on the moving platform, dash jump onto the stationary platform to reach the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 5[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 5.jpg

Walk forward and collect the Inkzooka can and the two Power Eggs on either side of it. Destroy the four crates surrounding the short wall, and click Press Rstick to activate the special weapon. Fire it repeatedly with ZR Button at the enemies ahead - two Octotroopers and three Octocopters. Dodge their attacks and if the Inkzooka runs out of ink before all the enemies have been defeated, move closer and take them out with your Hero Shot. Once the enemies have been killed, a launchpad will appear. Activate it by pressing ZL Button.

Checkpoint 6[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 6.jpg

Swim forward in the trail of ink to collect three Power Eggs. Jump down into the pool of ink below and ink a path forward. Kill the two Octocopters, but do not move on to the next checkpoint. Instead, spread ink up the wall of the left pillar and swim up it. Once on top of the pillar, spread ink at your feet. Then, turn right to face the other pillar, and spread ink along its wall. Perform a dash jump and swim up the second pillar to reach a crate containing a Sunken Scroll. Once you have collected the Scroll, jump down and continue to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 7[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 7.jpg

Destroy the crate on the left to collect a Power Egg, then ink a path up the wall immediately in front of you. Swim up this path and continue forward, spreading ink on the wall just ahead. Dash jump into the ink you splattered and swim to the top. Take out the Octotrooper to the right and collect the Power Egg on top of the short pillar. From the top of this pillar, dash jump onto the moving platform ahead and spread ink on the wall in front of you. Dash jump onto this platform and take out the two Octotroopers, hiding behind the walls and short pillars if necessary. Destroy the few crates sitting on the ground to collect Power Eggs, and then ink the Inkrail pod and travel along its path to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 8[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Checkpoint 8.jpg

Dash Jump onto the first moving platform, then the second. Ink a path up the next wall, covered in three Power Eggs, and travel up it. If you fall off a platform into enemy ink, simply shoot ink on the side of a platform to continue.

Final Checkpoint[edit | edit source]

File:Splatoon Mission 3 Final Checkpoint.jpg

Destroy the crates in front of you to collect armor and some Power Eggs. Continue around the short wall, where you will see a field of enemy ink and crates guarded by a large Octobomber. Maneuver around the field, avoiding the Octobomber's Splat Bomb attacks, until you are at a close enough range where you can take it out.

Ink a path on the platform just beyond where the Octobomber was hovering and swim up it. Do the same to the next platform and finally, ink a path up the curved wall covered in Power Eggs. Dash jump onto this wall and swim up it to reach the Zapfish, surrounded by a shield. Destroy this shield and swim forward to retrieve the Zapfish and complete the mission.