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=That's it for now=



Revision as of 10:24, 10 January 2006

This walkthrough was started a few days after the game came out, and was written through chapter 8. I soon realized I didn't want to finish it and it had been sitting since

Does not yet cover unlockables

: Volks Lab

You are John Raimi, a specialist and biological and chemical threats. You are often hired by governments, universities and corporations to help deal with the most dangerous biological and chemical agents. You are called to help infiltrate the Volks Corporation, as they are suspected of creating a new virus.

Retrieve Viral Data

After the initial cut scene and tutorial (See ‘Controls’ above), get used to the controls and walk down the stairs. Walk up to the microscope and press A when you see an icon. Flip through the slides with A and head back up the stairs.

Escape to CR-2 Extraction Point

Follow the soldiers and when you get to a room with long glass windows, press L to crouch. Use Y or R to pull out your gun, and Y to reload. Hold Y to put your gun away. Walk under the window and take out the enemies. There is one in the corner of the room by the door you came through, be careful not to get hit by him. Take out the next two guys in the same room, then run into the next when the door is opened (after a short cut scene). The next room has more enemies, but it's easy. Before you go in, get some health from the wall if you need it (go up to it and press A when the + sign shows up). To take care of the enemies in this room, get behind some pipes and crouch. Shoot them when they are too close, and when they are standing by explosive crates (the boxes with yellow and black stripe, shot those to make them blow up. Clear out the next room, then talk to the man closest to the door to gain access to the next room. Get some health, you'll need it. Follow the soldiers and watch the cut scene.

Boss: Creature

-- This is pretty easy. Strafe back and forth and shoot at its mouth when it is wide open. When you've taken about a quarter of its health, it will start shooting orbs of energy at you. Dodge them, keep strafing, and keep shooting its mouth. Eventually it will go into the ceiling, and you can pass. --

Walk across the bridge and head through the door. Great job! Now all you have to do is climb up to the helicopter and get home to the wife and kids. Boy, you're going to sleep like a baby tonight. Oh, wait. You're dead.

: Containment

Don't worry, everything is fine. In fact, everything is perfect. Do what the nice lady's voice tells you. Your energy drains slowly as a ghost, the woman tells you, and you need to get energy from plants or hosts. Go up to the plant and get some energy (look at it, press A when the icon appears) and then possess the rabbit. Hmm... that's weird. Why is it glitching? A ghost girl named Gigi has destroyed the machine you were being held in.

Escape Containment Wing

Gigi will appear and your objective is to follow her. Head over to the corner she's in and press A when the icon to slip through cracks appears. Go to the mirror across the room and talk to her. Look around for a generator that looks like two tires put side by side. When it is red, and there is an icon with a human figure, press A to possess it. While inside, press A to do its action. Dispossess it with B then possess the mop. After that, possess the paint can on a shelf by the door and press A repeatedly to do its action. Talk to Gigi and possess the exploding crate on the back wall, blow it up, and follow Gig through the crack (use L to float to it). Follow Gigi's instructions and possess the phone (on the right wall from where you came in). Make it ring, then scare the human, when after Gigi falls out possess the custodian. Pick up the phone (hand icon on the phone you were just in) and listen to it. So be careful, the have guns. Go down the hallway and through the door. Listen to the nerdy scientists if you want to, then head up the stairs. The first door is locked so go through the second one. Go through the big door on the other end of this room and you will find yourself back in the room where you first met Gigi. Dispossess the custodian, then look for the garbage can on the left side of the room. Don’t possess it, go up the stairs and possess the box. Make it explode and when the guard runs over, posses the garbage can and scare him. Possess him (another prisoner, eh?) and go back to the room with the scientists. Talk to the only one left in the room, then look at the monitors near the door (look at the red icons). You should at least get a new objective and a security code for the locked door on the level above. Go to the door an look to the left of it. There is a keypad. Put in the code (9235, if you’ve forgotten it) and go through the door. Go through the room with the dogs, then into the room with a yellow barrier. Shoot up the place (or hold Y to lower your weapon and walk down to the dog so the alarm will go off, then shoot up the place) and walk through the barrier. Kill the enemies in the hallway and next two rooms (careful, they’re hiding) and go through a door that leads to…


Boss: Cord (1)

-- This is a bit harder than the last boss. First, his attacks. He throws grenades that take about half of your health. You can tell when he’s about to throw one because his hand turns white. He also shoots yellow at you (sorry, couldn’t think of what else to call it). These shots take about an eighth of your health. They are both easy to dodge. To damage him, shoot him when his shield is down. The most efficient way to hurt him is to shoot him when he’s about to throw a grenade. He will drop it and fall to the ground. Possess the grenade, roll it up to him and press A to make it explode. Continue doing this until he runs away. --

Go through the door Cord went through and take out the enemies that appear. Continue taking out enemies until Gigi talks to you. Look down and to the left for a button and press it. More enemies will file in, take them out. Go inside the cable car when you are done with them and press the button in it to cross the gap. Kill the enemies on the other side and turn the valve on the large cylinder to get to a hole you can slip through as a ghost. End Level 2.

: Separation

Shut Down Spirit Separation Chamber

As a ghost you are entitled to special privileges. Floating around, walking through chain link fences, and scaring dogs. So being by floating through the fence into the dog’s living area. Possess its food bowl and scare it. Possess the dog, walk up the ramp and out of the cage over to the most idiotic guard ever. “Okay Phantom, I’ll open the door for you. Just try not to get caught!” Bark to scare the rats, then possess one of them. There is a hole on the right side (looking at it as you came in) on the far side of the room. Crawl through it. Possess one of the explosive crates and when a guard walks by blow it up (and watch the fun rag doll physics!). Repeat for the second guard a little farther down the room. Go back and get the dog (through the same tunnel you came in) and go into the room past the room where you killed the second guard. Crawl through the vent in the corner. When you are out of that, talk to the guard. He will tell you to lay in the corner. Dispossess and possess a ladder. Scare the guard, then possess a fire extinguisher, scare him then possess the pressure gauge. Tap A repeatedly to get the pressure in the red, and then possess the guard. Go through the door, turn to the right and go through the next door, then go through the door with the sign that says “Control Room” by it. Go through the door on the right and keep going right. Dispossess and slip through the crack. Possess one of the mechanical arms (the yellow things on the ceiling) and scare him by spraying water at him. Possess the computer and scare him. Possess him and try to get past the mechanical arms; Gigi will pop up and tell you sometimes people are afraid of things so much that you can get them to go near it. Dispossess him and go to his desk at very end of the room (the side with his computer, but not that desk). Possess a fuse and roll it over to him so he can pick it up. Go to the end of the long hallway and activate the elevator (using the up/down button). It will fall and the lights will go out. There is a door in the gate by the elevator, go through. Go up to the fuse box (gray rectangle thing) and press A to change the fuse. The lights will come back on, so go use the elevator. There is a door with a cylinder by it- use the cylinder to open the door (it scans your face). You should be in the Y-shaped room where you left the last soldier you were in. Leave it (the door is down the stairs) and go to another face scanning cylinder to open another door (around the corner to the right). You will come face to back with Cord. He’s being lectured by some guy with gray hair (who’s name is Rouke), and they are about to perform another separation… on Bryson! Dun dun dun….. So to stop it hop in the laser cannon and blow up the four glowing blue things on the outside of the rift. Some guy will try to reset the cannon, but he’s not hard to overcome. Some things will happen and you just hop back into the engineer to go through the same door Cord went through. There are some soldiers at the end of this hallway and they ask if you are the one who is going to fix a turret. There is a control box on the right wall (the one without windows) use it and a gun will drop down. Get the engineer somewhere safe (behind a slanted pillar will do) and shoot the soldiers. There is one soldier behind those crates. There are quite a few enemies in the next room. Before possessing the soldier go through the room and blow up crates that have enemies near them. Go back and possess him, then clear out the room. Go get the engineer and open the door at the bottom of the stairs. Open the door of the cabinet with the HAZMAT suit in it and put it on. Go through the door and talk to the other HAZMAT guy. The next part is a memory game: On each thick pillar there is a little gray rectangle with dots. When you start playing the memory game it will show you where to place a rivet and you need to repeat it. Once the three of them are done you can go through the door into the next section. You don’t need to do any here (but you get an unlockable) so go through the door. Don’t take the suit off, just go through the next door for the next boss fight. Put the engineer by the door, sort of hidden by the tank and dispossess. Possess the pressure gauge on the tank and make gas pour into the room.


Boss: Cord (2)

-- Possess one of the soldiers. Cord won’t come out until you’ve shot someone, so shoot the only guy who isn’t possessable. Once Cord is out shoot only him. You need the other bodies for when your soldier dies. He only has one attack, shooting more yellow at you. Try to avoid it because the other bullets will be doing a lot of damage to you already. Keep shooting him (try to keep all fire away from the engineer) and once all the soldiers are dead possess the gun cams (turret things) and keep shooting. It can get hard to see him, so try to shoot him when the reticule is red. If you can’t find him dispossess and look around. If, for some reason, you use all of the soldiers and turrets and finish him off with the engineer’s rivet gun. --

Pick up the key card from Cord’s body and unlock the door Cord came in from. Pull the lever to the right to open a door. Go to that door, dispossess and float through. One main thing: A giant demon escapes the rift. Okay, back to Raimi, keep floating down the tube until you get to the end and go through the crack.

: Medical

Rescue Bryson from Medical Wing

Bryson is going to die unless you get to him soon, so get going. Start by floating down in the gap and going through the crack. Gigi tells you there is something else in the compound and it’s bad. There are two lamps in this room- one in front of where you came in, and another up and to the right of where you came in. Scare the bats with the first one, then get into the second one and scare them again. Possess one and fly up, following the wire until you get to a place with a guy on a platform above the first flight of steps. Swoop down and hit him and he will go down the stairs. Hit him again and he will run over to a manhole. Possess the manhole cover and scare him, then possess him. Take up through the door at the top of the room. Talk to the guy looking through hole and he’ll leave. Slip through it as a ghost and you’ll find yourself in a *gasp!* women’s locker room! After ‘exploring’ (we all know what you really do…) possess the shower head of the blond girl and scare her. Next possess three shower heads by the towel girl (Anna) and scare her out of the room. Next possess the mirror, and scare her again to make her possessable. Possess her and go to the farthest row of lockers (across from the blond girl) from the mirrors and looks in the lockers that are open until you find Samus’ visor. I thought that was cool, that’s all. Go out of the locker room and go out the door to your right to get back to the room where you went in the showers from in the first place. Get some clothes from the rack to the right of the door, then go back into the hallway. The guy who was in the way is gone, so go into the door first on the left after the locker room hallway. It’s in an area with two other boor that are barred off and have blood under them. You should be in a large room with a door to the morgue on the right wall. Pass that and go to a door that needs a security code to pass. Slip through the crack and possess the clearance panel and make it malfunction. The guard will come over and put in the code, but you need to read it backwards. Slip back out and put in the code (0426) to open the door. Go into the first door on the left past the yellow barrier (second door on the left past the code door) and watch the cut scene. Grab the fire extinguisher on the wall (to the left of the door to Bryson) and put out the fire outside the door. If the fire extinguisher doesn’t work, restart the level (it is a small, but slightly annoying glitch). Go out and to the left, into the ICU. Leave Anna by the guy standing in a doorway and go into the psycho ward. Possess one of the monitors by a patient and press A repeatedly to make warnings go off. They will go off when all four boxes at the bottom of the screen turn into one solid color. Alternatively, you can possess the guy behind the window and make him pound on the glass. Either way the man in the doorway will get out of the way. Possess Anna and go in the room the man was blocking. Open a cabinet near the middle of the wall to get the Refrigerator key card. Get out of that room and go back through the door you needed to get the code for. Anna will put it in automatically when you go to put it in and the door will open. Go into the morgue. Put out the fire at the bottom of the stairs and kill the purple creatures with your handy dandy fire extinguisher. Once they are all dead, open the freezer door and get the serum for Bryson. Take it back to him (second door on the left after the code door, then through two doors to get into the surgery room- watch out for the purple creatures in the hallway leading up to it) and give him the serum. This next part is an escort mission for Bryson. Don’t worry about him, as long as you don’t hit him with a grenade or something he should be fine. He follows you, but you usually can’t tell when he is because he’s pretty quiet. Since you are now a lighter haired Lara Croft, shoot the two guys who run into the surgery room, run up to the door out of it and shoot the guy who is about to run in. keep taking out the baddies (including purple things) until you get to a barrier blocking a door. Grenade it and keep moving. Be careful about grenades in the next room, Bryson sticks close to you and doesn’t have a lot of health. Duck behind ridges and pillars to keep taking the enemies out. There is someone on top of a pillar (way up there) so be careful of him, too. Once the room is clear, take the elevator up and get ready for a boss.


Boss: Creature

-- Strafe. It’s basically the same as the first boss in the way you hurt him, but a lot harder to dodge his attacks. He fires the same energy orbs, but once in a while he’ll fire waves of four or five of them at a time. His arms block his head, which you need to shoot, so wait until he moves his arms out of the way and fire. His single blast attacks are easy to dodge, but you will more than likely get hurt by the waves (and they can do a lot of damage). I’ve managed to not get hurt before, but you have to keep your aim on his head (good time to shoot him) and strafe quickly. After you take away a bit of his health he will roll up into a ball. Go to the blue side of him and throw grenades in the hole when it opens (get used to the rhythm and throw a little bit before it moves its claws). Repeat the first part (the waves will be a little longer) and when he rolls up into a ball watch out. He starts rolling around the circle you are in, so get out of the way. It takes him a few times around to change where he is in the circle, so get in either the outermost part of the circle or inner depending on where he starts. Don’t waste your bullets on him in this stage. Once he stops and gets back in the middle do the same as before to hurt him (watch out for laser eyes (easy to dodge), and the waves are even longer). He might do another time of rolling up and you need to throw a grenade in the hole. After a while he’ll roll up into a ball and roll around again, but he’ll stop and open the hole for you to throw grenades in after you shoot him enough. You need to shoot him while he’s rolling around, just be careful about how close he gets to you. When he has no health left he’ll spit out Bryson and slink away. --

: Escape!

Help Bryson Escape

Go out the door and take out the four guards to the room, using the crates for cover. In the next room there are three guards, two on the ground floor and one in the control box on the upper floor. Once you’ve taken care of them go into the control box and press the button in the front. This causes boxes to come out of a hole in the wall, possess one and dispossess when you stop moving. Go around the shelf, see the rats eating chips? Possess the TV and scare them, then possess one. Go back into the alcove with the TV and through the hole in the wall in the opposite corner of the TV (on the same wall). Make note of the Rat Poison, you’ll need it soon. Dispossess and slip through the crack in the wall. Go up the stairs to the left and slip through the door into the mess hall. Go back into the kitchen area (with the chef washing dishes) and possess the oven. Press A repeatedly to make the food start smoking, then possess the fan. Turn it on and move it from pointing at the oven to pointing at the chef, then when the chef runs over dispossess. Possess the stack of plates to the right of the fan and throw them at the chef. He’ll duck behind the oven, but poke his head out after a few seconds. Throw more at him and possess him when you can. Gigi will appear and tell you Bryson is waiting on the other side of the door. Go up the stairs in the mess hall and go to the door all the way to the left. Open it and talk to Bryson. You need to clear out the guards, so go to the back of the food preparation area and through the door. To the left of the door and on a low shelf there is a can of tomato soup. Pick it up, and go back out through the kitchen and in the door with the energy portal you slipped through to get in in the first place. Turn left and go into the elevator that takes you to the Radio Room. Put the code 1041 into the machine that has 0000 in it when you come in. Go back down the elevator and past the stairs to the mess hall, into the door across from the lounge. Pick up the rat poison and go back to the mess hall. There is a basin with hot water in front of the soldiers waiting to eat (by the window into the rest of the kitchen), mix the soup and rat poison into it. Snicker and go talk to a few of the guards. Go out of the mess hall, turn into a ghost and go into the lounge (Go right at the bottom of the stairs). Possess the soda machine at the far end of this room, and get the man’s attention. Shoot soda cans out after he looks at you, then possess one of the cans and roll it up to him, then make it explode. He’ll run into the bathroom, so possess a faucet and scare him again. Possess him and go back to the mess hall, and up the stairs to Bryson. Scan your face (or retina or whatever) to open the door and follow Bryson. Watch the slide show (using the red flashing button on the opposite side of where Bryson is looking for info). Go back to the lounge and wait for Bryson to come in. An alarm will go off. This next part is an escort mission of sorts, too. You need to possess various guncams and take out enemy soldiers to help Bryson get through, and he can die from enemy fire. He has a gun this time, too. Go through the two doors, where you will be killed. Or the scientist will be killed. Whatever. Possess the guncam and take out the three soldiers. Slip through the door the guards are trying to get through and possess the guncam that the camera panned in on when Bryson got in the room. Take out the three soldiers on that floor, then go down to the next floor and possess two canisters, one behind each set of guards. Tap A repeatedly to make the pressure go into the red so they explode. Then they are dead, two more will come up the stairs and shoot at Bryson. Possess a box of grenades behind them, then make it fall over. Possess one of the grenades that fall out and roll it between the soldiers. Make it explode and go back up to the top level. Possess the guncam you were first in in this room and kill the four soldiers shooting at Bryson. Hop over the guard rail and float to the bottom of the room, and follow Bryson. Possess one of the guncams in this room and take out the guards, and the other guncam. Stay in the guncam for a minute and shoot the four guards that run into the room from the door you came through. Dispossess the guncam, and possess the motorcycle Bryson is sitting on. Press A rapidly to start the engine.

Escort Bryson to the CR-2 Rendezvous Point.

Steer Bryson through the gaps in the first two rows of mines. The third row is like this:

* * *____* 

___ indicates the gap

So get Bryson in the correct position and dispossess. Float up ahead and possess the explosive crates by each gunner to blow them up. Float past the other motorcyclists and possess the gun mounted on the back of a truck (on the right side). Shoot the motorcyclists before they start to follow Bryson and shoot everything from here on on. There is a truck on the right ahead, shoot it. Around a curve there is a machine gunner. Shoot him. Bryson might need to be repositioned (the mounted gun shoots at him when you dispossess), and this might take a few trys. There are a few more trucks, gunners, and motorcyclists to take out before… A gas truck chases you! Shoot out the tanks on either side of the truck (the shiny things near the bottom of it) then shoot its grill to destroy it.

This next part is timed, you know what to do before you start. There are four anti-aircraft missile launchers to destroy. There is a mine tech guy you need to possess. For each missile launcher you need to take out the enemies guarding its base, including guncams, and then the missile launcher itself. There is always one guncam with an explosive crate under it and you always need to use that one for each missile launcher. Once all of the enemies are gone you need to use the mine tech guy to go up the elevator, throw a mine on the missile launcher and go back down to get to the next one. Start by floating through the gate and going to the farthest right guncam (the one behind one guard) and kill the guard. An alarm will go off and another guard will run up. Kill him, dispossess and make the crate under it explode. Go through the tunnel to the right. Take out everyone (use the guncam closest to the tunnel exit first to take out the guncam you can’t reach from the exploding crate one) and the other four guncams, then explode the crate under the guncam you are in. Float down towards the helipad, but go right to the next missile launcher. Possess a guncam to take out the soldier you can’t reach with the explosive crate guncam, the possess the E.C.G. and take out the rest. Float over to the last missile launcher, possess the E.C.G. and kill the soldiers and other guncam, then explode the crate. You are now free to possess the mine tech guy and destroy the missile launchers. Take each elevator up to the top and throw a mine on the missile launchers with R. Press Z to make them explode. You can use him to take out any enemies, if you missed any or if they run up to you. Remember, you are being timed. Oh great, all that work for nothing. Oh well… Slip into the hole by the gate you came in from. You’ll be face to face with your body, but he’ll run away. Follow him to the end of the level.

: Gigi

Regain your body

Go forward and up to your body. He’ll jump away and somehow a gun will explode. You can’t get to him now, so keep moving forward. Get some energy from a plant and float up a ramp make of a log and rocks. Float over to the window (hold L) and slip through it. Go forward and slip through another hole in the wall. Go out the door, and out the door past a opening in the wall. You are now in a long hallway with a statue holding an orb in the middle of it. Go through the doorway across from the one you just came out of and into the room where the servants dined. Jump on the table, and jump over the wall where a big potion of it is missing. Possess a little clock (by the door and cabinet), press A twice to open the door to get out. Use the table by the cracked wall to get out, then go out through the door you just opened. Go into the door across the next room and through the crack in the wall. Get out into the room with a bunch of statues, then go left into the library. In the library, in between the two doors there is a grandfather clock. There is also a picture on a wall, look at it. The time in the clock in the picture is the time you need to put in the grandfather clock. Possess it and set the time to 10:05 (remember, you are looking at the clock face backwards) and press A. A picture of Gigi and her brother will rise. Go in the room you have opened and possess a little music box on the desk. Power it up. This is a mini-game where you have to press the right direction at the right time with the analog for four sets of four. If you mess up even once it will be reset. The first time I did this, it wouldn’t let me do up and down. It turned out it was my controller, so I switched it and it was fine. This has happened to other people, too, so don’t get upset if it doesn’t work (for that reason, anyway). Once you finish that part, you will have a limited amount of time to complete the next puzzle. Go out to the statue room and possess the middle one. Point the beam of light at the statue with the circle with a line through it on its base (in between door from the library and the door you came from where you had to make the symbol with three dots light up). Press A. Next turn right and skip a statue, to go to the top statue. Point the light at it and press A. Keep skipping a statue and lighting up a statue until they are all lit. The door will open- go through it. Jump over the gaps (if you fall, just jump back up at one of the ends) and slip through the crack. Go out towards the tree and through the right hallway. Take the first door on the left (with the green gas) and the door on the left. Gigi is in there, talk to her. Watch the cut scene, then follow her through a few rooms. Slip through the wall. Go to the truck with its hood open and possess the engine. Press A repeatedly to make it crash into a wall. Possess the guy who got out of the truck. Use your shotgun to take out the purple creatures, and make your way down the hall. Go in the subway bus when you get there, taking out more purple creatures as you go.

Boss: Boss (Creative names, huh?)

-- Same as the first boss fight. Strafe back and forth, shoot when its mouth is open. It’s actually easier now because you have cover. After you take some of its health, it will run away. You’ll meet up with it again in a few minutes, but it’s the same strategy. Use the subway car for cover and shoot when its mouth is open. --

Go up the staircase, there is a new enemy. It’s invisible, but you can see its shadow. Sometimes it will turn visible. Just shoot it until it’s dead (it doesn’t have to be visible). There are more at the top of the stairs. Use the elevator and pass through the yellow barrier. Fast moving soldiers will kill your host. Float through the second left, then go straight to the end of it. Turn right, then right again, and hop across the ledges to the other side. Across from the barrier there is a slightly askew doorway, go through it. Go across the next gap, then turn right, float across the gap, turn left, then go down the ramp. At the bottom is your body.

: Captured

Virtual Combat and Infiltration Simulation
Long Range Sniper Training

Possess the host and get ready for this next simulation. It’s different from the last one, because you kill people. And there’s green vision (thermal). Pull out your sniper rifle and switch to green vision (Z). This makes it a lot easier to complete the level. The gun has two distances for the scope. Press L to about the middle of how far it can go to get the first distance. Once you have a target, zoom in and snipe the target’s head to kill him quickly. The voice will tell you to kill all the guards. They are the yellow things in the green vision who sometimes like to hide behind pillars and the Limo. After you’ve killed them, some snipers will start shooting at you. Use the green vision to find and kill them, watch out for the snipers to the left and right of the building you are on. You’ll soon be told to assassinate the dignitary who has gotten out of the Limo. You have to be quick, don’t worry about fine tuning your aim. He’s the one that has a different shape than the guards, has no gun, and is running up the stairs. Shoot him before he gets through the door.

Stop all Soldiers from Exiting the Lobby

This is tricky. You can use two hosts to complete the mission- a guard with a rocket launcher and a guard with an rifle. I used the one with the rocket launcher, but if you die you can take the crack in the wall near him up to the second host. Once you’ve possessed your host back up against the doors and get ready for the first wave of enemies trying to get out. The first few come from the left (after a while) so aim your rocket launcher at the ground in front of them and fire away (or mow them down with the rifle). After that they’ll start coming from the right and top, too, so watch out. The first wave isn’t so bad, but the second wave gets tricky. The first enemies come from the top, on both sides. Try to shoot them before they get down the stairs. After that they’ll come from the ground floor and there will be a lot of them. Try to catch them in groups to take out a bunch at one time. Keep looking around to make sure you haven’t missed any, and if one gets through the door, don’t worry yet. Fire a rocket after him and you’ll probably hit him. Otherwise you have start from the first wave again. Try to time your reloads to in between waves and when enemies are far away. The third wave uses the same strategy as the second, just try to get your rocket to land at their feet and look around a lot. This sim will probably take you a few tries to get the pattern down, but you’ll get it eventually.

Dignitary Assassination and Possession

This is easy compared to the last part. There is the possibility of a lot of fire on you, but if you can limit it to one guard at a time it doesn’t matter. The guards are pushovers, anyway. There are no health packs, but you get a new host once in a while. The easiest way to complete this is to exploit the weak AI of the game. If you can get behind a corner, but still be able to shoot at a guard (have you reticule turn red) then you can usually fire with no one firing back. Sometimes you will get caught in between three or four enemies, but just keep firing, focusing on one at a time. Try to shoot them in the head for the easiest kills (sometimes it doesn’t matter). There are a lot of enemies, and you need to take out all of them, but you can do it. You’ve had more people firing at you at once by now than you’ll see in this simulation. All rooms and doors eventually lead to the same place, and you might find a good sniping spot in one of the rooms. Take your time and kill all of the enemies. When you get to the blue-ish barrier, note that you can float over it as a ghost. Use your host to open the door next to the barrier, climb up the stairs, and shoot out the three wires in the elevator shaft. Go back down, hop the barrier, possess the dignitary and jump down the shaft. Now you get grenades. They make this even more fun! Throw them at groups of enemies, throw them at doors (try to get them as close to the door as possible), and throw them at... well, there isn’t much more to throw them at. Shoot enemies that haven’t been killed by the grenade (when you blast open a door, most of the enemies in the room will die). Eventually, you’ll reach a dead end with a big locked door and a few doors in front of it. The closest door on the right to the door (farthest from you) has the dignitary you want to possess inside, so only grenade the door across from that door or the dignitary might die and cause you to start over. The blast should open both doors. Take care of any guards who weren’t killed (be careful with the dignitary, he’s the baldish one in the back of the room, don’t shoot at him at all) then possess the dignitary.

Infiltrate Special Ops Conference

Follow the engineer through the door he opened. Look in the alcove to the right and possess him. Run up the stairs, then turn right down the long hallway. Go through the door with the sign ‘Weapons Lab’ by it (the door on the left) and talk to the scientists at the bottom. They’ll tell you to restore the power, so go back up to that long hallway and go across it through the door labeled ‘To the Power Room’. Use the door on the right as the human and go down the stairs to a room with a HAZMAT suit. Put it on, and go out the door into a lot of greenish-yellow gas. Pull out your rivet gun and go to the left down a tunnel. Kill any purple creatures or invisible ones you find and go through the door at the end. Go through the next door into the power room. Use the elevator to get up to the top and talk to the other engineer. He’ll tell you that there are relay switches that need to be activated in the right order in a certain amount of time. The amount of time you get is plenty, don’t worry. Go back down the elevator and look for a flashing blue light on the left. Go to it and activate the first relay. Easy or what? Keep going around the room, looking for the flashing blue lights and activating them. Eventually you’ll have them all so get back to the top and activate the flashing red relay (even though your friend was killed). Do that a few more times and that annoying bug boss will come down.


Boss: Ahh, whatever.

-- Same way to hurt him, shoot his mouth while it’s open. Okay, the only different thing about this fight is after a few shots it will go back up into the pipes and try to come down directly above you. You can try to avoid this by moving around, but it is a small stages. The best way to avoid it is to wait until it roars in the pipes and move out of the way quickly. When he’s dead reactivate the relays on the top to restore the power. --


Go all the way back to the weapons lab (killing enemies in the tunnel, take off the suit, up the stairs, across the hall). Dispossess and possess the robotic arms above the scientists to scare them. Go up the stairs a little bit and examine the door as the engineer. Slip through the crack when the scientist opens it and possess the microscope across from the scientist. Rattle it around a lot to make the scientist come over, then make him turn red and possess him. Go up towards the door and grab the gun that the camera zooms in on. There are two other guns, one for each scientist, but this is the best. Go backup to that long hallway and turn left. Go through the door at the end. There are some enemies in this room (humans included), but they are easy to kill with your handy new gun. Go out the door on the far end of this room to find yourself in another tunnel. At the end open the door (use the scanner first). Help kill everything in there (humans won’t shoot you, but you can kill them if you want) and slip through the crack into the door with Security Room by it. Possess the guard and shoot the creatures, then go through the unlocked too and kill the enemy in there (it’s in the room at the bottom of the ramp, invisible) then look on the right wall for monitors with flashing red buttons. Press both of them to turn off the security alarm. Go back and possess the scientist again. Go into the room called Command Wing. Go down the hallway, taking out enemies as you go. Go through whatever doors you come to and continue going down. You will reach a dead end with two holes un the wall big enough to walk through. One is obviously closed, so go through the one that isn’t to meet…


Boss: Boss

-- The final form of this annoying bug/lizard boss! It rolls around and you have to shoot off the canisters covering its body to damage it. There is an easy way and a hard way. First, the easy way. I suggest youget out of the way or the boss will crush you before you start, so move around in a circle. It might be a little confusing, but it you do it right you should end up in a corner to the left of where you dropped down into the fight (there is a big portion of the wall missing, it looks like you can walk into it but you can’t). Make yourself comfortable in the corner, it can’t hit you there. Whenever it rools by shoot it and keep shooting it. Canisters will fall off and sometimes there will be a blue gas. Don’t worry about either of these. The gas is poisonous but it can’t get to you because you are in the almighty corner. Shoot it until it’s dead. That was the easy way. The hard way is to do the exact same thing, but follow it around while you are doing it. It is a lot faster than you and will take you by surprise after you’ve lost track of it on more than one occasion. It will die, but it will take about the same amount of time to kill it (if not more) as the first strategy. You can also possess an explosive crate and blow it up when the thing rolls by. Once it is dead slip through the crack in the wall (straight to the left from the corner you were in). --

: Rouke

Find Helipad with Spec Ops Transport

Jump down to the lower level and use one of the doorways on either side of the stage to get behind it. Go down the passage in the middle and slip through the door. Go down the hallway opposite the fountain and slip into the only door you can. Possess the bed at the end and scare the girl, then chase her out and possess her. Go out the door and turn left, going through the door at the end of the hallway. Go down the stairs and in a room with a bunch of mousetraps. Make your way to a room with rats and a mousetrap. Possess the mousetrap and get a rat’s attention. When it starts eating the cheese snap the trap and dispossess. Possess the only white rat and go out of the room. You are drawn to mousetraps, so try to avoid them. Try to go in the opposite direction if you start getting sucked in by one of them. If you are caught, turn around and try to get the cheese so you can get away. Avoid the first few traps by going into a pile of rubble. Work your way past them and the next few, then go into another pile of rubble. Go into the door into a little room with a chain link fence around it. Go to the end and in the corner is a hole you can go through. There is a mousetrap at the end, but it’s easy to get past. Turn right after that and go through another hole opposite the hole you came out of (it’s in the chain link fence) and make a sharp U-turn when you get out of it to go up a mound of dirt. You can’t climb the stairs. Turn right at the top and go through the hole. Make your way over to the stairs. There is a hole next to it that you must go through. Climb in it and stay of the handrail until you get to the very top, where a guard opens a door for you to go through. Make a quick left where another guard opens a door. Go straight until you get to your keeper. After the cut scene, dispossess the rat and possess the lamp above the parrot. Scare the parrot, and possess it. Scare the woman, then possess her. Open the cage to the dog and offer it a few treats. Once you have the leash on the dog, the only way you can move is by throwing a treat (R) and having the dog drag you along. Go out the door and go back to the room where the woman you are in originally picked you up as a rat. Go though the door at the end and make your way to a room with Rouke in it. It is also the room where you possessed the laser to save Bryson. Press A to let go of the dog, then possess Rouke when he’s red. Go out the door the dog went through and up into the room with the two guards keeping you from entering the door. Enter it and use the elevator.


That's it for now