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Items Collected:

Mission Requirements

  • Clear Time Limit: 8:40
  • Enemies Killed: 23

Note: Get your Sub Tanks filled up for this mission.

Ciel informs Zero that he can enter the final area of Neo Arcadia. Answer yes, and the mission will begin. Ciel tells Zero not to overstrain himself again.


Zero will appear in a room filled to the brim with energy conduits shaped like crosses, and circuits in the floor. From here, it's a pure gauntlet: make it past the enemies and traps, while getting through each challenge. There are no more Cyber-Elves, just get in, get out.

If you stayed true to the guide, you'll have all the Cyber-Elves. If you want to end the mission with a sufficient rank, hold off on using any. If you want a secret though, use up every last Elf prior to the mission, but you should save in a different file to avoid ruining a high rank.

You only need 23 kills, but with few enemies, don't miss a beat. Your time limit is the biggest for the final mission, but if you remember the first game, there's a good reason why...

Starting Off Easy

The first room starts off with a ladder. Smash the Gli-Eye along the way. You'll meet several Pantheon Hoppers when you reach the top and go left. Cut them apart without getting pounced. Damage count is very, very crucial.

The path stops at another ladder. Since you're scaling the inside of a huge tower, keep going up, which takes you to another Gli-Eye and Pantheon Hopper. This path ends with another ladder, but look out for two Gli Eyes nesting in the way. Keep climbing and they won't get you, and you can get them as they follow you to the next level of the tower.

A duo of Pantheon Hammers comes at you from the edge of the left side. Hit them with the Triple Shot, Tenshouzan, or Shield Boomerang.

Taking Risks

Now you'll begin to see some actual danger. Spikes are popping up at the end of the hall. You can easily jump from the first set, then jump onto a ladder over the second step. Beware another Gli-Eye in the midst.

What now? You've got nowhere to go! Wait... the ladder to the right looks reachable. Climb to the top of the first ladder and jump to the right while holding . You'll catch the ladder and be able to continue. If you do it wrong, expect spikes.

You've reached a shutter that leads into an empty hall. When you get to the end of it, you'll enter a room with a familiar sight; teleporter pods. That's right- Elpizo revived the Reploids you slayed. It's boss rush time!

Boss Refights: Part 1

There are just 3 teleporters instead of the 4 you initially reached in the first game, but each one takes you straight to a nasty Mutos Reploid you hoped to never see again. Starting with the easiest boss, enter the teleporter in the left corner.

Poler Kamrous

Poler Kamrous is back again, but something's very different about her. She's become hypnotized by Elpizo into thinking he's her master, as are all the other Reploids. She lets out a feisty growl and says that with Master Elpizo and Master Dark Elf, the new world is ready.

Keep on using Fire attacks and Poler Kamrous won't do much of anything. You should remember everything she can do. The floor is always frozen, but it doesn't affect the battle.

Poler Kamrous suddenly wonders what's going on after another walloping. She says it's so hot just before dying again.

After every boss fight, you get a health refill for yourself or Sub Tanks, and with Dable, this is doubled. Take what you need and enter the top teleporter.

Hyleg Ourobockle

Hyleg Ourobockle and Altoloid are waiting. Hyleg feeds Zero the same line as Poler Kamrous before the fight.

Hyleg Ourobockle won't be a problem. Don't get up close and deliver constant damage to him, and he may not even get to start using Altoloid. Even if he does, remember the pattern and wait it out. He has no weakness other than a tendency to go down quickly.

Hyleg Ourbockle can only remember seeing Elpizo and the Baby Elves when he returns to his former self. It's a nasty end for an equally nasty snake.

Finally, enter the lower-right teleporter but this battle is difficult.

Phoenix Magnion

Phoenix Magnion drops in with his usual showy display, just as mesmerized by Elpizo as the others.

Under any condition, this fight is brutal, but the floor poses a time limit: it's identical to the floor in the Power Room with the most slag pits. If they erupt, you can't dodge them, so you'll have to beat Phoenix Magnion under pressure. Keep walking close enough to him to dupe him into attacking, then clobber him with Thunder attacks. Beware the attacks he throws at you, especially the ones that can trap you, like his EX Skill, Rising Flame.

Phoenix Magnion has enough sense to figure out what went on. He calls himself foolish for being tricked so easily, before dying forever. Good thing he won't come back again.

Now that you've made half of your old foes permanent residents of the scrapyard, the door will open to the next part of the tower, where things get challenging.

Fast Judgement

It's no suprise to Pantheon Gunners defending X's location. They won't last with your superior Buster Skills.

After the first ladder, look out for the spike pit in the way. Make a dash-jump off the edge of the floor and you'll get over. It might take another quick wall-jump for you to avoid a mishap. Use Tenshouzan on the Pantheon and keep moving.

Toitanks surround the next area. Keep away from them when they fire, then dash by while they have to recharge. You can waste them before they ever get you, no sweat.

Slice your way past the next Toitank and then use Sengatotsu or the Shield Boomerang against the next Pantheon. There's a second group of spikes for your displeasure. Dash-jump just like before, only this time, get ready to deal with a Pantheon with a charged Saber. When you jump, just as you reach the edge, hack through that Pantheon and climb up before you impale yourself. Make use of the health if you need to.

Look out! When you're going up the wall, there's Toitanks all over creation. Deal with the first two by using Triple Shot, and then shoot the lone Pantheon in the lower-right corner. Hop over the spikes onto the ladder and slash the Toitank up here with the Saber as you climb. Pull a quick strike on the Pantheon above, and you're almost to the next checkpoint.

There's a big spike pit here. Dash-jump onto the first ladder and destroy the Toitank using the Buster when you line up with it. Cross onto the second ladder, and prepare for more bossses on the other side of the shutters.