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Hero Spells

Name Level gained MP cost Description
Oprin 1 5 Use Oprin to reveal hidden staircases. If Coronya is alive, she will inform you of the best times to cast it.
Pampoo 2 2 Pampoo is a basic healing spell. If cast in the field, it will restore 10 lost hit points. If cast in battle, it will restore 20 HP of the person it is cast upon.
Bolttor1 3 4 Bolttor is a lightning based magic spell that can strike a single field enemy.
Defenee 4 2 Although the hero cannot use this spell in battle like some of his allies, it is still useful to cast in the field and increase your defense against enemy attacks.
Flamol1 7 20 The spell sends out a whirlwind of flames that attack every enemy in the field or in battle.
Corbock 9 2 Corbock will attempt to shrink all of the enemies visible on the field, rendering them harmless, and vulnerable to death by squashing.
Bolttor2 11 15 An improvement over the first Bolttor spell, the Hero can also use it in battles to attack an enemy party.
Shrink 13 2 This is a stronger version of the Corbock spell, and has a greater chance for success against enemies, although some remain immune to its effects.
Flamol2 14 25 Flamol2 is a stronger version of Flamol1, although the hero loses the ability to cast it in battles (you can use Bolttor2 instead).
Ramipas 15 10 While the game claims that casting Ramipas will prevent you from encountering enemies for a while, you will still encounter them. It simply reduces the likelihood.
Bolttor3 17 20 This is the strongest version of the Bolttor spell. It attack everyone present in both the field and in battles.
Caraba 20 20 This is an upgrade to the Shrink spell, which further increases the chances for success when attempting to shrink various enemies on the field.
Marita 21 4 Although you will not be able to obtain it until the final chapter of the game, this ultimate healing spell restores 50 lost hit points.
Flamol3 23 30 The strongest version of the Flamol spell, and the final spell learned by the hero, Flamol3 will assail every field enemy with a powerful fiery attack.

Great Magic

Name Chapter found Description
Monecom 1 If you cast this spell during a Alalart Solar Eclipse, you will obtain 999 Rupias and the most that you can hold of each regular item.
Raincom 2 You can cast this spell during an eclipse when wandering through any desert (Chapters 2 & 4), and it will cause grass to grow from the desert sand, ending your slow health loss while wandering through the heat. It will also end the solar eclipse, restore your health, and stop enemies from attacking you in the field for a short time.
Spricom 3 Casting this spell during an eclipse in snowy conditions causes spring to come forth, ending the health loss you experience while traveling through the extreme cold. It has contains the extra effects of Raincom as well.
Moscom 4 Available to you during a solar eclipse in Chapters 4 or 5, you can use this spell to instantly summon a mosque. In this particular mosque, and class change you wish to perform will be free of charge.
Libcom 5 The ultimate restorative spell, casting Libcom will instantly revive any dead characters, and restore all HP and MP to your entire party.

Formation Magic

Name Formation Description
Gygatorn Cygnus The Gygatorn spell summons a forceful gust of wind which attempts to blow enemies far away from the battle, effectively defeating them. Effective against the Basido squads.
Moniburn Libra Moniburn attempts to encapsulate every enemy in battle inside of a small rocket, which blasts into the air and explodes in a shower of fireworks. Effective against the Air squads.
Tornador Aries As the name suggests, this spell summons a Tornado which causes large amounts of damage to enemies that are present. Effective against the Fire squads.
Stardon Sirius By casting this spell, a shower of shooting stars will fall upon the enemy, dealing much damage to the enemies. Effective against the Gilas squads.
Thundern Kaitos Thudern summons a massive lightning bolt which strikes the ground at the enemies feet, shocking them with tremendous damage. Effective against the Magma squads.
Firebolt Dragon When the two genies loyal to Isfa get together to form the Dragon formation, the Firebolt spell sweeps the enemies with the fiery breath of a dragon. Effective against the Zodor squads.

Ally Spells


Name Description
Defenee While the hero can't cast this defensive spell in battle, Coronya can.
Mymy When successfully casting Mymy on an enemy, they turn into a small can, signifying that they can no longer use normal attacks on you (although they can still cast magic spells).


Name Description
Gilzade Gilzade is a powerful fire spell that blasts one battle enemy with heat.


Name Description
Bolttor1 While the hero can't cast this lightning spell in battle, Kebabu can.
Seal When successfully casting Seal on an enemy, they turn into a small cake, signifying that they can no longer cast magic against you (although they can still hit you with normal attacks).

Gun Meca

Name Description
Bolttor2 Gun Meca has immediate access to this damaging lightning based attack which strikes all enemies in battle.
Silliet Exclusive to Gun Meca, no other ally can use this ability, which allows Gun Meca to reflect back any spell which is cast on him by an enemy.


Name Description
Defenee Like Coronya, Epin can cast this defense boosting spell in battle
Whistle Although Whistle has a special purpose for one particular boss battle, you can cast it during regular battles to gain a small boost in MP for the hero, or the character in the first ally slot.


Name Description
Seal When successfully casting Seal on an enemy, they turn into a small cake, signifying that they can no longer cast magic against you (although they can still hit you with normal attacks).


Name Description
Gilzade Like Faruk, Pukin can also cast this powerful fire spell against one enemy.
Velver If the enemy covers themselves in fog in an effort to make themselves harder to hit, only Pukin can cast Velver to undo this effect.


Name Description
Bolttor2 Mustafa has immediate access to this damaging lightning based attack which strikes all enemies in battle.
Mymy When successfully casting Mymy on an enemy, they turn into a small can, signifying that they can no longer use normal attacks on you (although they can still cast magic spells).


Name Description
Defenee Gubibi is a third ally who has access to this defensive spell in battle.
Resealo If the hero of an ally becomes transformed by an enemies spell, Gubibi's Resealo power can undo the transformation and return them to normal.


Name Description
Matato When this spell is cast, Rainy restores 20 HP to all party members in battle.
Perius Perius is the name of Rainy's rain summoning spell. It attacks all enemies in battle and it is particularly useful against fire based enemies.


Name Description
Casaba While the hero can't use this spell to shrink enemies in battle, Hassan can.
Flamol3 Another powerful fire spell that Hassan is able to cast in battle while the hero cannot.