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Splatoon boasts an impressive variety of weapons, with more frequently added through weekly updates. Each weapon support a different playstyle, whether one prefers to contribute safely from a distance or stay deep in the action.


Shooters are the most common type of weapon in the game. Shooters are automatic rifles that fire ink shots. They are the easiest and most intuitive weapons to use for covering turf and splatting enemies, and are generally versatile enough to do well in most situations.

Splattershot Jr.

  • Unlock level/cost: 1 (Free)
  • Base Damage: 28
  • Range: 32/100
  • Attack: 27/100
  • Fire Rate: 75/100
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Bubbler

The Splattershot Jr. is the very first weapon every player gets in the game. Even though it is made for beginners, its versatile loadout and utility makes it a great pick even for experienced players. The Splattershot Jr. has a very high fire rate and ink spread, which helps cover wide areas with ink simply and speedily. However, the Jr. suffers in direct combat due to its poor range, which is compounded by its significant ink spread impacting its accuracy. Try to avoid direct combat and focus on catching enemies by surprise to take them out with a close-range burst. Splat Bombs alleviate the Jr.'s range problems and is helpful for pushing into enemy territory. However, the true highlight of the Splattershot Jr. is the Bubbler. Due to the Jr.'s strong inking capabilities, it can build up Bubblers very often, making it an excellent support and turf grabbing weapon.

Custom Splattershot Jr.

  • Unlock level/cost: 2 (800)
  • Requires Octostomp Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Echolocator

The Custom Splattershot Jr. is outfitted with different sub and special weapons specialized for a support role. It is the earliest weapon that comes with the Disruptor, and it can charge up Echolocators fairly quickly due to its excellent ink coverage. With tools to both reveal enemy movement and formations as well as cripple their fighting abilities, the Custom Splattershot Jr. can give your team a major edge when hunting down foes. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost of Splat Bombs, leaving you with no way of damaging enemies outside of the Jr.'s mediocre range. You'll have to rely more on your allies to give you space to approach foes or to capitalize on your support tools.

Splattershot/Hero Shot Replica

  • Splattershot unlock level/cost: 2 (500)
  • Hero Shot Replica unlock requirements: Clear the Enter the Octobot King! level from the Squid Amiibo
  • Base damage: 35
  • Range: 50/100
  • Attack: 45/100
  • Fire Rate: 55/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Bomb Rush

The Splattershot is the representative weapon for Splatoon, being the most balanced shooter in the game. It has intermediate fire rate, damage, accuracy and range, all of which makes it a versatile weapon. The Splattershot fits most roles in the game, whether you're inking turf, engaging enemies at the frontlines or flanking from the sides. It's an incredibly flexible weapon that can pull its weight no matter which stage or mode it's in. Unfortunately, the default form of the Splattershot is mostly overshadowed by its variant, the Tentatek.

The Splattershot is a great introductory weapon to the Burst Bomb. It fits the flexible nature of the Splattershot by being highly versatile on its own. Although the Splattershot relies on the sub-weapon a lot less than other weapons with the Burst Bomb, it still has strong synergy with the main gun, able to finish off enemies out of reach of the Splattershot or ink the ground around you quickly. The Burst Bomb Rush ultimately limits this gun from seeing more widespread use, as it lacks the high power or the map presence of other specials. Nevertheless, it can still be used to quickly claim turf or to bombard enemies. Since the special refills your ink gauge, you can "extend" the duration of your Bomb Rush by throwing Burst Bombs before initiating Bomb Rush, prolonging your continuous stream of bombs.

Tentatek Splattershot/Octoshot Replica

  • Tentatek Splattershot unlock level/cost: 4 (2000)
  • Octoshot Replica unlock requirements: Talk to Judd after reaching level 40
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Inkzooka

The Tentatek Splattershot is by far the most popular weapon in the game. While the Splattershot itself had balanced, good stats, the Tentatek gives it a loadout that enables it to handle more situations. The Suction Bomb is a strong form of ordnance that can be used to flush out distant enemies or seize area control. Meanwhile, the Inkzooka fixes the Splattershot's only real weakness: it's relatively poor range, giving the Tentatek a tool to use against snipers or to break up the enemy defense for a critical push. No matter what mode, map or skill level you are, you can never go wrong with the Tentatek.

Wasabi Splattershot

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (4300)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Inktrike

The Wasabi Splattershot retains the mobile, aggressive playstyle of the other Splattershot variants, with Inkstrike being the main difference. The Inkstrike is more threatening than a Burst Bomb Rush, while being weaker but easier to use than the Inkzooka. Its moderately fast inking rate of the Wasabi makes it a nice turfing weapon in Turf Wars in conjunction with the Inkstrike, though it is also a capable weapon in Ranked due to the Inkstrike's area denial function. The Splat Bomb is similar in function to the Tentatek's Suction Bombs, but it can get kills easier or cause more immediate pressure due to the shorter fuse.

.52 Gal

  • Unlock level/cost: 5 (3000)
  • Base damage: 52
  • Range: 50/100
  • Attack: 70/100
  • Fire Rate: 30/100
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Killer Wail

The .52 Gal is a gun that's all about power. It only takes two shots to splat an enemy, making it one of the fastest-killing shooters in the game. This power comes at a cost, as the .52 Gal is not as easy to pick up as the average shooter. It has a slower than normal firing rate, so accurate aiming is a must to get the most out of every shot. This lower firing rate also make it worse at turfing, shifting its focus more on hunting down enemies. It's two-shot kill is also easily increased to a three-shot at the edge of its range, or if your enemies are equipped with Defense Up gear. It is usually a good idea to get some Damage Up abilities to counteract the reduced damage from range or enemy gear.

The Splash Wall is an excellent defensive sub-weapon on the .52 Gal, since it's below average fire rate makes it more vulnerable when it comes to self-defense at close range. The wall offers protection against enemy fire, while helping you aim as they are forced to move predictably to get around the wall. Meanwhile, the Killer Wail lets .52 Gal users to attack across the map or deny huge chunks of land from enemies. On some narrower, linear maps like Walleye Warehouse, the combination of Splash Wall and Killer Wail work together to establish area control that can be very difficult to play around.

.52 Gal Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 11 (4500)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Seeker, Inkstrike

The Deco version of the .52 Gal is decked out with gems and a very different loadout. Like the original .52 Gal's loadout, the .52 Gal Deco's subs and specials are focused more on utility than kills. Seekers apply long-distance pressure, inks long trails for mobility and can be used to attack enemies above slopes or below ledges, something the .52 Gal might struggle with due to its average range. The Inkstrike, like the Killer Wail, is primarily used to drive foes out of a desired area, but has the added benefit of inking the radius of the attack, compensating for the .52 Gal's relatively poor turfing capabilities.

N-Zap '85

  • Unlock level/cost: 5 (3500)
  • Base damage: 28
  • Range: 50/100
  • Attack: 27/100
  • Fire Rate: 75/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Echolocator

Among the three mid-range shooters, the N-Zap boasts the greatest firing rate, but its damage is as low as the Splattershot Jr. The N-Zap's main strength is its high accuracy, firing ink in a narrow straight line. While the lack of ink spread reduces how much area it can quickly cover, the accuracy makes the N-Zap more reliable at splatting enemies, and slightly improves its effective range compared to other mid-range shooters. The N-Zap is also very lightweight, barely slowing you down while firing. Compared to the Splattershot and the .52 Gal, the N-Zap isn't as lethal but makes up for it with excellent mobility.

The default '85 set is a combat-focused kit. The Splat Bomb is a versatile sub-weapon that can be thrown over walls or around corners. It can also be used for long-distance pressure or to restrict your foe's movement as you gun them down. The Echolocator builds up fairly quickly on the N-Zap '85, and you'll often find yourself on the frontlines, in a good position to hunt down your exposed opponents.

N-Zap '89

  • Unlock level/cost: 8 (4200)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Inkstrike

The N-Zap '89 is the best mid-ranged shooter for pure turfing. While the weapon's high fire rate is good for neatly inking patches of turf, the Sprinkler allows you to passively ink neglected areas or as a distraction for the enemy. It also helps you charge your special very quickly, which leads to frequent Inkstrikes pouring on your foes. While the N-Zap '89 is well-suited for Turf Wars, its set can be quite effective in Splat Zones as well.

N-Zap '83

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (7000)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Kraken

The N-Zap '83 is another set built for the frontline aggressor, giving you the tools to pursue your opponents and survive in the thick of battle. The Point Sensor has a cheap ink cost and can be used to scout out enemies behind walls or corners where your gun doesn't reach. It can also mark retreating enemies for you to hunt them down, or simply pressure them out of going on the offensive. The Kraken is a powerful fallback option that lets you be more aggressive with hunting down enemies, as you can use it for an easy escape, or to press your attack on a scrambling team.

Aerospray MG

  • Unlock level/cost: 7 (4500)
  • Requires Octowhirl Sunken Scroll
  • Base damage: 24.5
  • Range: 32/100
  • Attack: 20/100
  • Fire Rate: 100/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Seeker, Inkzooka

The Aerospray has a reputation for being one of the best turfing weapons in the game, yet it is decidedly mediocre in Ranked Battles and generally splatting enemies. It has the best firing rate of any weapon, tied only by the Splatlings, and it has high ink spread to rapidly cover a wide patch of ground in whichever direction the Aerospray is facing. However, the Aerospray lacks range and suffers from poor damage, both issues that are compounded by its severe ink spread. While it can be used with a sneaky, ambush playstyle like other close-range shooters, you're generally better off focusing on covering turf for your teammates.

The MG set primarily aims to remedy both of the Aerospray's biggest faults: low range and low damage. The Seeker travels far and leaves a long narrow ink trail which can help you move into enemy territory, and the trail can be used by teammates as well. It can also pressure foes and even get kills from afar, or from below ramps. The Inkzooka is basically the polar opposite of the Aerospray, eschewing fire rate for extreme range and absolute lethality. The Aerospray MG has no trouble building Inkzookas, so it is a frequently available option for taking out snipers and other long-distance foes.

Aerospray RG

  • Unlock level/cost: 13 (9300)
  • Requires Octowhirl Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Ink Mine, Inkstrike

While the MG seeks to compensate for the Aerospray's faults, the RG emphasizes its strengths instead. The Ink Mine isn't much use in fights, but it can be placed in key areas to keep foes out briefly or even get the occasional kill. Dropping an Ink Mine while you're being targeted can deter foes from pursuing if they trigger the mine, and give you a chance to retaliate. The main draw of this set is the Inkstrike special, as the Aerospray's quick turfing rate gives you plenty of Inkstrikes in a round to claim even more turf. With less tools to take on foes directly, the Aerospray RG is usually only seen in Turf Wars, but they tend to top the scoreboards.

Aerospray PG

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (20000)
  • Requires Octowhirl Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Kraken

The Aerospray PG is also an offensive battling set, but made to augment the Aerospray's close-mid range power. The Burst Bomb is mainly for hitting enemies out of reach of your gun, either to soften up a foe as you approach or to finish off a wounded enemy. It can also be used to ink high walls that your main weapon has trouble reaching. The Kraken is a strong panic button as well as a pushing special that can scatter and eliminate enemy teams. While this set makes the Aerospray more dangerous up close, it has no way of taking on long-range weapons unlike the Aerospray MG.


  • Unlock level/cost: 7 (3900)
  • Base damage: 28
  • Range: 40/100
  • Attack: 27/100
  • Fire Rate: 75/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Bomb Rush

The Splash-o-matic is quite similar to the N-Zap, only with a shorter range. Its fire rate is par for the course on close range shooters, but it has pinpoint accuracy that gives narrower trails but effectively grants it extra range compared to other short-ranged shooters. Its high fire rate makes it a capable turfing weapon, while its precision makes it the best up close shooter for direct confrontations, though sneak attacks are still very strong with the Splash-o-matic. Splash-o-matic shares a lot of attributes with the N-Zap, but where it lacks range it makes up for with its amazing loadouts.

The original Splash-o-matic's main selling point is the Suction Bomb Rush, one of three weapons in the whole game with this special. This is one of the most oppressive specials in the game that provides a ton of free pressure and total area denial, and has a strong chance of getting quite a few enemy splats. Compared to other weapons with Suction Bomb Rush, the Splash-o-matic can better take on enemies rushing to end your special early by splatting. It can also charge its special the fastest due to its high fire rate. Outside of Bomb Rush, the Suction Bomb is handy as usual for pressure and area denial.

Neo Splash-o-matic

  • Unlock level/cost: 9 (6200)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Inkzooka

While the Splash-o-matic's kit is built for area denial and forcefully wresting key areas and objectives, the Neo Splash-o-matic is a killing machine made to relentlessly pursue and splat foes from any range. The Burst Bomb is invaluable for taking down enemies as it has much greater range than your gun. It is usually used to soften or finish off enemies, but is also useful for deterring enemy long range harassment. The Inkzooka rounds out the set by giving the Neo Splash-o-matic a long distance instant kill for taking out snipers and foes far out of your normal range in general. Burst Bombs are a great complement to the Inkzooka, as it lets you quickly ink neutral or enemy turf while the Inkzooka is active to line up better shots.

Jet Squelcher

  • Unlock level/cost: 8 (4000)
  • Base damage: 31
  • Range: 80/100
  • Attack: 32/100
  • Fire Rate: 40/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Inkstrike

The Jet Squelcher's main selling point is its incredible range. It is built to be a Shooter that can challenge Chargers at their own game, and actually outranges the Squiffer. The Jet Squelcher is also highly accurate, letting you reliably hit enemies from a distance as long as your aim is true. Unfortunately this emphasis on range comes at the cost of lethality. It has poor fire rate and low enough damage to force a four-hit kill. Additionally, it is also fairly ink-consuming. The Jet Squelcher has difficulty with fights up close, so it's best to abuse your range as much as possible by holding defensive positions and use your shots as suppression fire.

The default Jet Squelcher is made for a defensive, supportive approach. The Splash Wall is a good method of protection if a foe gets too close and can deter flanks. It can also be used to support teammates closer to the frontlines. The Inkstrike compensates for the Jet Squelcher's poor turfing capabilities. While it takes longer for the Jet Squelcher to charge it up, it lets you claim large amounts of turf while still staying at a safe range, and can be instrumental for taking strategic positions.

Custom Jet Squelcher

  • Unlock level/cost: 15 (7900)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Kraken

The Custom Jet Squelcher caters to more aggressive players, giving it a loadout suited for survival in the middle of the battlefield. The Burst Bombs are an excellent complement for the Custom Jet Squelcher. It's better at taking down foes at mid-close range and it inks paths quickly to help with movement. The Kraken is another survival and splatting tool, granting you a powerful panic button when ambushed as well as to hunt down foes to create openings for your team.

L-3 Nozzlenose

  • Unlock level/cost: 9 (5800)
  • Base damage: 29
  • Range: 60/100
  • Attack: 40/100
  • Fire Rate: 65/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Killer Wail

L-3 Nozzlenose D

  • Unlock level/cost: 13 (6600)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Kraken

Splattershot Pro

  • Unlock level/cost: 10 (8000)
  • Base damage: 42
  • Range: 70/100
  • Attack: 55/100
  • Fire Rate: 40/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Inkstrike

Forge Splattershot Pro

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (19800)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Inkzooka

Berry Splattershot Pro

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (26500)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Bomb Rush

H-3 Nozzlenose

  • Unlock level/cost: 10 (7500)
  • Base damage: 41
  • Range: 68/100
  • Attack: 60/100
  • Fire Rate: 30/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Echolocator

H-3 Nozzlenose D

  • Unlock level/cost: 14 (8300)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Inkzooka

Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (12400)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Bubbler

.96 Gal

  • Unlock level/cost: 12 (7600)
  • Base damage: 52
  • Range: 68/100
  • Attack: 70/100
  • Fire Rate: 15/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Echolocator

A step up from the .52 Gal, the .96 Gal boasts impressive damage like its little brother along with range comparable to the Splattershot Pro. Its shots are significantly stronger than the .52 Gal's, resulting in a more consistent two-hit kill regardless of distance or enemy gear. Unfortunately, the .96 Gal has an even lower fire rate than the .52 Gal. It is also more inaccurate, and eats up a lot of ink per shot. The .96 Gal is terrible at close-range combat, so good positioning and awareness are vital to keep yourself safe while letting you take down distant targets.

Due to the .96 Gal's abysmal fire rate and heavy ink consumption, it struggles at inking turf, which in turn affects how fast it can charge its special weapon. The Sprinkler rectifies this issue, letting the .96 Gal rack up points passively by dropping it at uninked spots. The Sprinkler can also serve as a diversion to help you take out enemies distracted by the it. This passive inking in turn helps the .96 Gal charge up its Echolocator, which both helps you track down enemies within your range and keeps your from getting flanked by foes.

.96 Gal Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 14 (7600)
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Kraken

The .96 Gal Deco is one of the most popular weapons in the game due to its loadout, which synergizes extremely well with its playstyle. The Splash Wall helps with your defensive positioning immensely, limiting your foes' advance while protecting your against weapons that outrange the .96 Gal. Enemies trying to get around the wall are vulnerable to your weapons fire, placing you in an advantageous position in any engagement when wall has been set down. The Kraken is a crucial remedy to the .96 Gal's main weakness, its vulnerability to close-range attacks, letting you turn the tables on any enemy that tries to ambush you.


  • Unlock level/cost: 12 (7500)
  • Base damage: 38
  • Range: 15/100
  • Attack: 55/100
  • Fire Rate: 75/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Squid Beakon, Killer Wail

Neo Sploosh-o-matic

  • Unlock level/cost: 18 (10200)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Kraken

Sploosh-o-matic 7

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (16400)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Inkzooka

Dual Squelcher

  • Unlock level/cost: 16 (9800)
  • Base damage: 28
  • Range: 68/100
  • Attack: 27/100
  • Fire Rate: 55/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Echolocator

Custom Dual Squelcher

  • Unlock level/cost: 18 (12800)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Squid Beakon, Killer Wail


Blasters are sort of like grenade launchers. They have the same firing mechanism as Shooters, but drastically lower fire rate. Instead of a stream of shots that create plenty of ink puddles, Blasters launch a massive ball of ink that leaves a trail as it flies forward, exploding after a certain distance.


  • Unlock level/cost: 9 (3500)
  • Direct damage: 125
  • Range: 25/100
  • Impact: 70/100
  • Fire Rate: 20/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Killer Wail

The first Blaster you unlock is the standard that other Blaster-type weapons will be compared with. It has a moderately slow fire rate, and its lethal range is comparable to short-range rapid fire shooters like the Splattershot Jr.. What the Blaster offers over these shooters is its power; a well-aimed shot able to splat nearly instantly. Having relatively low range for a Blaster-type weapon, the default Blaster has a small blindspot between point blank and the blast where it has difficulty fighting foes, since your only option is to get a direct hit at that range. Always try to stay at the ideal range where the projectile explodes and press your trigger judiciously instead of holding it when fighting enemies, advice that applies to the rest of the Blaster class as well.

The standard Blaster set gives some nice utility that lets you play a slight support role. The Disruptor cripples enemies and makes it easier for you to land Blaster shots, but it can also help teammates take down other foes especially enemies out of range of your Blaster, since the Disruptor can be thrown much further. The Killer Wail is fast to charge, which is a helpful trait due to the Blaster's poor turfing rate, and provides strong area denial that is invaluable in Ranked Battles.

Custom Blaster

  • Unlock level/cost: 17 (6800)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Bubbler

The Custom Blaster also has a support-focused set, though it also has tools to help you survive. The Point Sensor can scout out enemies in a large patch of ink or behind walls and corners. This is helpful to your whole team, but it benefits you especially as the Blaster is poor at fighting off ambushes. The Bubbler also compensates for the said weakness of the Blaster, giving you absolute protection when you're caught off guard, though it can also be shared with teammates for pushes and large fights.

Luna Blaster

  • Unlock level/cost: 11 (7700)
  • Direct damage: 125
  • Range: 10/100
  • Impact: 80/100
  • Fire Rate: 30/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Ink Mine, Inkzooka

Luna Blaster Neo

  • Unlock level/cost: 15 (8700)
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Bomb Rush

Rapid Blaster

  • Unlock level/cost: 14 (10000)
  • Direct damage: 80
  • Range: 45/100
  • Impact: 35/100
  • Fire Rate: 40/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Ink Mine, Bubbler

Rapid Blaster Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 19 (14800)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Bomb Rush

Range Blaster

  • Unlock level/cost: 14 (8000)
  • Direct damage: 125
  • Range: 35/100
  • Impact: 60/100
  • Fire Rate: 10/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Inkstrike

Custom Range Blaster

  • Unlock level/cost: 17 (10800)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Kraken

Grim Range Blaster

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (14000)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Killer Wail

Rapid Blaster Pro

  • Unlock level/cost: 16 (11200)
  • Direct damage: 80
  • Range: 65/100
  • Impact: 35/100
  • Fire Rate: 30/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Seeker, Inkzooka

Rapid Blaster Pro Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 18 (18200)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Killer Wail


Chargers are the sniper rifles of Splatoon. They fire long, straight lines of ink, useful for quickly inking pathways for you and allies to travel down. As their name implies, Chargers require charging to be used effectively. Hold down the fire button to increase the range and power of your shots. At full charge, they can instantly splat any foes in their sights. All Chargers have laser sights; use them to intimidate foes entering contested area or hide them to maintain the element of surprise.

Splat Charger/Hero Charger Replica

  • Splat Charger unlock level/cost: 3 (1000)
  • Hero Charger Replica unlock requirements: Clear the Enter the Octobot King! level from the Inkling Girl Amiibo
  • Damage: 40-160
  • Range: 87/100
  • Charge Rate: 50/100
  • Mobility: 40/100
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Bomb Rush

The Splat Charger is the middle of the pack when it comes to speed and range. It's balanced attributes make it a good starter weapon for players looking to pick up the charger. It comfortably outranges most weapons in the game, letting you play a more defensive playstyle by sniping enemies from afar. However, it still has a passable charge time to help you defend yourself against mid-close range flanks. If you're able to secure a safe position to snipe from, the only major threat to you are enemy snipers, specifically E-liters, as well as the occasional Inkzooka. The Splat Charger's intermediate charge time also makes it good at covering turf, an option you can always resort to when there's no enemies in sight.

The default Splat Charger has a loadout with a big focus on Splat Bombs. While other weapons usually use Splat Bombs to pressure enemies from a distance, the Splat Charger depends on the Splat Bombs for close range defense. You will learn to lob and roll your Splat Bombs to control their detonation timing. The Splat Bomb Rush is both practical and deadly due to the Splat Bomb's short timer. You can toss the bombs at different angles to make them bounce around and go off at different moments. Even if enemies manage to avoid the bombing, the special is still capable of claiming a bunch of turf semi-quickly.

Kelp Splat Charger

  • Unlock level/cost: 4 (2500)
  • Requires Octonozzle Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Killer Wail

The Kelp Splat Charger is altered to increase its utility at the cost of self-defense and sheer power. Instead of Splat Bombs, it comes with the Sprinkler, forcing you to rely solely on the main weapon for direct combat. However, the Sprinkler can serve multiple uses for a sniper, from helping your team ink an area, to acting as a decoy that distracts enemies while you snipe them down, to a form of protection from enemy shots by standing behind the Sprinkler while you snipe, making it absorb all hits. The Killer Wail is an excellent utility special to round the set off, and its cheap cost ensures that you'll be using it often by charging it with the Sprinkler. Due to the general playstyle of chargers, you'll often be attacking from a safe perch overlooking an important chokepoint, putting you in a great position to launch the Killer Wail from.

Bento Splat Charger

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (4700)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Echolocator

The Bento Splat Charger is another variant focused on utility, but with a different approach. The Splash Wall is an uncommon sub-weapon for a charger, especially one that doesn't charge very quickly, but it provides protection from long-range harassment from enemy chargers and ranged weapons in general. However, the wall isn't going to be much help against a close foe other than buying time for an escape, since the Bento has a moderate charge time and no other damaging components to itself. The Echolocator has a similar role on the Bento as on an E-liter: as an easy team support tool, help you seek out kills and protect against flanks. The Bento's faster charge and lower ink consumption will let you get your Echolocator more often than the E-liter as well.

Splatterscope/Kelp Splatterscope/Bento Splatterscope

  • Splatterscope unlock level/cost: 13 (3500)
  • Kelp Splatterscope unlock level/cost: 17 (7800)
  • Bento Splatterscope unlock level/cost: 20 (11500)
  • Range: 90/100
  • Charge Rate: 50/100
  • Mobility: 35/100

The Splatterscope and its variants are just the original Splat Chargers with scopes added to them. When charging a shot, you'll zoom in to have a better look at a foe at long range. The Splatterscopes are also mechanically different from the Splat Chargers, featuring slightly increased range but lower move speed while charging. The increased range is the main draw of this weapon, as any extra range grants a major advantage when dueling other snipers. However, the scope does decrease your field of view, so it is extra important that you don't get tunnel vision while sniping to be able to respond to enemy ambushes. Ultimately, the Splatterscope's weaknesses are popularly deemed to be negligible or possible to overcome compared to the benefits it has, so they are far more popular than their scopeless counterparts.

Classic Squiffer

  • Unlock level/cost: 6 (5000)
  • Damage: 40-140
  • Range: 65/100
  • Charge Rate: 70/100
  • Mobility: 60/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Bubbler

The Squiffer plays very differently from the other chargers. It has pretty quick charge time, but has the worst range in the charger class of weapons, comparable to the range of the Splattershot Pro. The Squiffer is tailored to players who like to move around and snipe at the frontlines. It is the best at fighting off enemies at mid-close range, and can result in quick killing sprees due to its fast charge speed. Unfortunately, it does not have the luxury of sheer distance that other chargers enjoy. Therefore, you must be highly skilled at sniping under fire, especially against strafing shooters, to use this weapon effectively.

The Classic Squiffer has a very support/utility oriented loadout. The Point Sensor is used to scout out pools of enemy ink, which can keep you safe from ambushes. It is also fairly helpful when engaged in direct combat with enemy shooters. When they're being tracked, you can follow their motion in their ink and snipe them before they can retaliate. The Bubbler is a great special for a charger sniping in the fray, giving you an unbreakable form of protection when flanked, and possibly giving you enough time to splat them back. It also lets you play an active part in enemy pushes, letting teammates push bravely forward while you follow shortly behind.

New Squiffer

  • Unlock level/cost: 11 (4500)
  • Requires Octomaw Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Ink Mine, Inkzooka

The New Squiffer is for the bloodthirsty sniper, with every component of the weapon suited for getting kills. Use the main weapon to snipe foes, the Ink Mine to kill off pursuing enemies, then activate the Inkzooka to gun down players underestimating your range. The Ink Mine necessitates that you move forward actively to place them on key chokepoints. The Inkzooka seems like an odd choice for a charger, being a sniping special for a sniping weapon, but it lets you hit enemies that would otherwise stay out of your reach, particularly other chargers.

Fresh Squiffer

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (7200)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Kraken

The Fresh Squiffer combines the best of both previous Squiffers to make the most combat-oriented Squiffer variant and the one that sees the most use. Suction Bomb gives the Fresh Squiffer a secondary attack with actual range, able to flush enemies out of corners or forcing predictable movement out of foes as they scramble to avoid it. The Kraken has a similar purpose to the Bubbler on the Classic set, a powerful form of self-defense when getting jumped by enemies, but it has a better chance of securing kills due to its simpler attack compared to sniping enemies under pressure in the Bubbler.

Bamboozler 14 Mk I

  • Unlock level/cost: 15 (6200)
  • Damage: 30-80
  • Range: 72/100
  • Charge Rate: 90/100
  • Mobility: 80/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Killer Wail

The Bamboozler is a real oddball of a weapon. It has a faster charge time than the Squiffer, almost as much range as the Splat Charger and its range is not tied to charge time, meaning its shots travel the full distance regardless of charge. While these comparisons make it seem extremely powerful, they're undermined by a unique weakness: a fully-charged shot from the Bamboozler cannot kill in one hit. It can however kill with one fully-charged shot plus one uncharged shot, which is easier than it sounds given the Bamboozler's consistent range. Some players also equip Damage Ups to raise a fully-charged shot to 99.9 damage, therefore capable of one-shotting foes who've taken slight damage or even just walking into enemy ink. One last thing to note about the Bamboozler is that its turfing capabilities is worse than average, as its shots leave narrow and slightly disconnected trails.

The Splash Wall is a pretty good complement to the Bamboozler. It gives you just enough protection to let you line up your shots, and can make enemy movements more predictable. It's especially powerful in narrow corridors. The Killer Wail lends a supportive element to the Bamboozler's otherwise kill-centered playstyle. It is quicker to charge to compensate for the Bamboozler's weak inking ability, and provides useful area denial.

Bamboozler 14 Mk II

  • Unlock level/cost: 17 (8300)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Echolocator

The Mk II version of the Bamboozler also has a very utility-focused set, but eschews defense for a more aggressive playstyle. The Disruptor helps immensely with landing Bamboozler shots while limiting your foe's ability to fight back, and leaves them more vulnerable to allies if they manage to slip away. The Echolocator both helps you hunt down enemies and prevents flanks, but the cost can be rather high. Your skill with the main weapon is especially important for this set as you have no form of close-range defense or secondary attack, making the Bamboozler your only damaging weapon.

Bamboozler 14 Mk III

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (9100)
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Inkstrike

The Mk III's set has Burst Bombs as its sole selling point. A quick shot followed by a Burst Bomb is a fast two-hit kill, as is the same combination in reverse, so this set will let you nab kills with greater ease. The Burst Bomb's big round ink radius also compensates for the Bamboozler's lackluster ink trails, which can be helpful when turfing, moving vertically or making an escape. The Inkstrike can be used like the Killer Wail for area denial, with the addition of inking lots of turf, but it's mostly there to balance out the strong sub-weapon choice.

E-liter 3K

  • Unlock level/cost: 18 (12500)
  • Damage: 40-180
  • Range: 97/100
  • Charge Rate: 23/100
  • Mobility: 13/100
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Echolocator

The E-liter 3K class of weapons boasts the longest range in the game, capable of outranging even the Inkzooka. This means that given enough distance, the E-liter can kill any player without retaliation, with the exception of other E-liters. The main difficulty of E-liters isn't fighting enemies, it's fighting the weapon itself. Because of its sheer range, the E-liter has an excruciatingly long charge time approaching 2 seconds, even though it passes the lethal threshold at around 75% charge. It is also very ink-hungry, draining a quarter of your ink tank for a fully-charged shot. Good aim and ink management is more important on the E-liter than with any other weapon, as you'll lose many kill opportunities if you don't hit every shot. A lot of top E-liter players usually stack Damage Up and Ink Recovery abilities for these reasons.

The Burst Bomb is easily the best subweapon a charger can have. It gives you a vital tool for self-defense at close-range, considering your main weapon is terrible at close combat. It also makes up for the E-liter 3K's extremely poor turfing ability, helping you ink an escape route when under fire. On smaller, more congested maps with few safe sniping perches, you might even have to rely on Burst Bombs as your primary weapon. The Echolocator also synergizes very well with the E-liter's playstyle. Other than providing indirect support for your teammates, it also guides you to players that might be hiding in ink or behind walls, letting you snipe them if they move out of cover. Additionally, with the knowledge of your enemies' locations, you can avoid getting flanked for the duration of the special. Lastly, it can also serve as an emergency ink refill, especially considering the rate the E-liter eats up ink.

Custom E-liter 3K

  • Unlock level/cost: 19 (14200)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Squid Beakon, Kraken

The Custom E-liter 3K encourages a more mobile and direct way of playing the E-liter. Although the default E-liter undoubtedly has a loadout that better complements the main weapon, the relative rarity of the Custom E-liter 3K in turn can be a valuable asset. Squid Beakons leave you a lot more vulnerable to flanks, but they support both teammates and yourself. Sniping perches are often close to the frontline but is exposed to enemy sniper fire, so placing a beakon behind cover nearby lets your team super jump safely and arrive at the battlefield quickly. The Kraken is a powerful self-defense special that can often catch foes offguard when used by an E-liter, but it can be better used to provide direct support to teammates during a push. After your Kraken runs out, you can jump right back to sniping from afar using your Squid Beakons.

E-liter 3K Scope/Custom E-liter 3K Scope

  • E-liter 3K Scope unlock level/cost: 19 (13400)
  • Custom E-liter 3K Scope unlock level/cost: 20 (22600)
  • Range: 100/100
  • Charge Rate: 23/100
  • Mobility: 8/100

The scoped E-liters modify the base weapon the same way Splatterscopes change the Splat Chargers. It grants a scope and additional range, making it the uncontested longest ranged weapon in the game, but reduces your mobility and field of vision while charging. Since the standard E-Liter playstyle generally involves keeping your distance and staying in a strong defensive position, the reduced mobility and sight is barely a problem, as long as you stay aware of your surroundings between shots. Every bit of range matters, especially during a sniper duel, so the scoped E-liter is often used instead of the original E-liter.


Rollers are slow, close-range powerhouses. They spread ink through two ways, by flicking ink and by rolling along the floor. Rollers can splat foes in one strike through either flicking or crushing them, but it usually comes at the cost of range or speed, demanding stealth and strategic positioning to use successfully.

Splat Roller/Hero Roller Replica

  • Splat Roller unlock level/cost: 3 (1000)
  • Hero Roller Replica unlock requirements: Clear the Enter the Octobot King! level from the Inkling Boy Amiibo
  • Damage: 25-125 (140 when rolling)
  • Range: 55/100
  • Ink Speed: 50/100
  • Weight: 40/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Killer Wail

Krak-On Splat Roller

  • Unlock level/cost: 7 (3000)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Squid Beakon, Kraken

CoroCoro Splat Roller

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (5000)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Inkzooka

Carbon Roller

  • Unlock level/cost: 10 (6600)
  • Damage: 25-125 (70 when rolling)
  • Range: 20/100
  • Ink Speed: 65/100
  • Weight: 60/100
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Inkzooka

Carbon Roller Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 13 (7600)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Seeker, Bomb Rush

Dynamo Roller

  • Unlock level/cost: 15 (7900)
  • Requires DJ Octavio Sunken Scroll
  • Damage: 25-125 (160 when rolling)
  • Range: 72/100
  • Ink Speed: 30/100
  • Weight: 18/100
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Echolocator

Gold Dynamo Roller

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (25000)
  • Requires DJ Octavio Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Inkstrike

Tempered Dynamo Roller

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (36800)
  • Requires DJ Octavio Sunken Scroll
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Seeker, Killer Wail


Brushes are basically light rollers. They only ink a thin streak of turf while moving, but have unrivaled speed. Brushes are often used to support teammates, or for deadly close-range flanking. Instead of flicking, Brushes can rapidly slap to spread ink in a wide area and to attack, making a quick trigger finger a useful skill when using Brushes.


  • Unlock level/cost: 8 (4800)
  • Damage: 28 (20 when rolling)
  • Range: 10/100
  • Ink Speed: 100/100
  • Weight: 100/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Inkstrike

The basic Inkbrush has the fastest walk speed while attacking of any weapon, having unrivaled mobility while inking the ground. Unfortunately, it has a lot of things going against it. The Inkbrush doesn't do a lot of damage and it has one of the worst range of any weapon in the game, which means that the Inkbrush will handily lose in a duel with any other weapon. It is even possible to catch a foe by surprise and still lose the encounter just because it's so weak, so it's best to avoid combat when using it. It is not stellar at inking either, as the Inkbrush only leaves a thin trail while brushing, so you must rely heavily on swiping your brush to get turf. The most you can do with the Inkbrush is be a nuisance, using your superior speed to outrun foes and claim unguarded enemy turf.

The original Inkbrush set seems to support this non-confrontational, turf-focused playstyle. It has no tools to improve the Inkbrush's combat ability, but its kit can be quite useful in Turf Wars. The Sprinkler gives the Inkbrush an extra hand with inking turf and can be thrown down near foes as a distraction. It also builds up the meter for Inkstrike, which is another great way to claim lots of turf. This is the ultimate annoyance set, but the inability to threaten the enemy other than being hard to catch makes it a rare sight even in Turf Wars.

Inkbrush Nouveau

  • Unlock level/cost: 11 (5900)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Ink Mine, Bubbler

The Inkbrush Nouveau is slightly better at taking on enemies, but you must still pick your battles carefully. The Ink Mine doesn't help much in direct combat, but it can slow down pursuing foes or placed in contested areas for a few surprise kills. You may also get some extra flicks in as they try to dodge the mine. The Bubbler is great for both self-defense and support, typically leaning more toward the latter since you can't do much in the Bubbler if your opponent keeps knocking you back.

Permanent Inkbrush

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (8200)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Kraken

The Permanent Inkbrush is almost a straight upgrade from the Nouveau, having a bomb as a sub-weapon and an invincibility special. If you ever encounter an Inkbrush, it's most likely going to be the Permanent variant. The Splat Bomb gives the Permanent Inkbrush an actual secondary attack that can be thrown out in direct combat to influence your opponents' movements and potentially secure kills with its short fuse. The Kraken has similar range issues as an Inkbrush in a Bubbler, but you have a much better chance of getting a few splats due to its one-hit kill attack.


  • Unlock level/cost: 12 (8500)
  • Damage: 37 (25 when rolling)
  • Range: 25/100
  • Ink Speed: 80/100
  • Weight: 80/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Squid Beakon, Kraken

Octobrush Nouveau

  • Unlock level/cost: 16 (9500)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Inkzooka


Sloshers are an odd cross between Rollers and Shooters. They spread ink by flinging them out similar to Roller flicking, but trades damage and spread for fast firing rate. The Sloshers main draw is its ability to attack over obstacles and behind walls, making them excellent for flushing out defensive enemies.


  • Unlock level/cost: 5 (5600)
  • Base damage: 70
  • Range: 52/100
  • Attack: 90/100
  • Weight: 54/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Inkstrike

Slosher Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 10 (8300)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Kraken

Soda Slosher

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (14600)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Inkzooka


  • Unlock level/cost: 9 (7500)
  • Base damage: 62
  • Range: 33/100
  • Attack: 80/100
  • Weight: 70/100
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Bubbler

Tri-Slosher Nouveau

  • Unlock level/cost: 15 (9900)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Seeker, Echolocator

Sloshing Machine

  • Unlock level/cost: 12 (13500)
  • Direct damage: 76
  • Range: 55/100
  • Attack: 95/100
  • Weight: 45/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Bomb Rush

Sloshing Machine Neo

  • Unlock level/cost: 18 (28500)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Inkzooka


Splatlings play like a mix between Shooters and Chargers. They can be charged to increase range and attack duration, after which they will fire a relentless barrage of shots that can easily shred any Inkling they target. Splatlings pack both range, turf coverage, and power, but they are nearly defenseless between charges and can't ink turf quickly for escapes. You can cancel your attack any time by going into squid mode in case you need to bail.

Heavy Splatling

  • Unlock level/cost: 6 (6800)
  • Base damage: 28
  • Range: 78/100
  • Charge Rate: 40/100
  • Mobility: 50/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splash Wall, Inkstrike

Heavy Splatling Deco

  • Unlock level/cost: 9 (9200)
  • Special Depletion: Medium
  • Loadout: Point Sensor, Kraken

Heavy Splatling Remix

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (17900)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Killer Wail

Mini Splatling

  • Unlock level/cost: 8 (7200)
  • Base damage: 28
  • Range: 58/100
  • Charge Rate: 80/100
  • Mobility: 90/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Suction Bomb, Inkzooka

Zink Mini Splatling

  • Unlock level/cost: 13 (9400)
  • Special Depletion: Heavy
  • Loadout: Disruptor, Bubbler

Refurbished Mini Splatling

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (13400)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Burst Bomb, Bomb Rush

Hydra Splatling

  • Unlock level/cost: 11 (11600)
  • Base damage: 28
  • Range: 87/100
  • Charge Rate: 10/100
  • Mobility: 18/100
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Splat Bomb, Echolocator

Custom Hydra Splatling

  • Unlock level/cost: 20 (29900)
  • Special Depletion: Light
  • Loadout: Sprinkler, Bubbler