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Heart Pillar 7

After leaving Merlon's house, look for the next Heart Pillar in Flopside Outskirts. If case you forgot how to get there: Flip to 3D outside Nolrem's house in Flopside, then walk through the gate, down the path to a warp pipe. Take it to the 1st floor of Flopside's Outskirts. Once there, travel past the sign and head down the warp pipe on the opposite side to reach the 1st floor basement. Run to the far left, then use Luigi to leap over the wall to the heart pillar. Now use the Return Pipe to reach the 7th chapter door in a jiffy!

Chapter 7-1: Subterranean Vacation

Don't worry, you're not suffering from a case of dé jà vu; you really are back in the Underwhere. Furthermore, this course is pretty much a repeat of the prologue! Just meet up with the Queen at the end to learn of your next task: escorting Luvbi to the Overthere world. If you forgot how to reach the Queen, please follow our walkthrough in the Chapter "6-4?". After accepting the Queen's request, proceed through the door that appears and hit the Star Block to complete this level.

Chapter 7-2: The Sealed Doors Three

NOTE:Before embarking on this level, we strong recommend finding the Pixl, Piccolo first, as it'll make the boss battle easier, although it's not required.

Head through the door on the right to enter Underwhere Road. Well, it's quite dark in here, but Luvbi will lead the way! Just follow the path all the way up, using the Flip- Panels and Luigi's super jumps when appropriate.

There is a door where it won't open. Examine it with Tippi and it'll appear as some door named Dorguy the First, who will only let you through if you answer his three questions correctly. The answers he's looking for are "Queen Jaydes," "Dorguy the First," and "6 times." If you mess up, just speak with the door to try again.

Make use of the Save Block, then speak with the three guards to the right. Turns out, there's a large monster they've quarantined inside, but it's blocking the route to the Overthere! Accept their request to take the monster head-on, then proceed through the door. What? Why it's Bowser! And it seems he thinks you're part of some kind of conspiracy against him.


  • Bowser
    • HP:80
    • ATK:2
    • Max ATK:a whopping 8
    • DEF:1
    • Reward:6000 points
    • Difficulty:****
    • Attacks:
      • Jump
      • Fire Breath
      • Charging Tackle

Keep your distance to avoid his attacks, then counter with Cudge's hammer or Boomer at each and every opportunity to defeat him. If you find yourself cornered, flip to 3D to escape.


After defeating Bowser, he'll come to his senses and rejoin the group. The guards outside will be so pleased with your work, they'll award you with a Door Key, which unlocks the nearby door.

NOTE:Now that Bowser's on your side, use his fiery breath to ignite the torches you find. This will temporally light up the entire room, making your job a lot easier.

Now that you're at the base of a tall tower, it's time to get climbing. Just leap from one platform to the next, all the way to the top. Once you reach the door at the top, use Tippi's pointing powers once again to reveal a second Dorguy. The answers you're looking for are: "3," "2," "blue," "4," "Triangle." Once clear, head on through. Skip past the locked door and enter the bright pink one. Now here's the deal, there are three elderly women here, each with errand they want you to run. The only one you should concern yourself with his Hagra, the old woman closest to the door, as she'll reward you with a Door Key that opens the locked door you just past. The other two only provide a tip and an irrelevant story.

Speak with Hagra, the old woman closest to the door and accept her request to retrieve a book from a D-Man. Unfortunately, he's at the very beginning of the level, but on the flipside, she'll at least warp you to his location. Speak with him to obtain the Diet Book, then run through the level, back up the tower, to the old women to deliver the book. She'll reward you with the Door Key. With the door key in tow, head back outside and unlock the door. Now climb the long staircase to the top (in 3D to avoid the rolling thwomps). About halfway up, the staircase levels off and eventually drops off. Look for a second staircase right above where the first one levels-off at, and use Luigi's super-jump reach it and continue your climb.

Switch to Bowser (you'll find out why shortly) and use Tippi's pointing power one last time on the door at the top to reveal the final Dorguy. This time, the Dorguy skips the questions and sets forth an unusual battle. Now it's time to get a little...UNDERCHOMP?!


  • Underchomp
    • HP:15 (x3)
    • ATK:3
    • Reward:6000 points
    • Difficulty:***
    • Immune to Fire
    • Attacks (Red):
      • Chomp
      • Flame Breath
      • Strength Collector
    • Attacks (Blue):
      • Chomp
      • Blue Breath
      • Strength Collector
    • Attacks (Yellow):
      • Chomp
      • Stinky Breath
      • Strength Collector

Well, this is certainly different. This battle occurs in a retro-RPG-esque battle environment. Every attack you make is selected from a list of commands, which the computer then carries out.

Hopefully you have the Pixl, Piccolo in your party, as his magical powers are a huge assistance. Select him from the "Pixl" list to play a special tune - one that puts all three of the Underchomp's heads to sleep! Now's your chance to attack. Lay into them with Thudley's attack as Bowser to deal upwards of 20 damage each time (ignore Bowser's "Flame" technique, which is harmless) to deal significant damage. Once they wake up, replay Piccolo's tune to send them right back to lullaby land.

If you don't have Piccolo, just attack relentlessly as Bowser with Thudley, using items when necessary to regain HP.


Once the Underchomp is taken down, proceed through the door and hit the Star Block.

Chapter 7-3: The Forbidden Apple

Ah, blue skies, the fresh air; this is certainly a nice change from those dark levels before. This level is essentially one long, vertical trek, so let's get climbing.

Stair 1: Leap from cloud to cloud, using the occasional platform to ride higher. You'll also have to make use of Luigi's super jump every now and then to leap to an out-of-reach cloud. Eventually, you'll reach two side-by-side clouds, which has a Parabuzzy flying vertically between. Although it may look like there's no where to go, use Luigi's super-jump near the gap to leap to an off-screen cloud just above.

After landing on that cloud, you'll come across your first "jump-over cloud." These awesome clouds act like trampolines - just hold down the jump button as you land on one to jump incredibly high. Use these to reach the first door.

Stair 2: Make use of the Save Block on the right, then continue climbing up.

Stair 3: Eventually, you'll reach a cloud that appears to be a dead-end, but as you should know by now, looks can be deceiving. Flip to 3D to discover a series of ? blocks that spans the gulf. Run across it in 3D to reach the other side. Once there, unleash Luigi's super jump to reach another off screen cloud above, then continue to the door.

Stair 4: Climb the clouds directly above where you entered to find a Save Block and a door, which leads to Princess Peach. But alas, it appears she's in a deep slumber, brought on by the effects of the golden fruit she ate. The only way to awaken her is to feed her the Taboo fruit, so leave her for now.

On the cloud leading into Peach's room, there's a platform to the left that will carry you higher, but to get to it, wait for the first platform to rise and use it as a stepping stone. Then use the jump-over cloud to reach a very high cloud with a signpost. Now just cross the clouds over to the door.

Stair 5: Upon entering, use Luigi's super-jump to leap to the cloud above. Skip past the door, as there's nothing but enemies inside, and hop on the platform to the right. Use Luigi's Super-Jump at the apex of the platform's height to reach another cloud. Flip to 3D at the sign to find a hidden path that leads to another door. Inside, use Thudley to knock down the black fruit. Feel free to eat a couple (they restore 1hp each), but make sure to save one for Peach.

With the black fruit in tow, take it back to Peach in Stair 4. Feed Princess Peach the black apple (aka the taboo fruit) to awaken her. She'll rejoin your party. It's a good thing too, because without her floating ability, you wouldn't be traversing much further.

NOTE:Feed Peach any of the different colored apples from elsewhere in the level for humorous side effects.

Outside the room where you found Peach, use the platforms to the left and subsequent jump clouds to reach a door in the upper-right corner, back to Stair 5.

Back to Stair 5: Climb your way to the very top of this section to find another door. To get there, use the jump-over cloud on the left to reach a platform with some bricks. Climb to the top of the bricks, then use Peach to float over the gap to the right to find a series of jump-over clouds that'll lift you to the door.

Stair 6: Use the platforms on the left to reach a series of arches. Cross them to find a jump-over cloud which will send you to another platform. Ride it up to a series of columns you can leap across, then climb the clouds up to the door.

Stair 7: Use the jump-over cloud to the left, to reach a second, which will catapult you to some columns you can climb. Ride the platform across and leap to the temple above. Just after it, you'll run into a talking cloud named Cyrrus. It appears he's feeling inadequate due to his small size, and requests you find him the Red Apple, which will make him grow bigger. If you have one in your inventory, awesome, feed it to him now.

But if you don't have a red apple, worry not! Hit the blue switch left of the cloud to create a warp pipe that'll warp you back to Stair 4. Now use the jump-over cloud on the right side (just past the brick walkway) to reach the door leading to the Red Apple room. Use Thudley to knock one down, then head back through the warp pipe. After feeding the apple to the cloud, he'll grow in size significantly. Leap on top of him to rebound to an ultra-high door.

At the signpost, use Peach to float over the gap to find the star block on the next cloud.

Chapter 7-4: A Bone-Chilling Tale

In the overthere, you will need to get the blue, red, and yellow orbs from Blubi, Rebbi, and Yebbi. Boss:Bonechill HP:80 Attack:4 The best pair to attack is character Luigi and Pixl Thoreau.