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Wikification required: August 2007


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Cleanup required: August 2007

General Strategies[edit]

  • This is a stage where it's quite easy to get lost. Try not to stray from the main beaten path; if you do, memorize where you came from so you won't have to run all around the level.
  • When you approach the second fork on the path, a shack with explosive drums becomes visible to you. Kill the two soldiers guarding it and go inside. Then, walk around the piled-up crates and you will find two crates of grenades. Unlike normal grenades, these will serve as ammo to the Grenade Launcher, which can be found in the cabin where you find the large key (see objective "Obtain safe key" for further details), sitting on a crate.

Mission Objectives[edit]

Power down communications dish[edit]

Difficulty level
Gadgets used
Objectives req'd

From the start of the stage, keep yourself into the main beaten path until it is cut across the end by another road, in an angled perspective (say, 60-70 degrees to your right). By then the satellite dish will be real close, so don't bother going off the road. If you don't want to, though, turn left as soon as you come across this second road, then take a right, then all lefts and you'll find the door to the dish. Once in there, take the stairs and climb all the way to the top. You will come across two doors; open the one right ahead of you (the one to the right leads to the top of the tower) and you will be in the communications room. In there, deactivate the computer WITHOUT DESTROYING IT (stand next to it and press B); an alarm will go off if you blast it down, and believe, the waves of coming enemies are quite annoying in this stage.

Obtain safe key[edit]

Difficulty level
Secret Agent
Gadgets used
Objectives req'd

This objective is divided in two parts.

First: At the same fork where the initial road ends, take the right path and walk it until the very end. Turn left, enter the cabin and kill the officer. He will surrender a large key.

Second: Backtrack to the second fork on the road (where both paths lead to cabins) and enter the one without the drums in front of it (which was previously locked). In there you will find the safe key patiently waiting on a table, next to a computer.

Steal building plans[edit]

Difficulty level
Secret Agent
Gadgets used
Objectives req'd
Obtain safe key

Take the same road that led you to the satellite dish's door, but this time, instead of turning left on the second fork to enter it, go straight so you go around the dish (or just take a left at the fork where the road ends). You will come across an area surrounded by a chainlink fence, with two cabins inside. Enter the one on the left (from your entering perspective), open the safe and pick up the blueprints inside. Remember, after you open the safe, take a few steps back, or your body won't let the safe lid budge.

Enter base via ventilation tower[edit]

Difficulty level
Gadgets used
Objectives req'd
All of the above

From the path that forks the first road at its end, take the left path, then the right. Keep straight until the road forks in a Y. Go left and you'll find the vent tower. Climb it and shoot the padlocks to remove the lid and jump in.

In case you're wondering, the right path leads to a helipad and the bunker's main entrance. You cannot open that door and, if you try, an alarm will go off.