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The Rush Hour expansion gets some new rewards and business deals.

Business Deals[edit | edit source]

Area 5.1 (Top Secret)[edit | edit source]

Area 5.1 (Top Secret)
Construction Cost §0 Capacity N/A
Maintenance Cost §380 income Capacity Cost N/A
Total population (residental, commercial and industrial): 15,000
Funds: lower than §20,000
Difficulty level: Hard

People, both residential and commercial, hate this building, and it generates tremendous amounts of radiation. The only reason why one would want to go for it are the U-Drive-It missions available from here.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Marina[edit | edit source]

Construction Cost §4000 Capacity N/A
Maintenance Cost §90 Capacity Cost N/A
Middle and high wealth residental population: 18000
Mayor Rating: 53
Amount of water in city: 25%

The marina, strange as it may seem, is a huge relief for the high-tech industrial demand cap. On top of that, it provides lots of U-Drive-It missions. As a water building, it needs to be built half on land and half on water.

Lighthouse[edit | edit source]

Construction Cost §6500 Capacity N/A
Maintenance Cost §100 Capacity Cost N/A
Freight transferred via seaport: 100

The lighthouse is good mainly for dirty and manufacturing industry.

Cruise Ship Port[edit | edit source]

Cruise Ship Port
Construction Cost §28000 Capacity N/A
Maintenance Cost §180 Capacity Cost N/A
Commercial population: 15000
Number of parks: 15
Amount of water in city: 35%

This building is mostly decoration, as it has no real effect. It too is a water building so needs to be built at the shore.

Space Port[edit | edit source]

Space Port
Construction Cost §96000 Capacity N/A
Maintenance Cost §400 Capacity Cost N/A
High-tech industrial population: 25000
Advanced Research Center has been built
Difficulty level: Medium

Surprisingly, despite its requirements, cost and description, this too is mostly just decoration, with no real effect.