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Education is one of the things that are definitely needed if you want higher-wealth people and companies to move into your city.

Unlike with the other types of civic buildings, there is no small-large pair here. Every education building caters to a specific age, and you will need to build all of them for a full education service (although at the beginning, only one should suffice so as to not strain the budget too much.

The following buildings are available, listed in the order of the age group targeted. The college and museum's effects are city wide, but the others operate inside a specific radius. Besides these, the rewards also include the University as well as the Main Library and Major Art Museum.

Elementary School
Construction Cost §300 Capacity 500 students
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost §0.80 / student
High School
Construction Cost §1,050 Capacity 750 students
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost §1.00 / student
City College
Construction Cost §3,000 Capacity 7,000 students
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost §0.142857 / student
Local Branch Library
Construction Cost §1,000 Capacity 30,000 books
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost §0.0083 / book
City Museum
Construction Cost §1,500 Capacity 900 exhibit tickets
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost §0.50 / exhibit ticket

Private Schools[edit | edit source]

These can appear in the menu if wealthy people move in and the city's education is low. As they target the rich, it makes no sense to build them in a neighborhood full of poor people. They're free, so there's no disadvantage in building them.

Private School
Construction Cost §0 Capacity 1,000 students
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost N/A
High-wealth residental population: 700
School grade: lower than 90
Private School
Construction Cost §0 Capacity 1,000 students
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost N/A
High-wealth residental population: 3750
School grade: lower than 90
Private School 1 has been built
Private School
Construction Cost §0 Capacity 1,000 students
Maintenance Cost N/A Capacity Cost N/A
High-wealth residental population: 7500
School grade: lower than 90
Private School 2 has been built