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The King of Fighters 2002 logo
The King of Fighters 2002 logo

KOF'94 Team[edit | edit source]

Kyo Kusanagi[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Ge-Shiki Go Gu Yo +
Ge-Shiki Naraku Otoshi +
88 Shiki +
100 Shiki Oniyaki +
212 Shiki Kototsuki You +
R.E.D. Kick +
75 Shiki Kai + , then
114 Shiki Aragami +
____128 Shiki Konokizu + (during Aragami)
____127 Shiki Yanosabi (during Konokizu)
____128 Shiki Yanosabi + (during Aragami)
427 Shiki Hikigane +
_____Ge-Shiki Tsurubeotoshi (during Munotsuchi)
__115 Shiki Dokugami + (during Dokugami)
____401 Shiki Tsumiyomi + (during Tsumiyomi)
______402 Shiki Batsuyomi + (during Batsuyomi)
Desperation Move
Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi
+ (hold to delay)
Max DM
Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi
+ (hold to delay)
Max 2
521 Shiki Kamikura

Benimaru Nikaido[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spinning Knee Drop (Air Throw) (close) or or + or
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Iai Geri +
__Handou Sandan Geri + (during Iai Geri)
Shinku Katategoma +
Raijin Ken +
Benimaru Colider (close)+
Desperation Move
Raikou Ken
Desperation Move
Gen'Ei Hurricane
Max DM
Raikou Ken
Max 2
Heaven Blast Dress
+ any button

Goro Daimon[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Zujo Barai +
Jiraishin + (Heavy version is fake)
Chou Ukemi +
Kumo Tsukami + (use on airborne opponents)
Kirikabu Gaeshi (close)+
Tenchi Gaeshi (close)+
Chou Oosutogari (close)+
Nekko Gaeshi (counter)+
Ura Nage +
Desperation Move
Jigoku Otoshi Gokuraku
Desperation Move
Stormy Mountain Uprooter
Desperation Move
__Super Stump Throw
+ (during Stormy Mountain Uprooter)
Desperation Move
____Radical Reverse Throw
+ (during Super Stump Throw)
Max DM
Jigoku Otoshi Gokuraku
Max DM
Stormy Mountain Uprooter
Max DM
__Super Stump Throw
+ (during Stormy Mountain Uprooter)
Max DM
____Radical Reverse Throw
+ (during Super Stump Throw)
Max 2
Fu Rin Ka Zan
+ +

Fatal Fury Team[edit | edit source]

Terry Bogard[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Rising Upper +
Power Wave +
Round Wave +
Burning Knuckle +
Power Dunk +
Rising Tackle +
Crack Shoot +
Desperation Move
Power Geyser
Desperation Move
High-Angle Geyser
Max DM
Power Geyser
Max 2
Rising Force

Andy Bogard[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Chin Raiser +
Facelift Smash +
Zan Ei Ken +
__Shippu Oh Ken + (during Zan Ei Ken)
Hisho Ken +
Geki Hisho Ken +
Sho Ryu Dan +
Sonic Split +
Dam Breaker Punch (close)+
Shiranui Shadow +
__Shiranui Shadow Downward Jab (during Shiranui Shadow)
__Shiranui Shadow Uppercut Crush (during Shiranui Shadow)
Darkness Kick +
Desperation Move
Super Sonic Swirl
Desperation Move
Zan Ei Comet Punch
Max DM
Super Sonic Swirl
Max 2
Zan Ei Super Sonic Swirl
+ (for additional attack=+)

Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Low Kick +
Sliding +
Hurricane Upper +
Slash Kick +
Tiger Kick +
Golden Heel Hunter +
TNT Punch
__TNT Punch Finish + (during TNT Punch)
Desperation Move
Screw Upper
Desperation Move
Golden Tiger Kick
+ (hold to delay)
Desperation Move
Exploding Hurricane Tiger Talon
Max DM
Screw Upper
Max 2
Cross Giganticness

Art of Fighting Team[edit | edit source]

Ryo Sakazaki[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Ice Pillar Pulverizer +
Upper Parry (parry)+
Lower Parry (parry)+
Ko Ou ken +
Koho +
Hien Shippu Kyaku +
Zan Retsu Ken +
Mouko Raijin Satsu +
Desperation Move
Haoh Sho Ko Ken
Desperation Move
Ryuuko Ranbu
Max DM
Ryuko Ranbu: Destroy
+ , then
Max 2
Heaven Glaze Punch

Robert Garcia[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Dragon-felling Kick +
Back Knuckle +
Soaring Dragon Kick or+
Dragon Blast Punch +
Ryuga +
Flying Dragon Kick +
Great Spirit Kick +
Kyoku Gen Kick Dance (close)+
Desperation Move
Haoh Sho Koh Ken
Desperation Move
Ryuko Ranbu
Desperation Move
Reverse Dragon Fang
Max DM
Ryuko Ranbu
Max 2
Ryuko Ranbu: Absolute

Takuma Sakazaki[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Bottle Breaker +
Tiger Flame Punch +
Lighting Legs Knockout Kick +
Tiger Boulder Blash +
Haoh Shi Koh Ken +
Desperation Move
Ryuko Ranbu
Desperation Move
Neo Demon-God Attack
Max DM
Ryuko Ranbu
Max 2
Tiger Killer

Ikari Warriors Team[edit | edit source]

Leona Heidern[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Heidern Inferno (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Strike Arch or+
Moon Slasher +
Voltaic Launcher +
X-Caliber +
Ground Sabre +
__Gliding Buster + (during heavy Ground Sabre)
Earring Explosive 1 +
Earring Explosive 2: Heart Attack + (re-input to detonate)
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
Revolver Spark
Max DM
Max 2
Revolver Spark
+ (only after Awakening)

Ralf Jones[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Gatling Attack +
Super Argentine Backbreaker (close)+
Blitzkrieg Punch or+
Vulcan Punch
Ralf Kick +
Ralf Tackle +
Galactica Phantom +
Desperation Move
Super Vulcan Punch
Desperation Move
Bareback Vulcan Punch
Max DM
Super Vulcan Punch
Max 2
Bareback Galactica Phantom
+ +

Clark Still[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Drive to Death Lake (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Stomping or+
Super Argentine Back Breaker (close)+
Napalm Stretch + (use on airborne opponents)
Frankensteiner (close)+
Shining Wizard + (use on crouching opponents)
Mount Tackle +
__Clark Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Rolling Cradler + (during Mount Tackle)
__Sleeper Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Flashing Elbow + (during SUPER Argentine Back Breaker, Napalm Stretch, Frankensteiner, or Sleeper Lift)
Desperation Move
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Desperation Move
Running Three
Max DM
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Max 2
Running Pirates

Psycho Soldier Team[edit | edit source]

Athena Asamiya[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Psychic Shoot (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Psychic Skin +
Phoenix Bomb +
Psycho Ball Attack +
Psycho Sword +
Psycho Reflector +
Psychic Teleport +
Phoenix Arrow +
Desperation Move
Shining Crystal Bit
+ (press all 4 buttons to stop)
Desperation Move
__Crystal Shoot
+ (during Shining Crystal Bit, hold to delay)
Desperation Move
Phoenix Fang Arrow
Max DM
Shining Crystal Bit
+ (press all 4 buttons to stop)
Max DM
__Crystal Shoot
+ (during Shining Crystal Bit, hold to delay)
Max DM
Psychic 9
+ ,then
Max DM
__Fire Sword Finish
+ (after Psychic 9 input)
Max DM
__Psycho Sword Finish
+ (after Psychic 9 input)
Max DM
__School Uniform Finish
+ (after Psychic 9 input)
Max 2
Psycho Medley
+ +, then
Max 2
__Cute Idols Finish
+ +(after Psycho Medley input)
Max 2
__Healing Athena Finish
+ +(after Psycho Medley input)

Sie Kensou[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tiger Takedown Punch +
Reverse Mass Kick +
Super Bullet Attack +
Earth Dragon Fang Nibble +
Heaven Dragon Fang Nibble +
Dragon Talon Tear +
Dragon Uppercut +
Arrow Kick +
Desperation Move
Dragon God Kick
Desperation Move
Dragon God Drubbing
Desperation Move
RESPECT Meat Dumplings
Max DM
Hermit Power Blast
Max 2
Dragon Awakening

Chin Gentsai[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Staggering Sake Gourd Attack +
Gourd Attack +
Mochizuki Intoxicator +
__Serpent Adversary + (during Mochizuki Intoxicator)
__Carp Can Can + (during Mochizuki Intoxicator)
__Rolling Punch 1 + (during Mochizuki Intoxicator, and after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Back Wrap Kick all buttons (during Mochizuki Intoxicator)
Gulp Sake +
__Rolling Punch 2 + (after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Burning Sake Belch + (after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Sake Fire Breath + (after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Customized Invitation to the Furnace + (after using Gulp Sake three or more time)
Desperation Move
Thunder Blast
Desperation Move
Invitation to the Furnace
Max DM
Thunder Blast
Max 2
Manipulate Flame Dance

Women Fighters Team[edit | edit source]

Mai Shiranui[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Cherry Blossom Phantasm (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Black Swallow Dance +
Crimson Crane Dance +
Fortune's Wheel Drop +
Ukihane +
Yusura +
Ryu En Bu +
Sayo Chidori +
Kacho Sen +
Deadly Ninja Bees +
Flying Squirrel Dance or+
__Yusura + (during Flying Squirrel Dance)
__Ukihane + (during Flying Squirrel Dance)
__Peach Blossom Bounce (close)+ (during Flying Squirrel Dance)
Desperation Move
Blossom Storm
Desperation Move
Super Deadly Ninja Bees
Max DM
Super Deadly Ninja Bees
Max 2
Shiranui Nine Tails Fox

Yuri Sakazaki[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Swallow Dropper (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Swallow Wings +
Piercing Swallow +
Rising Swallow +
Tiger Flame Punch + (hold for Haoh Sho Koh Ken)
Sai Ha +
Yuri Super Upper (SUPER CANCEL) +
__Double Yuri Super Upper + (during strong Yuri Super Upper)
Hundred Blows +
Desperation Move
Flying Phoenix Kick
Max DM
Core! Super Upper
Max 2
Super! Flying Phoenix Kick

May Lee[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Posture Shift (in between Standard and Hero) +
Hero's Guard (Hero) (parry)+
Sliding (Hero) +
Self Rebellion 1 (Standard) (counter)+
Dragon Tail Kick (Standard) +
__Windmill Kick (during Dragon Tail Kick)
____Heart Charge Kick (during Windmill Kick)
__Sun Rise Kick + (during Dragon Tail Kick or Windmill Kick)
____Sun Set Kick + (during Sun Rise Kick)
__Tiger Tail Kick + (during Dragon Tail Kick or Windmill Kick)
__Head Bone Kick + (during Dragon Tail Kick or Windmill Kick)
__Self Rebellion 2 (counter)+ (during Dragon Tail Kick or Windmill Kick)
__Dual Stars Kick + (during Dragon Tail Kick or Windmill Kick)
Full Swing Chop (Hero) +
May Lee Chooop! (Hero) +
Shining Thunder Blow (Hero) +
May Lee Break (Hero) (close)+
Desperation Move
Beast God Kick (Standard)
Desperation Move
May Lee Dynamic! (Hero)
Max DM
Disposition Frog
Max DM
May the End (Hero)
Max 2
Key of Victory (Hero)

Kaphwan Team[edit | edit source]

Kim Kaphwan[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Nerichagi +
Flying Kick +
Crescent Moon Slash +
Spirit of Conquest Kick +
Flying Slice + (for additional attack during strong version= +)
Triple Attacks + (can be linked together up to 3 times)
Triple Aerial Attacks 1 + (during first hit of Triple Attacks)
Triple Aerial Attacks 2 + (during Triple Aerial Attacks 1)
Desperation Move
Phoenix Flattener
Desperation Move
Phoenix Blow Kick
Max DM
Phoenix Flattener
Max 2
Zero Distance Phoenix Flattener
(close)+ all buttons

Chang Koehan[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Hit and Run +
Spinning Iron Ball (press all 4 buttons to stop)
__Breaking Iron Ball + (during Spinning Iron Ball)
Breaking Iron Ball +
Drumming Iron Ball (counter)+
Big Destroyer Toss (close)+
Spirit of Conquest Kick +
Desperation Move
Wild Ball Attack
Desperation Move
Iron Sphere Smasher
Desperation Move
Wild Ball Beater
Max DM
Iron Sphere Smasher
Max 2
Earth Sphere Smasher
(stuns opponent)

Choi Bounge[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Mad Slasher Kick +
Hurricane Cutter +
Hisho Kuretsu Zan + (hold button)
Flying Monkey Slice +
__Change Direction any direction+ any button(can be linked together up to 3 times, during Hisho Kuretsu Zan, or Flying Monkey Slice)
Soaring Kick +
Monkey Slice +
Kaiten Hien Zan +
__Flying Monkey Ambush (during Kaiten Hien Zan )
Desperation Move
Tornado Ripper
Desperation Move
Phoenix Flattener
Max DM
Phoenix Flattener
Max 2
Instant Death

KOF'96 Team[edit | edit source]

Iori Yagami[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Dream Blast + , then
Thunder Axe Shadow Reaper +
Lily Breaker +
Fireball +
Dark Thrust +
Deadly Flower + (can be linked together up to three times)
Dark Crescent Slice +
Scum Gale (close)+
Desperation Move
Maiden Masher
Desperation Move
__Wolf Bloom
+ (during Maiden Masher)
Max DM
Maiden Masher
Max 2
Flame Disentengle

Mature[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Despair +
Sacrilege +
Death Downer + (can be linked together up to 3 times)
Metal Massacre +
Da Cide +
Ebony Tears +
Desperation Move
Nocturnal Lights
Desperation Move
Heaven's Gate
Max DM
Nocturnal Lights
Max DM
Heaven's Gate
Max 2

Vice[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Monstrosity +
Gore Fest (close)+
Da Cide +
Blackener (close)+
Mayhem +
__Misan's Rove + (after Mayhem or Blackener)
Outrage +
Rave Fest +
Desperation Move
Withering Surface
Desperation Move
Negative Gain
Max DM
Withering Surface
Max DM
Negative Gain
Max 2
Over Kill

KOF'97 Team[edit | edit source]

Ryuji Yamazaki[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Eviscerator +
Sadomaso (counter)+
Double Return +
Serpent Slash Upper + (hold to delay)
Serpent Slash Middle + (hold to delay)
Serpent Slash Lower + (hold to delay)
__Serpent Slash Fake (while delaying Serpent Slash)
Bombshell Badda-Bing (close)+
Judgement Dagger +
Fight of Tempering +
Spray Sand +
Desperation Move
Insanity from Nightmare
+ +
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
(close)+ ( to charge)
Max DM
Max DM
(close)+ ( to charge)
Max 2

Blue Mary[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Hammer Arch or+
Double Rolling or+
Spin Fall +
__M. Spider + (during Spin Fall)
Straight Slicer +
__Crab Crunch + (during Straight Slicer)
Vertical Arrow +
__M. Snatcher + (during Vertical Arrow)
M. Reverse Face Lock (counter)+
M. Headbuster (counter)+
Real Counter +
__Backdrop Real + (during Real Counter)
Desperation Move
M. Dynamite Swing
Desperation Move
M. Splash Rose
Max DM
M. Dynamite Swing
Max 2
M. Typhoon

Billy Kane[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wide Revolving Kick +
Pole Vault Kick +
Soaring Crackdown Cane +
Midsection Club Cruncher +
__Flaming Midsection Club Cruncher + (during Midsection Club Cruncher)
Whirlwind Cane
Sparrow Drop + (use on airborne opponents)
Pursuing Fire Dragon Cane (counter)+
Pursuing Water Serpent Cane (counter)+
Desperation Move
Super Fire Wheel
Desperation Move
Big Fan
Max DM
Big Fan
Max 2
Liar's Element

KOF'98 Team[edit | edit source]

Yashiro Nanakase[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Regret Bash +
Step Side Kick +
Dual Upper +
Jet Counter +
Steel Jet Counter + (during Jet Counter)
Sledgehammer +
98' Jet Counter +
98' Steel Jet Counter + (during Jet Counter)
Desperation Move
Final Impact
+ (hold to charge)
Max DM
Final Impact
+ (hold to charge)
Max 2

Shermie[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Busty Suplex (close)+
Shermie Stand +
Shermie Clutch + (use on airborne opponents)
Shermie Spiral (close)+
Shermie Whip (close)+
__Shermie Cute + (during Shermie Clutch, Shermie Spiral, or Shermie Whip)
Diamond Dust +
Axle Spin Kick +
F.Captured (counter)+
Evasive Move ++
Desperation Move
Shermie Flash
Desperation Move
Shermie Carnival
Max DM
Shermie Flash
Max DM
Shermie Carnival
Max 2
Lighting Leg Lariat

Chris[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spinning Array +
Reverse Anchor Kick +
Carry Off Kick +
Direction Change +
Hunting Air Blast +
Sliding Touch +
Scramble Dash +
Shooting Dancer Thrust +
Shooting Dancer Step +
Gliding Stomping +
Leading High + , then
Leading Low + , then
Desperation Move
Chain Slide Touch
Desperation Move
Twister Drive
Max DM
Chain Slide Touch
Max DM
Twister Drive
Max 2
Fate of Flame

KOF'99 Team[edit | edit source]

K'[edit | edit source]

Name Input
One Inch +
Knee Assault +
Iron Trigger +
__Second Shoot + (during Iron Trigger)
__Second Shell + (during Iron Trigger)
__Black Out + (during Iron Trigger)
Black Out +
Crow Bite + (for additional attack=+)
Minute Spike +
__Narrow Spike + (during Grounded Strong Minute Spike)
Desperation Move
Chain Drive
Desperation Move
Heat Drive
+ (hold to delay)
Max DM
Chain Drive
Max 2
Crimson Star Road
+ , then

Maxima[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Mongolian +
M9: Model Maxima Missile(Proto Type) +
M4: Model Vapor Cannon +
M11: Model Dangerous Arch (close)+
M19: Model Blitz Cannon + (use on airborne opponents)
SYSTEM 1.2 Maxima Scramble +
__Double Bomber + (during Maxima Scramble)
____Bull-Dog Press + (during Double Bomber)
System 3 Maxima Lift +
__Senton Press + (during Maxima Lift)
Desperation Move
Maxima Revenger
Desperation Move
Bunker Buster
Desperation Move
M2: Model Maxima Beam
Max DM
Maxima Revenger
Max 2
Ark Enemy

Whip[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Whip Shot + (can be linked together up to 5 times)
Desert Eagle +
Boomerang Shot "CODE: SC" +
Assassin Strike "CODE: BB" + any button
Hook Shot "CODE: Wind" +
String Shot TypeA "CODE: Superiority" + (hold to delay)
String Shot TypeB "CODE: Power" + (hold to delay)
String Shot TypeC "CODE: Victory" + (hold to delay)
__String Shot TypeD "CODE: Candy" (during String Shot posture)
Desperation Move
Sonic Slaughter "CODE: KW"
Max DM
Sonic Slaughter "CODE: KW"
Max 2
Super Black Hawk

KOF2000 Team[edit | edit source]

Vanessa[edit | edit source]

Name Input
One-Two Punch +
Sliding Puncher +
Machine Gun Puncher +
Puncher Vision (Forward) +
Puncher Vision (Backward) +
__Puncher Weaving + (during Puncher Vision)
__Puncher Upper + (during Puncher Vision)
__Puncher Straight + (during Puncher Vision)
Punch Weaving +
__Puncher Vision (Forward) + (during Puncher Weaving)
__Puncher Vision (Backward) + (during Puncher Weaving)
__Dash Puncher + (during Puncher Weaving)
__Parring Puncher + (during Puncher Weaving)
Dash Puncher +
Forbidden Eagle +
Desperation Move
Crazy Puncher
Desperation Move
Champion Puncher
Max DM
Crazy Puncher
Max 2
Gaea Gear

Seth[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Tackle +
Front Kick +
Back Blow +
Sobut +
Sliding Kick +
Rising Sun +
Body Snatcher (counter)+
Foot Snatcher (counter)+
Bow Moon +
__Arrow Moon + (during Bow Moon)
__String Moon + (during Bow Moon)
Moon Set +
Sail Moon +
Desperation Move
Dual Rising Sun
Desperation Move
Moon Ocean
Max DM
7 Flash Torso Grab
Max 2
Bloom of Chrysanthemum

Ramon[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Low Altitude Drop Kick +
Tiger Neck Chancery (close)+
Rolling Sobbat +
__Flying Body Attack + (during Rolling Sobbat)
____Pull Up + (during Flying Body Attack)
Feint Step + (hold to last)
Somersault + (press ++ to stop)
Tiger Road +
__Feint Dash ++(during Tiger Road)
__Cross Chop (during Tiger Road, while in contact with wall)
Tiger Road 2 +
__Feint Dash ++(during Tiger Road 2)
__Force of Will + (during Tiger Road, while in contact with wall)
Bird of Paradise + , then
Desperation Move
Tiger Spin
Desperation Move
El Diadlo Amarillo Ramon
Desperation Move
Savage Fire Cat
Max DM
Tiger Spin
Max 2
Hypnotic Tiger

KOF2001 Team[edit | edit source]

Kula Diamond[edit | edit source]

Name Input
One Inch +
Slider Shot +
Critical Ice +
Diamond Breath +
Crow Bite +
Counter Shell +
Ray Spin +
__Stand 1 + (during weak Ray Spin)
__Stand 2 + (during strong Ray Spin)
__Sit 1 + (during weak Ray Spin)
__Sit 2 + (during strong Ray Spin)
Desperation Move
Diamond Edge
Desperation Move
La ✩ Cachora
Max DM
Freeze Execution
Max 2
Freeze Completion
, then, then+

K9999[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Shut Up! +
Stomping +
Here! +
Get In There! +
Split! +
Crush! +
Desperation Move
The Moon
Desperation Move
You Get Lost Too!
Max DM
Power Losing Control
+ all four buttons
Max 2
This Is So...!!

Angel[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Senseless Chatter +
At Wasteland +
Red Sky of Yaponsia +
Mad Murder Roulette (close)+
UC Starting Move
Formalist Blue
UC Starting Move
Citizen of World
UC Starting Move
Senseless Fist
UC Starting Move
Repun Kamui
UC Starting Move
Beyond Flames
UC Move
Bye Bye Rogue
UC Move
Impotence Symptom
UC Move
Buggy and Coffin
UC Move
Shelter from Storm
UC Move
Train to See Cherry Blossoms
UC Move
With a Lamp for Pathway
UC Special Move
, , or+ +
UC Finishing Move
Crown Under Sky
UC Finishing Move
State of Heat Haze
UC Finishing Move
Full Moon Evening
UC Finishing Move
Cosmic Futen Swing
UC Finishing Move
Lost Homeland
UC Finishing Move
Beyond Flames
Desperation Move
Loyalty Test for Liberalists
Max DM
Winds Fairground
(counter)+ (against ground attacks)
Max DM
Blue Monday Parade
(counter)+ (against air attacks)
Max DM
Loyalty Test for Liberalists
Max 2
Survivors Banquette
+(during Blue Monday Parade)

Orochi Team[edit | edit source]

Orochi Yashiro[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Saku +
Bu +
Niragu Daichi (close)+
Musebu Daichi (close)+
Odoru Daichi +
Kujiku Daichi +
Desperation Move
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
Desperation Move
Araburu Daichi
Max DM
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
Max DM
Araburu Daichi
Max 2
, then, then, then+

Orochi Shermie[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Kourai +
Yatanagi no Muchi +
Syajitsu no Odori +
Mugetu no Raiun + any button
Raijin no Tue +
Desperation Move
Syukumei - Genei - Shinshi
Desperation Move
Ankoku Raikouken
Max DM
Syukumei - Genei - Shinshi
Max DM
Ankoku Raikouken
Max 2
Unmei no Ya
, then, then, then, then any button

Orochi Chris[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Muyoo no Ono +
Jyukei no Oni +
Setsudan no Koto +
Tsuki o Tumu Honoo +
Taiyou o Iru Honoo +
Kagami o Hofuru Honoo +
Shishi o Kamu Honoo (close)+
Desperation Move
Ankoku Orochinagi
+ (hold to delay)
Max DM
Ankoku Orochinagi
+ (hold to delay)
Max 2
Emerges from a Chrysalis
, then, then, then, then

Edit[edit | edit source]

Kusanagi[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Thundering Axe Burst +
Style 818 +
Drop to Naraku +
Dark Thrust +
New Wave Smash + , then
Intensetaneous Smash +
Fire Ball +
Spinning Kick +
Recitation of Sins +
Desperation Move
Serpent Slash
+ (hold to delay)
Max DM
Serpent Slash
+ (hold to delay)
Max 2
Final Showdown Zero Style

Boss[edit | edit source]

Omega Rugal[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Double Tomahawk +
Reppu Ken +
Dark Barrier +
Genocide Cutter +
God Press +
Beads Destruction +
Kaiser Wave +
Desperation Move
Gigantic Pressure
Desperation Move
Destruction Omega
Max DM
Gigantic Pressure
Max DM
Destruction Omega
Max 2
Kaiser Phoenix

Dreamcast, PlayStation 2 and Xbox only[edit | edit source]

King[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Trap Kick +
Sliding Kick +
Venom Strike +
Double Venom Strike +
Trap Shot +
Mirage Kick +
Tornado Kick '95 +
Mirage Dance (close)+
Desperation Move
Illusion Dance
Max DM
Illusion Dance
Max 2
Surprise Rose

Shingo Yabuki[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Poseur's Thundering Axe +
Wicked Chew Unfinished Misery +
Poison Gnawfest Unfinished Misery +
Crescent Slash Unfinished Misery +
Fire Ball Unfinished Misery +
Spinning Kick Unfinished Misery +
Shingo Kick +
Shingo's "Metal Malleator" (close)+
Shingo's Elbow Slam +
Desperation Move
Phoenix Flamer
Max DM
Phoenix Flamer
Max 2
Shingo Style God's Duster

PlayStation 2 and Xbox only[edit | edit source]

Goenitz[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Yonokaze + any button
Shin Aoi Hana Seiran + (can be linked together up to 3 times)
Wanhyo Tokobuse +
Wanhyo Mametsu +
Hyouga +
Desperation Move
Max DM
Fuujin Ibuki
Max 2
Shinyaotome Jissoukoku

Geese Howard[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Thunderburst Reverse Kick +
Reppu Ken +
Double Reppu Ken +
Shippuu Ken +
Flying Sawblade Slicer +
Ja Ei Ken +
Upper Body Blow (counter)+
Middle Body Blow (counter)+
Lower Body Blow (counter)+
Heaven's Peel Slamdown (On downed foe)+
Desperation Move
Raging Storm
+ (hold to charge)
Max DM
Max 2
Deadly Rave
+ +, then


Orochi Iori[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Dream Blast + , then
Thunder Axe Shadow Reaper +
Lily Breaker +
Fireball +
Dark Thrust +
Deadly Flower + (can be linked together up to three times)
Dark Crescent Slice +
Scum Gale (close)+
Desperation Move
Maiden Masher
Max DM
Eight Wine Cups
Max 2
+ +