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Click here for more information about Heidern's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters 2001[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Critical Dive (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Shooter Narnagel +
Cross Cutter +
Moon Slasher +
Neck Roller +
Storm Bringer (close)+
Killing Bringer (counter)+
Desperation Move
Final Bringer
Desperation Move
Heidern End
Max DM
Final Bringer
Max DM
Heidern End

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Lead Belcher (close) or +
Backstabber (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Move
Steiner Gate or +
Special Moves
Cross Cutter +
Moon Slasher +
Neck Roller +
Special Moves
Storm Bringer (close) +
Kill Bringer (counter) +
Desperation Moves
Final Bringer ★ +
Heidern End ★ +
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Caliburn +