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Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '99[edit | edit source]

Krizalid (first form)[edit | edit source]

Striker Attack
Airborn Shock Attack
Command Moves
Low Kick +
Special Moves
Negative Anguish +
Demon Landing +

Krizalid[edit | edit source]

Dead Fall (close) or + or
Striker Attack
Desperate Overdrive
Command Moves
Cut Spin +
Special Moves
Typhoon Rage +
Lethal Impact +
Special Moves
Rising Dark Moon +
Desperate Moment +
└►Moment Penetration or +
Desperation Moves
Desperate Overdrive +
End of Heaven +

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Dead Fall (close) or + or
Command Move
Cut Spin +
Special Moves
Typhoon Rage +
Lethal Impact +
Rising Dark Moon +
Desperate Moment +
└►Moment Penetration or +
Desperation Moves
End of Heaven +
Desperate Overdrive ★ +
MAX Desperation Moves
End of Eden +
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Lightning Disaster +