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Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters 2001[edit | edit source]

Name Input
The Seven Metals +
The Seven Minerals +
The Seven Cycles (parry)+
The Seven Evaporation (parry)+
Horn of the Unicorn +
Tree of Wisdom +
__The Silver Moon + (during Tree of Knowledge)
Planunium +
Tree of Beginning +
__Memory of Noa (during Tree of Beginning)
__The Seven Stars (parry) (during Tree of Beginning)
Desperation Move
Poetry of Cygnus
Desperation Move
__Silver of the Moon
+ (during Song of Swan)
Desperation Move
__Wood of Knowledge
+ (during Song of Swan)
Max DM
Prayer of the Planet
Max DM

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

3rd Key (close) or +
12th Key (close) or +
Command Moves
7 Metal +
7 Mineral +
7 Circulation +
7 Distillation +
Special Moves
Unicorn Horn +
Tree of Knowledge +
└►Moon Silver +
Atmospheric Adoration +
Prenilnium +
Special Moves
Tree of Beginning +
├►Memory of Noah
└►7 Stars +
Desperation Moves
Shredinger's Cat +
Song of Swan +
├►Moon Silver +
└►Tree of Knowledge +
MAX Desperation Move
Pray of Planet +
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Honeybee +