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Click here for more information about Chin's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '99[edit | edit source]

Gou Inshu (close) or +
Gyaku Ashi Nage (close) or +
Striker Attack
Hourai Raku'en
Command Moves
Suiho Hyoutan Shuu +
Special Moves
Hyoutan Geki +
Ryuurin Hourai +
Kaiten-Teki Kuutotsu Ken +
Suihai Kou +
├►Fun'en Kou +
└►Gouen Shourai Kai +
Special Moves
Suikan Kanou +
├►Choushuu Rikugyo +
 └►Kaiten-Teki Kuutotsu Ken +
└►Cancel +++
Bougetsu Sui +
├►Rouja Hanhou +
 ├►Rigyo Hanhou +
 └►Kaiten-Teki Kuutotsu Ken +
└►Cancel +++
Desperation Moves
Gouran Enpou +
Gou'en Shourai +

The King of Fighters 2000[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Suiho Hyotan Syu +
Hyotan Geki (SUPER CANCEL) +
Ryurin Horai (SUPER CANCEL) +
Kaitantei Kutotsu Ken (SUPER CANCEL) +
Suikan Kan'o +
└►Chosyu Rikugyo +
└►Kaitantei Kutotsu Ken +
Bogetsu Sui +
└►Ryuda Hanyo +
└►Rigyo Hanyo (SUPER CANCEL) +
└►Kaitantei Kutotsu Ken +
Suihai Kou +
└►Fun'en Ko +
└►Revised Goen Shorai (SUPER CANCEL) +
Desperation Move
Goran Enpo
Desperation Move
Goran Shorai
Super Desperation Move
Goran Enpo
Striker Move
Hourai Raku'en
Another Striker
Striker Move
Gororin Panda
Maniac Striker

The King of Fighters 2001[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Suiho Hyoutan Shu +
Hyoutan Geki +
Shihai Kou +
__Fun'en Kou + (during Shihai)
__Gouen Shourai: Kai + (during Shihai)
__Kaiten-teki Kuutotsu Ken + (during Shihai)
Bougetsu Sui +
__Rouja Hanshou + (during Bougetsu Sui)
__Rigyo Hanshou + (during Bougetsu Sui)
Desperation Move
Gouran Enpou
Desperation Move
Gouren Shourai
Max DM
Gouran Enpou

The King of Fighters 2002[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Staggering Sake Gourd Attack +
Gourd Attack +
Mochizuki Intoxicator +
__Serpent Adversary + (during Mochizuki Intoxicator)
__Carp Can Can + (during Mochizuki Intoxicator)
__Rolling Punch 1 + (during Mochizuki Intoxicator, and after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Back Wrap Kick all buttons (during Mochizuki Intoxicator)
Gulp Sake +
__Rolling Punch 2 + (after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Burning Sake Belch + (after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Sake Fire Breath + (after using Gulp Sake once or more)
__Customized Invitation to the Furnace + (after using Gulp Sake three or more time)
Desperation Move
Thunder Blast
Desperation Move
Invitation to the Furnace
Max DM
Thunder Blast
Max 2
Manipulate Flame Dance

The King of Fighters Neowave[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Suiho Hyoutan Shu +
Hyoutan Geki +
Bougetsu Sui +
__Rouja Hanshou + (during Bougetsu Sui)
__Rigyo Hanshou + (during Bougetsu Sui)
__Kaiten-teki Kuutotsu Ken + (during Bougetsu Sui, and after using Suihai Sho once or more)
__Kousentai all buttons (during Bougetsu Sui)
Suihai Sho +
__Kaiten-teki Kuutotsu Ken + (after using Suihai Sho once or more)
__Ryuurin Hourai + (after using Suihai Sho once or more)
__Fun'en Ko + (after using Suihai Sho once or more)
__Goen Shorai-Kai + (after using Suihai Sho three or more time)
Desperation Move
Gouran Enpou
Desperation Move
Gouren Shourai
Max DM
Gouran Enpou
Max 2
Suisou Enbu

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Gou Inshu (close) or +
Gyaku Ashi Nage (close) or +
Command Move
Suiho Hyoutan Shuu +
Special Moves
Hyoutan Geki +
Tenchisui Hassengeki +
Mochizukiyoi +
├►Ryuuda Hanpen +
├►Rigyo Hanpen +
(1 drink) +
└►Kyakusentai +
Special Moves
Suihaikou +
(1 drink) +
Ryuurin Hourai (1 drink) +
Sakuenkou (1 drink) +
Shourai: Kai
(3 drinks) + ☆ or
Desperation Moves
Shusenkou +
Suisou: Gouran Enhou ★ +
Gouen Shourai +
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Suisou Enbu +