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Click here for more information about Yamazaki's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters 2002[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Eviscerator +
Sadomaso (counter)+
Double Return +
Serpent Slash Upper + (hold to delay)
Serpent Slash Middle + (hold to delay)
Serpent Slash Lower + (hold to delay)
__Serpent Slash Fake (while delaying Serpent Slash)
Bombshell Badda-Bing (close)+
Judgement Dagger +
Fight of Tempering +
Spray Sand +
Desperation Move
Insanity from Nightmare
+ +
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
(close)+ ( to charge)
Max DM
Max DM
(close)+ ( to charge)
Max 2

The King of Fighters Neowave[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Bussashi +
Sadomazo (counter)+
Hebi Tsukai Gedan + (hold to delay)
Hebi Tsukai Chuudan + (hold to delay)
Hebi Tsukai Uwadan + (hold to delay)
__Hebi Damashi (while delaying Hebi Tsukai)
Bakudan Pachiki (close)+
Sabaki no Aikuchi +
Yakiire +
Sunakake +
Bai Gaeshi +
Desperation Move
Akumu...soshite kyouki
+ +
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
(close)+ ( to charge)
Max DM
Max DM
(close)+ ( to charge)
Max 2

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Choke Hold (close) or +
Whackdown Wallop (close) or +
Command Moves
Eviscerator +
Special Moves
Sadomaso (counter) +
Serpent Slash + or or
Screw Blow +
Bombshell Badda-Bing (close) +
Judgement Dagger +
Special Moves
Double Return +
Fight of Tempering +
Spray Sand +
Desperation Moves
Insanity from
Guillotine ★ +
Drill ★ (close) +
Hidden Super Desperation Move
...!! (close) +