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Click here for more information about Mature's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters 2002[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Despair +
Sacrilege +
Death Downer + (can be linked together up to 3 times)
Metal Massacre +
Da Cide +
Ebony Tears +
Desperation Move
Nocturnal Lights
Desperation Move
Heaven's Gate
Max DM
Nocturnal Lights
Max DM
Heaven's Gate
Max 2

The King of Fighters Neowave[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Despair +
Sacrilege +
Death Row + (can be linked together up to 3 times)
Metal Massacre +
Deicide +
Ebony Tears +
Desperation Move
Nocturnal Lights
Desperation Move
Heaven's Gate
Max DM
Nocturnal Lights
Max DM
Heaven's Gate
Max 2

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Death Blow (close) or +
Backlash (close) or +
Special Moves
Despair +
Sacrilege + or
Death Row (perform 3x) +
Metal Massacre +
Special Moves
Deicide +
Ebony Tears +
Desperation Moves
Nocturnal Rites ★ +
Heaven's Gate ★ +
Hidden Super Desperation Move