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Click here for more information about Benimaru's other fighting game appearances.

Benimaru Nikaido (二階堂 紅丸) is a member of the KOF "Hero Team" and one of the original protagonists of the King of Fighters series. He is born of half-Japanese and American descent, and wears a waist-length sleeveless top with matching jeans/pants.

Story (in the KOF NESTS Saga)[edit | edit source]

File:KOF NESTS Benimaru.png

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '99[edit | edit source]

Catch and Shoot (close) or +
Front Suplex (close) or +
Spinning Knee Drop (close) or + or
Striker Attack
Command Moves
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Special Moves
Raijin Ken +
Iai Geri +
└►Handou San Dan Geri +
Shinku Katategoma +
Desperation Moves
Raikoken +
Gen'ei Hurricane +

The King of Fighters 2000[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spinning Knee Drop (Throw) Any direction except + or
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Raijin Ken (SUPER CANCEL) +
Shinkuu Katategoma (SUPER CANCEL) +
Super Inazuma Kick +
Iai Geri +
└►Handou Sandan Geri +
Desperation Move
Raikou Ken
Desperation Move
Gen'ei Hurricane
Super Desperation Move
Raikou Ken
Striker Move
Another Striker
Another Benimaru
Striker Move
Raijin Ken
Maniac Striker
Orochi Iori (PS2 Only)
Striker Move
Kototsuki In

The King of Fighters 2001[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spinning Knee Drop (Air Throw) (close) or or + or
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Iai Geri +
__Handou Sandan Geri + (during Iai Geri)
Shinku Katategoma +
Rajinken +
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
Gen'ei Hurricane
Max DM

The King of Fighters 2002[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spinning Knee Drop (Air Throw) (close) or or + or
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Iai Geri +
__Handou Sandan Geri + (during Iai Geri)
Shinku Katategoma +
Raijin Ken +
Benimaru Colider (close)+
Desperation Move
Raikou Ken
Desperation Move
Gen'Ei Hurricane
Max DM
Raikou Ken
Max 2
Heaven Blast Dress
+ any button

The King of Fighters Neowave[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spinning Knee Drop (Air Throw) (close) or or + or
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Iai Geri +
__Handou Sandan Geri + (during Iai Geri)
Shinku Katategoma +
Rajinken +
Benimaru Corridor (close)+
Desperation Move
Desperation Move
Gen'ei Hurricane
Max DM
Max 2
Raijin Ten
+ any button

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Catch and Shoot (close) or +
Front Suplex (close) or +
Knee Drop
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Special Moves
Iai Geri +
└►Handou Sandan Geri +
Super Inazuma Kick +
Special Moves
Shinku Katategoma +
Raijinken +
Benimaru Collider (close) +
└►Benimaru Shoot +
Desperation Moves
Raikouken ★ +
Genei Hurricane +
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Raijinten + any