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Click here for more information about Clark's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '99[edit | edit source]

(close) or +
Fisherman Buster (close) or +
Death Lake Drive (close) or + or
Striker Attack
Flashing Launcher
Command Moves
Stomping +
Special Moves
Gatling Attack +
Napalm Stretch +
Frankensteiner (close) +
Special Moves
Mount Tackle +
├►Clark Lift +
├►Sleeper Lift (DDT) +
└►Rolling Cradle +
Super Argentine
(close) +
Flashing Elbow (after any special throw)
Desperation Moves
Ultra Argentine
Running Three +

The King of Fighters 2000[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Death Rake Driver (Throw) Any direction except + or
Stomping +
Gatling Attack (SUPER CANCEL) +
└►Gatling Attack Full Force +
  └►Flashing Elbow +
Napalm Stretch +
Frankensteiner (Close)+
└►Flashing Elbow +
Mount Tackle +
└►Clark Lift +
└►Rolling Cradle +
└►Sleeper Lift +
  └►Flashing Elbow +
Super Argentine Backbreaker (Close)+
└►Flashing Elbow +
Desperation Move
Ultra Argentine Backbreaker
Desperation Move
Running Three
Super Desperation Move
Ultra Argentine Backbreaker
Striker Move
Flashing Launcher
Another Striker
Striker Move
Shermie Spiral Hold
Maniac Striker

The King of Fighters 2001[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Death Lake Drive (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Stomping or+
Super Argentine Back Breaker (close)+
Napalm Stretch + (use on airborne opponents)
Frankensteiner (close)+
Gatling Attack +
Mount Tackle +
__Clark Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Rolling Cradler + (during Mount Tackle)
__D.D.T. + (during Mount Tackle)
__Flashing Elbow + (during Super Argentine Back Breaker, Napalm Stretch, Frankensteiner, or D.D.T.)
Desperation Move
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Desperation Move
Running Three
Max DM
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker

The King of Fighters 2002[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Drive to Death Lake (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Stomping or+
Super Argentine Back Breaker (close)+
Napalm Stretch + (use on airborne opponents)
Frankensteiner (close)+
Shining Wizard + (use on crouching opponents)
Mount Tackle +
__Clark Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Rolling Cradler + (during Mount Tackle)
__Sleeper Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Flashing Elbow + (during SUPER Argentine Back Breaker, Napalm Stretch, Frankensteiner, or Sleeper Lift)
Desperation Move
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Desperation Move
Running Three
Max DM
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Max 2
Running Pirates

The King of Fighters Neowave[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Death Lake Drive (close)oror+ (Air Throw)
Stomping +
Super Argentine Back Breaker (close)+
Napalm Stretch + (use on airborne opponents)
Frankensteiner (close)+
Gatling Attack +
Shining Wizard + (use on crouching opponents)
Mount Tackle +
__Clark Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Rolling Cradler + (during Mount Tackle)
__Sleeper Lift + (during Mount Tackle)
__Flashing Elbow + (during Super Argentine Back Breaker, Napalm Stretch, or Sleeper Lift)
Desperation Move
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Desperation Move
Running Three
Max DM
Ultra Argentine Back Breaker
Max 2
Running Pirates

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]