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Main Moves[edit | edit source]

Opponent standing
Move Input Note
Whip into ropes/turnbuckles
(Standing) L,L,BL or U,U,BLThis will throw or slam your opponent to the floor if you are near the ropes or the corners when you execute it.
Whip into ropes/turnbuckles
(Tie Up) BL
Taunt Opponent/Pose and Flex
(Standing) P+BL/K+TUAdds a +1 damage bonus to next move performed by either player, unless Opponent is stunned when you Taunt.
Opponent on ground
Move Input Note
+Pin opponent
(Standing) TU (at side)
Pick up opponent
(Standing) TU (at head)
Opponent stunned in corner
Move Input Note
Face Smash
(Behind) P/K/TU
Top Rope Belly to Back Suplex
(Behind) L,TUThe in-game move list and announcers mistakenly refer to this move as a "Pump Handle Slam".
Opponent on turnbuckle
Move Input Note
Knock off turnbuckle
(Standing) P (or Run into near ropes)Opponent will fall down onto turnbuckle if facing the ring, or fly out to the floor if facing away.
Body Slam off top rope
(Standing) TU
Player in ring near ropes, Opponent on ring apron
Move Input Note
Vertical Suplex into ring
(Standing) TU
Knock off apron
(Standing) P/K
Player in ring near ropes, Opponent on floor:
(Opp. Standing) Springboard Body Press - P/TU
(Opp. Standing) Springboard Dropkick - K
(Opp. on Ground) Springboard Splash - P/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Springboard Leg Drop - K

Player on ring apron, Opponent on floor:
(Opp. Standing/on Ground): [currently under review]
[This list is mostly the same as "Player on turnbuckle", except only moves that 
require button presses with no directional commands are allowed. However, some 
characters are exceptions to this rule; see individual move lists.]

Player and Opponent on ring apron:
(Standing) Knock off apron - P/K
(Standing) Climb into ring - Climb (or hold D-pad towards ring for 1 sec.)

Player on ring apron, Opponent in ring near ropes:
(Standing) Punch - P/K
(Standing) Hip Toss to floor - TU

Player on floor, Opponent in ring near ropes:
(Standing) Drag outside ring - P/TU
(Standing) Climb onto apron - Climb (or hold D-pad towards ring for 2 sec.)

Player on floor, Opponent on ring apron:
(Standing) Knock off apron - P/K
(Standing) Drag off apron - TU

Player on turnbuckle or top of cage:
(Opp. Standing/on Ground) Pose - P+BL
[Adds a +1 damage bonus to next move; note that K+TU does not work in this 
situation, and you will not receive the bonus if the Opponent is stunned.]

Player and Opponent near cage:
(Standing) Ram head into cage - L,P 
(Standing) Climb up cage - Climb
(Standing) Climb down cage - Down
[You can only climb Down to win a Cage match when your opponent's life meter is 
in the red; otherwise you will simply jump back down into the ring]

Opponent climbing or standing on top of cage:
(Standing) Shake Opponent off cage - Climb
[only when facing same side of cage Opp. is climbing]
(Standing) Knock off cage - P/K/Run into cage

Any Multi-player match (3-4 people):
(Standing) Face new Opponent - Climb

Tag Team Match:
(Standing) Tag partner - Climb
(Standing) Call in partner illegally - Dodge L+Dodge R
[Partner has a five-count to leave the ring, indicated by the green number next 
to his name; this count decreases roughly 1 every 3 seconds in the ring, and 
slowly builds back up to 5 while on the apron]

  All reversals are performed by pressing Block while the opponent is executing 
a maneuver. Some moves can only be reversed if your character has the reversal 
in his move list. Moves marked with a ^caret^ can be reversed by any character.
Atomic Drop:Headlock Takedown
^Back Body Drop (Vs. Run):+Backslide
^Back Breaker:Belly to Belly Suplex
^Body Slam:Belly to Back Suplex
^Chest Breaker:Belly to Back Suplex
+Crucifix:Samoan Drop
DDT:Northern Lights Suplex
Fisherman's Suplex:Vertical Suplex
^Hammerlock:*Hammerlock or *Drop Toe Hold to Leglock
Headlock Takedown:Atomic Drop
Northern Lights Suplex:DDT
^Piledriver:Back Body Drop
Power Bomb:Hurricanrana
Samoan Drop:+Crucifix
Side Belly to Belly Suplex:Side Belly to Belly Suplex
+Small Package:+Small Package
^Vertical Suplex:Vertical Suplex
^Whip to ropes:Whip to ropes

<Rising Attacks:>
Drop Toe Hold
Rake to the eyes
Kip-up + Headbutt
European Uppercut
Arm Drag
  These are attacks which will be automatically executed if the Opponent is too 
close as your wrestler is recovering from a knockdown, preventing "Cheese" by 
timing grapples to execute as the wrestler is standing up defenseless. The 
actual move seems to be selected at random, but the Shove is the most common.

<Foreign Objects:>
Ring Bell - 3 uses
2X4 (Hoooooooo!!) - 3 uses
Camcorder - 2 uses
Folding Chair (open or closed) - 2 uses
TV Monitor - 1 use

(Standing) Pick up/put down foreign object - TU
(Standing) Use foreign object - P/K

All weapons add a +2 damage bonus and cause an automatic stun; they are considered unblockable hits. If you are struck while attempting to pick up a weapon, you will drop it. You cannot Run or enter/exit the ring while carrying the Folding Chair or TV Monitor, and cannot climb the turnbuckle with any weapon. As your weapons supply diminishes, the crowd will throw more into and around the ring.

Damage Multipliers[edit | edit source]

Action Bonus
Opponent stunned +1
Opponent on mat +1
Behind Opponent +1
Player on turnbuckle +1
Player on top of cage +2
Crowd chanting for Player +1
Taunt/Pose +1

Normal damage is x1, with bonuses given for the situations covered in the table to the side.

Note that these are cumulative, so from the top of the cage on a stunned opponent (standing) would be [1(Base damage)+2+1] = x4 damage. So far the most I've seen is x6 (top of cage, opponent stunned on mat, crowd chanting).

The use of Taunt/Pose gives the +1 to the next move by either player unless Opp. is stunned.

Character Moves[edit | edit source]

Note: Moves marked with 1 asterisk (*) are normal holds which drain the 'Hold' meter, while moves with 2 asterisks (**) are submission holds which fill up the 'Pain' meter. Moves marked with the 'at' symbol (@) are signature finishing moves which can only be executed when the opponent's health meter is in the red. Moves which are preceded by a plus sign (+) end in a pinfall. Note: All finishers automatically stun the Opponent, except for Shamrock's Ankle Lock Submission. Also note that the Trainer's Running Powerslam stuns but does not pin the Opponent when executed from the Standing position, unlike the British Bulldog's. When used from the Tie-up, it pins normally.

Created wrestler movesets[edit | edit source]

Cheesemeister[edit | edit source]

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Arm Drag - L,L,P
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) *Arm Wrench - L,L,TU
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - L,D,TU
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,K
(Standing) Hip Toss - U,U,P
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,U,K
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,L,K
(Standing) +Small Package - U,D,TU
(Standing) Spinebuster - L,D,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,P
(Standing) Dropkick - U,K
(Standing) Running Powerslam - L,L,U,P+TU
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - D,L,K
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Hanging Vertical Suplex - D,U,TU
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - P
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) DDT - TU
(Tie Up) @Running Powerslam - L,D,P+TU
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,L,K
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Running Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P/TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Leg Grapevine - L,L,K
(Feet) **Texas Cloverleaf - L,R,K
(Feet) **Boston Crab - U,D,K
(Head) *Leglock Chokehold - L,L,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,R,P
(Head) **Camel Clutch - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,K
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Chest Chop - P
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Running) Avalanche - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Torpedo Dropkick - P/K/TU

Pit Scorpion[edit | edit source]

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - U,D,K
(Standing) Headlock Takedown - L,U,P
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,K
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,D,TU
(Standing) Kneebreaker - U,U,K
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,R,P
(Standing) DDT - L,R,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,P
(Standing) Body Slam - L,U,TU
(Standing) +Crucifix - U,U,TU
(Standing) +Small Package - U,D,TU
(Standing) Leg Drag - L,D,K
(Standing) Dropkick - U,K 
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Double Underhook Suplex - L,D,P
(Tie Up) Piledriver - U,D,TU
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - L,P
(Tie Up) DDT - L,TU
(Tie Up) DDT - U,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - TU
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - L,L,K/TU
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,P
(Behind) Atomic Drop - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) Headbutt to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) **@Sharpshooter - L,L,U,K+BL
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chinlock - L,R,P
(Head) *Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Splash - L,R,TU
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,K
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - U,U,TU
(Front) Forearm Smashes - P
(Front) Kick to Ribs - K
(Front) Charging Shoulder - TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU

Colossus[edit | edit source]

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,D,P
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,U,P
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,P
(Standing) Body Slam - U,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - D,D,P
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,D,K
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,U,K
(Standing) Arm Drag - D,D,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - U,U,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,D,TU
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Throat Toss - D,U,TU
(Standing) @Choke Slam - D,U,D,P+TU
(Tie Up) Vertical Suplex - U,D,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,D,TU
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - L,K
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,P
(Tie Up) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - P
(Tie Up) Backbreaker - TU
(Behind) Reverse DDT - L,L,K
(Behind) Neck Breaker - L,L,P
(Behind) Atomic Drop - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Elbow Drop - D,P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Surfboard - L,R,K
(Feet) **Leg Lock - U,D,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Squeeze Head - U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Splash - L,L,K
(Front) Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Overhead Press - TU
(Front) Charging Shoulder - P
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Splash - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Axehandle Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - P/K/TU

Twist[edit | edit source]

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Bearhug - U,D,P
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,D,K
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,TU
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,U,K
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,R,TU
(Standing) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,R,P
(Standing) Snap Mare - L,D,TU
(Standing) DDT - D,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,P
(Standing) Neck Breaker - L,L,TU
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,U,P
(Standing) **@Torture Rack - R,L,U,P+BL
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - U,D,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - L,R,TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,K
(Tie Up) Bulldog - L,P
(Tie Up) DDT - L,TU
(Tie Up) Arm Drag - K
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - P
(Tie Up) Backbreaker - TU
(Behind) Side Slam - L,L,K
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,L,P
(Behind) Pump Handle Slam - P/K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Spinning Neckbreaker - K
(Running) *Tackle to Punches - TU
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - P
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - TU
Opponent on ground
Move Input Note
(Standing) K
Fist Drop
(Standing) P
Knee Drop
(Standing) D,K
Elbow Drop
(Standing) D,P
Knee Drop
(Running) K
Fist Drop
(Running) P
Opponent on ground, Holds
Move Input Note
Wishbone Leg Splitter
(Feet) L,L,K
Elbow Drop onto Leg
(Feet) L,R,K
*Half Crab
(Feet) U,D,K
*Rear Chinlock
(Head) L,L,P
*Leglock Chokehold
(Head) L,R,P
*Squeeze Head
(Head) U,D,P
Opponent stunned in corner
Move Input Note
Overhead Press
(Front) L,L,K
Swinging DDT
(Front) L,L,P
Top Rope Belly to Belly Suplex
(Front) L,L,TU
Boot Choke
(Front) K
Climb and Pummel
(Front) P
Chest Chop
(Front) TU
(Running) P/K/TU
Player on turnbuckle
Move Input Note
Knee Drop
(Opp. on Ground) K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) P+TU
Driving Elbow
(Opp. on Ground) P/K/TU
Shoulder Tackle
(Opp. Standing) K+BL
Axehandle Smash
(Opp. Standing) P+TU
(Opp. Standing) P/K/TU