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|Wily Form 2||4||Buster/Super Adapter/Coil/Thunder Bolts(No damage)
|Wily Form 2||4||Buster/Super Adapter/Coil/Thunder Bolts(No damage)
==Boss strategies==
===Bass V.1===
;Weakness Strategy
Transform using the S Adapter, then take Bass out with powered up punches.  Each shot will hit him, and they are superior to his weaponry. Dodge in between shots, and when he charges, make sure you jump. You  can usually avoid all shots by using the jet pack.  If you don't have  the Super Adapter, use Damage Wraps when he gets close or is on the  left side of the little pit (and you are close) or use charged Mega Buster shots.
#'''Bass Buster''': Fires a blue laser, much like one of your Mega Buster shots.
#*''Solution'': Jump or hide in the little pit on the left side; if bass is on the right platform and he shoots, he can't hit you.
#'''Mega Bass Buster''': Charges up his shot and releases one that rivals Mega Man's.
#*''Solution'': Jump, do not hide.  It's larger than the Bass Buster and thus you cannot stay in the little pit. It's easy to see anyway.
===Proto Man===

==Skull Castle boss strategies==
==Skull Castle boss strategies==

Revision as of 15:30, 1 November 2012

This guide works best when fighting bosses within the Wily levels. For bosses within game progression, see the pertaining walkthrough section as well. Boss attack names and miniboss names are unofficial. Also note W. Coil is sometimes referred to as "Spring."

Robot Masters

Name Weak to Immune to
Burstman Freeze/Turbo Burst/Adapter Punch
Cloudman D Wrap/Burst/Adapter Punch Junk
Freezeman Junk/Adapter Punch Nothing
Junkman Buster/Thunder/Adapter Punch Junk/Slash/Turbo
Shademan Spring (Charged) Shade
Slashman Freeze/Turbo Nothing
Springman Slash Claw Spring & Thunder
TurboMan Sonic/Adapter Punch Turbo & Thunder

Wily Stage bosses

Name Wily Level Weak to Immune to
Bass Version 1 1 Super Adapter Nothing
Revised Gutsman 1 Super Adapter, Megabuster, Slash (Noise Crush on rock) All except weaknesses
Bass and Treble 2 Super Adapter Nothing
Robot Turtle 2 Megabuster, Coil, Burst All except weaknesses
Robot Crab 3 Megabuster/Adapter Punch/Slash Thunder
Flying Face (Chase Boss) 3 Mega Buster/Noise Crush, Slash Claw All except weaknesses
Wily Form 1 4 Buster/Super Adapter/Thunder Bolts Nothing
Wily Form 2 4 Buster/Super Adapter/Coil/Thunder Bolts(No damage)

Skull Castle boss strategies

Gutsman V.2 (a.k.a. Guts Tank)

Weakness Strategy

If you have the Super Adapter, use it. You can dodge his Land Slide attacks and his Charge easily, plus it does more damage than other weapons and it is easy to aim (make sure you are close and above when you release the arm otherwise it will bounce off him). His weakness is the top of his helmet. Another easy way is to blast Noise Crush at the rock that falls when he performs 'Land Slide,' it will knock it into him and damage him immensely. Make sure you hit it after it has hit the ground at least once (it bounces). The problem is that you will cause him to use Homing Land Slide, which is just like Land Slide but instead of dropping the rock in front of him, he will target your current position and it will drop wherever you are. Slide out of the way just before it falls. I also recommend using Slash on him as much as possible.

  1. Land Slide: The ceiling rumbles and dirt starts falling. A large chunk of rock/dirt falls from the ceiling and then he pushes it at you.
    • Solution: Using Super Adapter, jump. Otherwise jump right when he moves (before pushing the block) or you will be hit. Also, you can destroy the block if you wish by blasting* it.
  2. Charge: Zooms across the screen, grabs you with his huge clamp, then throws you into the ceiling.
    • Solution: Using Super Adapter, jump. Otherwise too bad, you will take damage but to minimize it, just jump so that he rams you with his head.
  3. Homing Land Slide: Same as normal Land Slide, but he drops the rock on your current position. Most likely he will do this if you hit him with his own rock.
    • Solution: Slide right before it falls, no matter where.

Bass V.2 (Bass and Treble)

At the start of the fight, Bass will talk and then he will combine with Treble, giving him the ability of flight.

Weakness Strategy

Using the Super Adapter, dodge his shots whenever you can, when he flies at you, jump over in his direction and then let loose when he charges. Dodge his blasts of three by using the jet pack and put distance between you and him when he releases his fist. The easiest way is to get away from his jumping/shots and then have him chase you by flying, then jump on the platform above and let him circle around and charge, right then release a powered S Adapter Punch. You might have to try this fight a few times as well as use an E Tank.

  1. Bass Buster Barrage: Hops around and fires a few shots, sometimes even a charged one.
    • Solution: Get far away, attack at all times, and try to jump over/dodge everything.
  2. Bass Punch: He will fly around in an arch, power up somewhere, then chase you down and release his version of the S Adapter Punch.
    • Solution: Take advantage of him charging, he's open to damage. When he chases you, try to get on the side of a platform, then when he shoots, drop down and run away, it only goes so far.

Robot Turtle

Weakness Strategy

Either use his weakness weapons (Powered up Coil or D-Wraps) or use the Megabuster (safer). You can only damage his head, so if he's hiding focus on dodging. He has 2 attacks, and the babies have 3. The babies allow you to replenish some of your weapon energy, if need be, but it's not worth it. To take out the turtles easily, use weapons such as Thunder to take them down in a single shot.

  1. Fire Breath: Releases a short burst of flame that slowly curves upwards, evaporates when it hits the wall. Often creates 2 of these with a pause in between before charging.
    • Solution: Simply jump over.
  2. Charge: Hides in it's shell, and flies straight into the wall. It then backs up and either attacks again or comes back to the ground.
    • Solution: Stand out from the wall, about half way between where the turtle lands and the wall. When it flies at you, slide underneath and when it returns, promptly slide back. You might have to do this a few times before it rests.
  3. Baby Turtles: Drops a little bunker which holds 3 turtles and a value on the top. The value tells you what the little buggers are going to do. 1) means they walk into the wall and back, in between they hop, the easiest of all the attacks to defend against. 2)They spin at you, flying around the room. 3)The turtles leave the barracks, dig under ground, pop up randomly, and then spin around.
    • Solution: Blast 'em with Thunder Bolts just as they leave the barracks, give them a little room because they are invincible while inside and they move slow enough to give you a breather.

Robot Crab

Weakness Strategy

You can either use the normal Buster shots to bring him down rather quickly, or you can reduce his healthy much faster by using Slash, each hit is equivalent to like 10 buster shots.

  1. Bubble Barrage: Fires 3 bubbles that rise to the ceiling, if they pop, the split into two smaller bubbles.
    • Solution: Blast them, and stay against the left wall, do not move. Take this time to damage the crab.
  2. Triple shot: Fires 3 energy blasts, depending on your position, it will either shoot straight or at an angle if you jump or are in the air within a close proximity of its possible shot.
    • Solution: Jump forward when the first shot comes, don't get too close to the crab or its 3rd shot will hit you when it shoots at an angle.
  3. Ram: Uses its jets to smash into the left wall, it then pauses, and then returns to its original spot.
    • Solution: Jump over it to the right, then back to the left when it moves again.

NOTE: Do not jump after you defeat it, or else you will fly up through the water much faster than normal. This can be dangerous if you don't know where the spikes are.

Flying Face

Weakness Strategy

Note that in this battle, the screen is constantly scrolling to the right. Some of the boss's attacks are harder to dodge because of this. This guy's hot spot are his eyes, so aim for that area. When he reaches the lowest point in his hover, you can shoot his eyes with the Mega Buster or, better yet, the Slash Claw. You can also climb on the missiles he shoots to get some extra leverage. Speaking of missiles, his pattern is to fire 5 missiles, fire an eye-laser, swoop right and shoot shoulder-bombs while moving left, then it's back to the missiles again. Stay close to him during the missiles and the bombs, especially if you're using the Slash Claw. Don't stay close during the laser, though, keep running to the right, sliding if you need the extra speed. In the end, using the Slash Claw speeds this battle up so much that he'll probably die before you do.

  1. Missile Barrage: Releases a few missiles, easy to dodge and you can even stand on them. Watch out for high flying missiles, some are too high to jump on.
    • Solution: Jump on top of them, shoot them, or duck underneath (only the high ones).
  2. Laser Beam: Charges a laser, it then tilts it which reaches almost to the other side of the screen. After it shoots forward once, it will come back for a brief moment and go out again.
    • Solution: Stay against the right side of the screen, sliding to stay away from the laser.
  3. Double Bomb: The two large circles on its sides open and it fires two bombs sequentially.
    • Solution: Stay in between or destroy them by shooting them.

Wily Form 1


I recommend focusing on dodging and destroying his little creatures. Throw in a few good hits when you can, but think defensively. The charged Mega Buster shots will do just as much as a Thunder Bolt, so use them to take him down quicker.

  1. Bounce Crush: Hops across the room, if caught underneath his chin you will feel the pain of the spikes.
    • Solution: Slide underneath, this is also a good time to blast Wily in the face.
  2. Minion Creation: When he returns (after jumping off screen) he will throw out two replicas of the robot which will try to crash into you. He will slowly walk across the room, about 1/4 of the way across, he will leap the remaining space and smash you if you are in the corner. Often when you destroy the robots, he will rush the rest of the way instead of slowly hopping.
    • Solution: Blast them away and watch out for Wily. Use Junk Shield to remove them easily.

Wily Form 2


Blast him when he appears, since he becomes invisible between attacks. Try charging a coil shot every once in a while to speed up the battle. To eliminate the four balls from being summoned, use Thunder Bolts (strike him), this should increase your health capacity by a ton. Have fun, he takes 28 normal hits so this might take a few tries. If he's not in the top 1/3 of the screen, you should be able to hit him, even with the coils, since they shoot upwards a bit when released. Try to hit him with a charged coil, change to Thunder Bolts (through the menu) and then jump up and hit him with a Thunder Bolt immediately after he stops flashing. This way you will damage him and he won't be able to hit you (easily). If he's too high to hit with your other weapons, remember you can angle the Freeze Cracker by holding UP or DOWN on the D-pad as you fire. The best time to dodge the 4 balls (Energy Swarm) is if he is at the top of the screen in one of the corners. If this is the case, simply stand under him, wait for the balls to summon, dash to the opposite corner, and as they chase you, jump over towards them. This way they will be low to the ground and grouped in a way that you can get over all 4 at the same time (almost in a line). Remember to jump at the right time to dodge the 4 sparks. Most likely you will die the first few times when facing this boss. If you have the max amount of spare tanks (four each of E- and W-Tanks to refill your life and weapon energy, and one S-Tank to fill your life and all your weapons at once), you can probably outlast him even if you get hit often. By the time you do beat him, you'll be able contribute to this guide.

  1. Energy Swarm: Summons four energy balls to come at you, they move in two spurts, each time towards your position. Afterwards, he will send a wave of energy along the ground: two sparks, like Cloudman's attack, in each direction.
    • Solution: Try to dodge the balls, jump over the dual "shockwave". (See Strategy for more information.)

Main 8 boss numbers and their creators

Boss name No. Designer
Freezeman 49 Shigeaki Shimoto
Junkman 50 Jun Akiba
Burstman 51 Keishi Tsuchiya
Cloudman 52 Isao Nakagiri
Springman 53 Akira Ito
Slashman 54 Yoichi Amano
Shademan 55 Tetsuya Watada
Turboman 56 Takashi Kino