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This is more,extended and full version of the mayor tutorial at the tutorial page.

Major Buttons

Landscape button

This button is a smaller version of the God mode tools except the radius is shrunk so much that its only 3 or 2 or 4 tiles withen in radius.It also makes $ when you are leveling land or putting trees so don't go dumb with it.

Zone button

The R for residential,C for commercial and I for industrial I always say.There are 3 zones each with its own 3 levels and its dense level.Low destiny may have a limit to mansions and the smallest apartments.Medium destinies have apartments that are not really scraping that skies.High destiny is all about power of skyscrapers that touch skies and even hold more than 1,000 sims!Commercial,is the same but with those jobs.The industrial however,are different.Low destiny goes with crops and farms.These farms also cause water pollution so make a decision with farms.Medium destiny has dirty industry.You wouldn't want dirty air right.Unless you are an enviromenter in the previous games or just like clean air and water,you may don't need to zone medium.High destiny use the sun for power or use some strange things to make computers,radios,walls and more without dirty air!All you need for towering commercial buildings and clean industry all you need is IQ or EQ.

Transportation button

Mud,horse-riding,slow cars are changed into stones,fuel-riding and fast cars!

The 1st button contains roads,bus stops and the new part to sim city series,streets.

Roads are the main transportation for from-to paths.These can handle not as much traffic and a fair speed.Streets are a prototype of them.They handle a little amount of cars and speed.So don't use them for from home to work and vice versa.

Bus stops are your handy helpers to board sims.It cuts down traffic to avoid congestion.

The 2nd button takes you to the latest generation of highways.Cloverleafs are the only,and I repeat,ONLY intersection for the highways.On ramps are needed for them to work.They are monster transportation that holds 1,000 cars and alot of speed!

The 3rd introduces rails which lessen the congestion a bit.Rails need to stop at a building and its a train station.They aren't alike with the bus stops however.They are needed everywhere when a rails stops or starts.

The 4th button contains subways.Since its underground and for passengers only,they need to go underground and cost so much $ and subway stations are needed.Villages or Towns don't need it.

The 5th contains 3 airports that can boost demand because of all tourists and workers!

The 6th and final button lets you build seaports which draw in commercial and industrial demand.


More things need power and more power means more things working.

The 1st button lets you plop plants.However,the last 3 are very powerful but are locked.Descriptions about them are later on the guide.

The 2nd button contains water plants and pipes.There is not a lot to see but it will become more describable later.

The 3rd and final button has garbage disposal.Landfills are zoned like the RCI.A power plant is available but is both cost many $ and is very smelly.The last is you can put in a couple of garbage centers.The sims in home are hoping for their gardens to not rot.


The primary buildings to making a good city.Good enough just to make a megalopis.

The 1st button lets you drop in a few police stations and a jail if its safe.Small stations can be built for small towns but as it grows bigger,the crimes grow bigger too.So hit in a couple more stations but make it a large station.Both of these has tiny internal cells but they quickly get full.So put in a jail if you need it.

The 2nd button throws down fire stations.This goes the same as above.Small stations for small towns but large for large cities.

The 3rd button is where you plop down schools.These come in 3 tastes:Elementary for the young kids.High school for the older kids and teens and College for young adults.Libraries and museums are also needed for adults and senior citizens.

The 4th button is the medical department.You can build small clinics,big hospitals and maybe a diesease research center but you have to decide on building that.They might protest you to remove it.

The 5th button is about landmarks and not made-up ones.Real life ones but also in real life,they cost more and more as you scroll down the list.

The 6th button allows you to access rewards and how to get them.However,some rewards like cementaries and mayor statue are not listed instantly.

The 7th and final allows you to access parks and things that go green.


This is the switch to destroy everything.This does not destroy zones.


Dispatch is when someone calls you and you help them.Mostly for crimes and fires.Dispatch those people and they help you do the job.

The other buttons

The 1st re-enters God mode.However,the only options is to put the city in doom but there is a red flag in using that function.It is permenant so be careful.The 2nd is to reconcile the city so they do look good in region view.The 3rd makes disasters to destroy the city and the 4th is the night and day view.

The 2nd button is mayor mode.And all the other tools I explained earlier.

The 3rd brings you to sim mode.

We all go through sim mode in another section.

Below all those buttons is the query tool that is shaped as a question mark.Press that,then click a random building to see some information about that building.

The lower-left corner is a mini map,zoom buttons and rotate buttons.And like in all the sim games we've been through,even the sims,sims 2 and others,is a speed option.

The last contains the options button.Exit it,save it or alter it.

The basics

Ok,you buy land,know the tools and now we are going to use them.Remember what we learn in order to pass this section.

You see empty land.A chunk of hills and a river or a sea.Put in a plant.Here is what you choose.Wind,coal,oil or natural gas.If you want clean air,go with wind.If you want a big city in fast amount,go with natural gas,oil or coal.

Here is the 1st question:Do you really want to live near a stinky,coal,smelly plant?Neither do I!

Ahem.Where was I?Oh yes!Put the plant near a corner.Pollution that goes with the other edges dosen't go to the neighboring city.If you chose wind,take a few but if you choose something else,go with one.

Put in medium industrial zones around it.Make it large enough so the city isn't filled with dirty smoke!

Go a lot of tiles away but not too much.Then build commercial zones of low level.Let the computer build the streets.

Since those are the jobs,we need some workers to fill them.Put in medium destiny residential zones and again,not too near or too far from the pollution.

You also need roads that link to all the 3 zones.And power lines to connect them all.

Withen the a few months,you get the 1st ever people in your city!:)

When mayor mode is active...

...Other things are in control and each have their own function.

Check the stuff on the bottom.

Mayor rating is on a scale from 100+ down to 100- where they try throw heavy things at you.

Money and population are--You know already.

RCI is a chart.The higher the bar,the higher the demand and vice versa.Click that and a more detailed version comes up.It also makes the 5th tab active.Forget about it and we will cover that later.For now,click the 2nd tab.With a person in it.There is your adviser staff.Each with their own stations.If the background is green,they are excited.If its red,they are angry and if its blue,they just don't care about the news either of the 2.Click on the picture to see what they are trying to say to you.However,when you start,its the 1st adviser or all advisers that say hello and tell you what to do.When time goes on,they go on to real life talks.

The 3rd button is your budget.There is your income,expense and the cash you will have at the end of the month.Click on that and more will come up.You really wanted income to get the gold medal and expense have a copper medal but younger towns will have expense winning.

Click the 4th ta and you see a couple of buttons.Click one of them and your buildings go to different colors.Check the data view map to see more.

Click the 5th tab which shows graphs.

Growing Everyday

Cities are doing its thing but improvements are needed to make them better.Services are not needed but the timer is almost done,like the pie is almost ready to eat.Putting more zones are ok.Some people might see that residential zones are the fastest to fill up so zone more of that first before going to the others.

This also includes the trash.Put in a landfill away from those zones and give them a road access.

Small towns 0-2,000

When the about 500,they are both happy to give you a mayor's house and angry about fire and crime.Even though they give you the 1st reward,saftey is a big issue.Don't worry about education and medical systems yet.

They need a police station,a small one.See the circle?Its the radius it can hold.The worst and baddest crimes ever is industrial zones.

This goes the same with firefighters so go with small fire departments also.Also build another near the power plant.

So far,your sims are now going smoothly.

The 2nd question:Do you like vacation?

Before we go to the educational issue,place in 5 parks.They cost monthly so don't be dumb with them.

To the issue:Kids can't have permenant vacation so its time to fix the educational issue.

Put in an elementary school and place it.After that,query it.Adjust the slider .Just lower it to 10% of your pop.

At this point,let it go by itself and the city.You still want income.Its catching up,SLOWLY.But still,you can hold the money as long as you have the right expenses.After 2 months,query the school again.Check it and adjust the slider once again to 50 or more but not too much.

Hit the milestone about 1,000-1,500 and your sims want water.Put in a water tower and connect pipes to buildings but don't put pipes near water pollution or face the black water and its not oil or gas.

Also,reaching that milestone gives you a cementery or church.They won't do anything but they improve people's lives a bit.

Medical systems are also an issue.Do the same what you did with the school.

So now you got all the safties handled.Only one thing is:Profit.

Medium cities 2,000 - 15,000

Happy?Well,you're happy but your adviser staff are asking you to fix the issue.

First,go to the 4th tab in mayor mode then go to desriabilty.You can see the whole map green.Check a button and it will change color.Green is that your zones will develop gradually and the red,never grows.Low level residents like it everywhere and high level wants the 4 services to have a happy life.Paint the residential zones with the high destiny and PAINT over them.And don't destroy it.You are just ruining the game if you do and waste money also.

Do the same with commercial but expand them a little.You can't forget the industrial zones anyway.

Also,upgrade the stations into their larger versions but you need to destroy the original building first before putting the large stations.

However,you need to increase funding if they are overloading.

The large cities,metropolises and the ones beyond 15,000+

After upgrading,you are still in square 1.Your income is almost equal to expense as they have boost it up.Keep value up,expansion down and success is yours!


But wait!Keep tabs on pop. and by listening to the advisers.

Dangerous Point

There are times we are stopped in real life.

That also happens in sim city 4.Basically,zones are done and filled.Your income has finished first as you excepted to be.No replacements are made.It's not game over yet.

Here is a check list from Pyro in IGN:

"-Are ALL your schools funded enough to avoid overcrowding?

-Are ALL your hospitals funded enough to avoid over crowding?

-Are ALL your libraries and museums funded enough to give the people what they want?

-Do you have enough police stations and fire stations to cover your whole city?

-Do you have enough jails so they have room to accomodate more prisoners?

-Is your trash amount under your capacity?

-Are you getting few (if any) complaints on the tax rate?

-Are all zones and buildings powered and watered?

...Those problems are easy to fix. Of course, if you answered yes to those questions, here's the second (shorter) list...

-Are ALL your zones set to maximum density? (assuming you want maximum density; farms can't be in areas that dense, of course)

-Do you have an airport complimenting your commercial sector?

-Do you have a seaport complimenting your industrial sector? (assuming you've got water access)

...If the answer to those questions are "yes" also, then you've hit your Peanut Butter Point."-By Pyro,IGN

So,the part is to fix it but how?

My hands are tired already so I can't continue.But I will continue tommorow.