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Earning medals increases your stats.

Cumulative medal ranks
Rank Medals required Effect
Private 0-19 When you use Squad command, 1 other unit will listen to you and carry out the order.
Sergeant 20-99 When you use Squad command, 2 other units will listen to you and carry out the order.
Captain 100-299 When you use Squad command, 3 other units will listen to you and carry out the order.
General 300 When you use Squad command, 4 other units will listen to you and carry out the order.
Medal ranks
Rank Medals won Notes
Green 0-3 You will NOT get any rewards while in green rank in a medal class.
Veteran 4-29 You will get any rewards while in veteran rank in a medal class.
Elite 30-69 You will get any rewards while in elite rank in a medal class, plus the requirements to get a medal go slightly down in Elite and above.
Legendary 70 You will get any rewards while in legendary rank in a medal class, will get the requirement drop, and get the reward at the beginning of the level.


This medal is received by scoring 6 kills with a pistol is a life. By winning this medal after Green rank, you get a precision pistol. This now has an ammo limit and a clip limit, but also is more powerful and has a scope.


This medal is given to those who score 12 kills with a blaster rifle in a life. By winning this medal after Green rank, you get an elite blaster rifle. This rifle has less ammo, fires an auto 3 shots per burst and is significantly more powerful than a normal blaster rifle.


This medal is awarded to those who score 4 critical hits vs. a vehicle in a life. By winning this medal after Green rank, you get a remote rocket launcher. The main difference over regular rockets is the ability to guide this rocket to a target.

  • To find the critical hit area, hover your crosshair over the vehicle. After a few seconds, a second crosshair will appear, marking the critical hit area.


Win this medal by slicing into a vehicle. To those who get this medal after Green rank, Vehicle Regeneration is earned. This gradually in creases the health of all friendly vehicle units on the battlefield.


This medal is gotten by scoring 6 headshots with a sniper rifle in a life. By winning this medal after the Green rank, you get a particle beam rifle. This is just as accurate as its predecessor, but more powerful.

  • This rifle, though more powerful, can not zoom as far as the original rifle. It is more powerful,but if your sniping from a large distance, it's not as good.


This medal is won by scoring 8 kills with a shotgun in a life. Achieving this after Green rank awards you the flechette shotgun. This is more powerful than a regular shotgun.


Get this medal by scoring 8 points in a life. By getting this after the Green rank, you get Energy Recuperation. This increases your energy faster than normal.


This medal is awarded to anyone who can earn 16 points in a life. Winning this medal after Green rank nets you Shielding. This decreases the damage you take by 50%.

War Hero

This medal is won with 24 points in a life. Getting this after Green rank wins you the Damage Increase bonus. This increases the damage you deal by 50%.