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Industrial cities,the place centered on work and exporting. A sims happiness goes down dramatickly fast,so if you dont care about a cities look i would suggest putting fun city venues so your sims can produce more material.

Housing in the industrial city

is generally poor,with slum appartments,run down tennents and pretty bad appartments,with these houses effecting sims negativley always keep venues close or they is a big chance sims will go rougue shutting down buisness and ruining your city.

Power Usage

with all the jobs in an industrial city it takes up a lot of power,for this you have two options 1 super coal plant which produces the most energy in the game with a high co2 output and puts a more realistic feel on your city 2 nuclear power plant which produces only 500 less energy than super coal plants and is good for the enviornment the only bad thing is that the building is clean and ungly compared to the rest of your city


In these cities not every one can afford a car,so bus stops and subways are a must


in these cities crime is huge,not many homes burlged but many arsons and pickpockets so i would suggest corrupt police stations because who they suspect they arrest no questions asked. which is ok because with an average of 2,000 pickpockets and 4 arsons a day.