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World Coruscant
Environment Jedi Temple
Republic CIS
* Hero: Mace Windu * Hero: Darth Maul
Rebels Empire
* Hero: Luke Skywalker * Hero: The Emperor

Battlefront II's Coruscant map takes place inside a condensed version of the Jedi Temple, with flanking routes going around the outside of the main building. Much of the battle happens in the main hall, from where five of the map's six Command Posts can be reached directly. The Republic and Empire factions start in the Comm Room, while CIS and Rebels start in the Training Room. The remaining four (Library, War Room, Council Chamber, and Balcony) start neutral in Conquest mode, but in CTF each side simply gets two non-capturable CPs. The abundance of tight corners in the outer parts of the map mean that rocket-based classes are potent, while the wide-open areas in the middle call for coordinated action involving snipers and other long-range classes.

Conquest Strategies

As stated above, Coruscant is a six-point map, with fairly clear safe areas and frontlines. Usually, the Training Room faction takes the Balcony and the War Room, while the Comm Room faction takes the Library and Council Chamber. Most of the fighting takes place in the outer hallway between the Council Room and the War Room as each side tries to push towards the other's CP, both floors of the Library as the post is contested, and the main hall (bots usually will congregate here for a large portion of the battle).


This faction starts in the Comm Room, and as such have fast access to the Council Chamber and Library CPs. The Council Chamber must be secured as quickly as possible, because the team needs at least two solid CPs as the heavily contested Library Command Post is being fought over. The Library may look like it's close enough on the map, but due to the fact that you must go through the Archives and then get downstairs to get to the CP, oftentimes the CIS units get there first. Use the height advantage if this happens; throw down grenades and provide suppressing fire while a squad moves downstairs to capture the point. Engineers could try and build the laser turret at the end of the hallway in front of the Council Chamber, as a springboard for an attack on the War Room CP; however, remember that the enemy can use these also. Once at least three CPs are secured, it's a fight for map dominance. Bots will do some hectic fighting in the main hallway, so avoid that area and move along the outskirts of the map for sneak captures. You'll probably end up capturing the Balcony CP last, as the enemy tends to hole in there with turrets and heavy units like Droideka.


The CIS has a slight advantage on this map; the starting Training Room CP allows for faster access to the Balcony, War Room, and Library CPs than the Republic faction, making it likely that the Republic will fight with two CPs early on. If this happens, press the numeric advantage; defend the Library CP well, as the enemy will make the strongest pushes there, while attempting to either capture or attack from the War Room into the large corridor. Any player spawning with Darth Maul can do heavy damage in the constricted Library or Archives area, and can greatly assist in leading a pincer attack on the final Comm Room CP.


The overall map strategy should be similar to the CIS; however, one unit of note here is the Bothan Spy. The small spaces and abundance of cover make it very effective for these classes to go around cloaked, picking off key enemies with the Incinerator.


Again, similar strategy to the Republic.

2-Flag Capture the Flag Strategies

The Republic/Rebel flag is located in the Veranda, and the CIS/Empire flag is in front of the Council Chamber. Unless you're playing as a Hero, going through the middle hall is not recommended (for any faction). Go around at all times, either through the upper floor of the Library or through the War and Training Rooms.


The preferred capture route is going through the second floor of the Library, exiting through the top entrance towards the Balcony, following the ramps down, grabbing the flag, and coming back. There will be two key chokepoints (the entryway between the Archives and the Library, and the door outside) to effectively deter pursuing enemies. Meanwhile, make sure there are enough mines and Detpacks around your own flag (it's a good idea to place them on the stairs) and defending classes posted.


Capture via the opposite side of the map as the Republic, namely going through the Training Room, the War Room, capturing, and returning. While capturing the flag may be difficult due to the openness of the Council Chamber area, it should be even more difficult for the enemy, since the Balcony allows congregated spawning and even provides two laser turret pads.


See CIS.


See Republic.